Potentially of interest to MHVLUG folks.
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Subject: ACM Meeting, Monday, Apr 17. Rebecca M. Gott on The Blockchain
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 15:35:20 -0400
From: William Collier <coll...@acm.org>
Reply-To: coll...@acm.org
Poughkeepsie Chapter of the ACM: *Monday, Apr 17, 2017 at 7:30 pm *
Topic: *The Blockchain Transformation
Speaker: *Rebecca M. Gott*
*Meeting location*: Marist College, *Hancock Center, Room 2023*
For more information see Pok.ACM.org. <http://pok.acm.org/>
Join us <http://www.meetup.com/ACM-Poughkeepsie/> on Meetup. RSVP
<http://www.meetup.com/ACM-Poughkeepsie/events/237806238/> on Meetup.
Bill Rubin, former chapter president, commented on
this talk:
It has been argued that blockchain is the most important
computer technology for the next few decades, more important than
social media, big data, robotics, or artificial intelligence. It
has been claimed, with some justification, that blockchain will
revolutionize the world economy. This claim goes beyond those
made of these other technologies. Blockchain is also a
technology that is not easy to understand. Putting all these
assertions together, my expectation is that Monday's talk on
blockchain at this early stage of its development will not be a
narrow, technically deep talk (like some we've had on other
subjects as well as our upcoming May talk on quantum
entanglement), but rather an overview of some of blockchain's
characteristics, and how they can create new applications. In
other words, a talk quite accessible to a general tech audience.
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