MHVLUG is proud to announce our January meeting:

Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.

Lightning Talks

  • Currently looking for volunteers. Sign up if you'd like to give one.

The meeting will take place at 300 Rockefeller Hall, Vassar College on Wednesday, January 4th at 6 pm.

What to Expect

The meetings have a familiar cadence: setup, lightning talks, main talk, announcements, dinner.

The meeting space opens up at 5pm for pre meeting general discussion, question asking, show and tell, and setup. All are welcome to join. If you are planning on using the projector for your lightning talk, please arrive at 5:30 to ensure we can work out any kinks with the projector prior to the meeting.

We'll start the meeting with a series of lightning talks (up to 3), each 10 minutes or less on something Open Source or Linux related. It could be a fun new program, a book, a blog post, or really anything you think the wider MHVLUG community would find some interest in. If you would like to give a lightning talk at this or a future meeting please sign up here.

The main talk is typically an hour with time for questions.

After the main talk we'll do announcements of upcoming events of interest to our community, and provide some time for more informal discussion, before we head off to the Palace Diner for a post meeting hang out and discussion session. The topics typically wander the entire field of geeky subjects.

All meetings are free and open to the public, and everyone from all levels of expertise and interest in Linux and Open Source Software are encouraged to attend (and bring a friend or two)!

For more details, including maps and directions, please see the meeting page.

Please RSVP

Show your support for MHVLUG by RSVPing at our Meetup Page.
Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group        

Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm)                         Vassar College *
  Jan  4 - Jupyter Notebook
  Feb  1 - Home Assistant

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