On 11/03/2016 11:17 AM, Michael Muller wrote:
I personally wouldn't be inclined to participate in something that requires me to run another client - even if only in a web tab. I suspect that may be the case with a lot of LUGgers. If maintaining the list server is burdensome, perhaps we could switch it to Google Groups or some other hosted list manager?
Google groups is definitely another option, though my remembrance is open google groups are pretty broken by spambots. Meetup itself does mailing lists as well (which I currently disabled). Pointing people there might avoid confusion, and makes it web accessible in the discussion tag of meetup. You will need to sign up for meetup to participate (same for any external system, like google groups).
So I guess the folks that are pro mailing list, would meetup mailing list be something you would use?
-Sean -- Sean Dague http://dague.net _______________________________________________ Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group http://mhvlug.org https://mhvlug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mhvlug Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * Dec 7 - The Internet Archive And Archive Team Jan 4 - Jupyter Notebook Feb 1 - Home Assistant