Hi John,

I am probably the least knowledgeable networking guy here, but for what
it's worth ...

I've read somewhere that while *in theory* your ISP might change your DHCP
IP address, in fact that is a very rare event.  And there is software, open
source IIRC, that will send out an email with your new IP address if/when
it changes.  But I don't know, and it will matter to me in the near future,
if I can get my router to send out such an email.


On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:03 PM, John Mort <j...@mort.net> wrote:

> I've used dyndns for awhile now to make it easier to find my computer at
> home when I want to remote in, it just works and I don't have to think
> about it other than when I set up a new router.  Today I was poking around
> and looked at my billing history:
> February 24, 2016 11:23 PM 7230712 $40.00 Standard Invoice COMPLETE
> February 22, 2015 11:35 PM 5888458 $30.00 Standard Invoice COMPLETE
> February 15, 2014 11:18 PM 4496550 $25.00 Standard Invoice COMPLETE
> February 15, 2013 12:28 PM 3280004 $20.00 Standard Invoice COMPLETE
> February 15, 2012 11:08 PM 2194108 $20.00 Standard Invoice COMPLETE
> March 01, 2011 8:10 AM 1482521 $15.00 Standard Invoice COMPLETE
> Ugh, shame on me for not looking at my account from time to time.  I'm
> sure there's been some value added to their service that helps justify the
> cost increases, but my needs are simple.  Assigning my current IP to a
> static hostname was a no brainer at $15, at $40 I feel like I should look
> around.  Anyone have a personal recommendation for a competitor who can
> reliably do the same thing for less?
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