> Hey guys,
> After researching on how to do this and corrupting my /home partition a
few times that lead to reinstalling my OS entirely, I wanted to see if
anyone has a good method of encrypting their home partition.
> I know that you can easily encrypt your /home partition upon installing
but I wanted to use luks or another ecryptfs to encrypt my home partition
for own knowledge and own practice
> My setup is: fedora 24
> partitions are /, /home both ext4
> for some reason when I try to umount my /home, luks stilll sees it as
mounted when I have continued with the encryption steps after I set the
passhrase. Error is along the lines of device is mounted ..even though I
umounted and verified that it was before contiuing.
> Has anyone had any luck encrypting their home partitioin, if so can you
point me iin the right direction as far as the proper when of doing it. I
tried a handful of tutorials from a few blogs/websites only left me with a
corruputed home partition to the point where I had to completely remove the
partition and the created again with a live cd or re-install the entire OS
> Thanks,
> xtfiy21
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