Did a search for IBM Think Centre A51 Model 813833U Manual and WinXP Drivers but to date have found nothing.
Was unable to go back this far on the Lenovo website https://support.lenovo.com/page-not-found Appreciate any suggestions/links!!! Thanks Gene -- WestHurley ComputerReCycling whcm...@mailworks.org -- http://www.fastmail.com - Send your email first class _______________________________________________ Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group http://mhvlug.org https://mhvlug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mhvlug Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * May 4 - Front-End Web Cli Tools Jun 1 - Selinux Jul 13 - Mad Science Fair Vi @ Lourdes