I have a USB stick that was the boot volume for my PogoPlug V4 (that I was using as my jumpbox). It was running ArchArm Linux. I lost power on this unit **ONCE** without doing a regular halt command, and now it won't boot the Pogo4, and if I put the USB stick into my Mint17 system, it says it's write-protected, and no amount of cajoling will force it to mount. Is there some switch that I haven't found that will force it to mount, even read-only, that will let me pull files off of it, so I can wipe and reformat it?

This is the *second* pogo4 I have run ArchArm on that this has happened to. It managed to brick the other one, which I eventually had to throw out (after taking a sledgehammer to it of course). Would at least like to try to bring it back up, although I'm not sure I can trust it anymore (it was originally supposed to be my NAS host, before the other jumpbox one died).
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