If you can please bring pen ( or pencil ) and paper to take nodes. I would like to improve the talk and would appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, feedback
Assignment:: Answer the question "Where are High Performance Distributed File Systems used today, other then in the Cloud" This is a free book "File and Object Storage" that was handed out at SuperComputing 2015 http://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?infotype=PM&subtype=BK&htmlfid=DCM03004USEN It's a good backgrounder ( but it's largely marketing hype ) for the subject and only 77 pages. Joe /** Joseph T Apuzzo ** Developer, Admin: Cloud & Storage ** ** http://apuzzo.us ** PGP/GPG Key ID# 0xA16E26CF ** FingerPrint: 19A8 44EC F650 782B 6770 BF0E 2DAA 3D75 A16E 26CF **/
_______________________________________________ Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group http://mhvlug.org https://mhvlug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mhvlug Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * Dec 2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance Jan 6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home Automation Primer Mar 2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out