If you can please bring pen ( or pencil ) and paper to take nodes.
I would like to improve the talk and would appreciate any and all comments, 
suggestions, feedback

Answer the question "Where are High Performance Distributed File Systems used 
today, other then in the Cloud"

This is a free book "File and Object Storage" that was handed out at 
SuperComputing 2015 

It's a good backgrounder ( but it's largely marketing hype )  for the subject 
and only 77 pages.


/** Joseph T Apuzzo
 ** Developer, Admin: Cloud & Storage
 ** http://apuzzo.us
 ** PGP/GPG Key ID# 0xA16E26CF
 ** FingerPrint: 19A8 44EC F650 782B 6770  BF0E 2DAA 3D75 A16E 26CF

Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group                  http://mhvlug.org

Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm)                         Vassar College *
  Dec  2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance
  Jan  6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home Automation 
  Mar  2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out

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