Did you know that one of our former attendee Christopher Knadle now packages Amateur Radio Software for the Debian project? Did you know you can take your old WRT54G WiFi router and convert it to a MESH-NETWORK node! ( http://www.broadband-hamnet.org/ ) So after your done playing with your $35-60 hand held you can extend it with a TNC ( Terminal Node Controller ). Thus you can use your Smart Phone or Laptop to do APRS and other digital modes ( see http://www.mobilinkd.com/ )
Yes the internet has made communicating with people all over the world very easy, simple, and affordable But how do you get images from a probe flying by Pluto back to earth? Answer: Radio, specifically Digital Transmission of data. Getting a license DOES NOT mean that you must talk to grumpy old men, there are extremely interesting and important digital modes to explore! http://lhspodcast.info/ Joe /** Joseph T Apuzzo ** Developer, Admin: Cloud & Storage ** ** http://apuzzo.us ** PGP/GPG Key ID# 0xA16E26CF ** FingerPrint: 19A8 44EC F650 782B 6770 BF0E 2DAA 3D75 A16E 26CF **/
_______________________________________________ Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group http://mhvlug.org https://mhvlug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mhvlug Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * Dec 2 - File Systems From Simple To Distributed High Performance Jan 6 - Why We Can'T Have The Internet Of Nice Things: A Home Automation Primer Mar 2 - Consuming The Cloud: Shoot Out