MHVLUG is proud to announce our April meeting:
Breaking Down the Barrier: Demystifying Contributing to RailsContributing to Rails for the first time can be terrifying. In this talk I’ll make contributing to Rails more approachable by going over the contributing guidelines and technical details you need to know. We’ll walk through traversing the source code with tools such as CTags, source_location and TracePoint. Additionally, we’ll create reproduction scripts for reporting issues and learn advanced git commands like bisect, and reflog, and learn how to alter your git history with interactive rebase. At the end of this session you’ll have the confidence to fix bugs and add features to Ruby on Rails. Eileen M. Uchitelle is a programmer on Basecamp’s Performance, Security, and Infrastructure team. Eileen is an ardent contributor to open source, focusing most of her energy on improving Rails. When taking a break from the excitement of refactoring source code, Eileen enjoys craft beer and hiking in the Hudson Valley with her husband and their beautiful doge, @AryaDog. Lightning Talks
The meeting space opens up at 5pm for pre meeting general discussion, question asking, show and tell, and setup. All are welcome to join. If you are planning on using the projector for your lightning talk, please arrive at 5:30 to ensure we can work out any kinks with the projector prior to the meeting. The meeting will take place at Rockefeller Hall 200, Vassar College on Wednesday, April 1st at 6 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public, and everyone from all levels of expertise and interest in Linux and Open Source Software are encouraged to attend (and bring a friend or two)! After each meeting ends everyone is welcome to join in on an informal dinner gathering at the Palace Diner on Washington St. This is a great opportunity to interact with members of the local Linux community, and a forum where questions and comments are strongly welcomed. For more details, including maps and directions, please see the meeting page. Show your support for MHVLUG by RSVPing at our Meetup Page. |
_______________________________________________ Mid-Hudson Valley Linux Users Group
Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm) Vassar College * Apr 1 - Breaking Down The Barrier: Demystifying Contributing To Rails May 6 - Docker: An Open Platform For Distributed Applications For Developers And Sysadmins