I think it comes down to change and wanting to use a different distro or
spin of ubuntu. Unity tends to be a resource hog but I have a system that
can handle it. I have tried mint but couldn't really get into it..I always
come back to ubuntu for one reason or another whether its for stability or

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Matthias Johnson <
matthias.a.john...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I like Unity for its use case, I like KDE for its use case, and I like
> Cinnamon for its use case. All of these have shortcomings depending on how
> you use them. Cinnamon is on Linux Mint and I believe I will be giving a
> lightning talk related to Mint in the next meeting.
> Do you have things you like/dislike? That might make this easier.
> On Mar 23, 2015 4:16 PM, "david battaglia" <dave.battag...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I am  wondering if I can some input on kubuntu or any of those users out
>> there. I am tired of unity and tried xubuntu but was not did not like
>> either.
>> I have tried arch for about a month..really enjoyed it but it came to a
>> point where I needed to be productive mainly using gns3 1.2.3 I was having
>> issues with multilibs repo. and getting their libssl library to link to
>> another file.
>> So in essence, I am seeking opinions on kubuntu I have also tested it in
>> the passed but didn't mind it ( think I was seeking something more
>> advanced). As stated before would like to continue with arch but need to be
>> productive instead of tinkering with the system which I enjoyed. I was
>> thinking of going to fedora 21 but again I needed a system to work with the
>> lastest version on GNS, which I tried on fedora 21 but couldn't get a few
>> important features to function properly.
>> Any reviews, opinions, input are welcomed
>> Thanks
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> Upcoming Meetings (6pm - 8pm)                         Vassar College *
>   Apr  1 - Breaking Down The Barrier: Demystifying Contributing To Rails
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  Apr  1 - Breaking Down The Barrier: Demystifying Contributing To Rails

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