If you just want a small 4" android device, they really no longer exist. The 
smart phone market eclipsed the smart MP3 player market some years ago.
With that said you can purchase outright a moto smart phone with no strings 
attached and thus use it the way you want:

Low end Moto-E is $120 buying direct from Motorola I think still gives you a 2 
year coverage:  

If you can spend a little more, the recommended version is the moto-G 2nd gen:

Both are full "Google" experience so no crapware etc. will act just like a 
small android device.
Both have the latest Lolly-pop version of Android and all the functions that 
Android really needs to be happy ( like WiFi, camera, Blue-tooth etc. )
For the money those two are the best value, ( and are unlocked so if you need a 
cell phone you can pop in a pay as you go sim-chip )


/** Joseph T Apuzzo
 ** Developer, Admin: Cloud, HPC, Storage
 ** Linux (LPIC-1), Windows, Android, AIX
 ** http://www.linkedin.com/in/japuzzo/
 ** PGP/GPG Key ID# 0xA16E26CF
 ** FingerPrint: 19A8 44EC F650 782B 6770  BF0E 2DAA 3D75 A16E 26CF

---- On Sun, 22 Mar 2015 21:34:13 -0400 Michael Chase-Salerno 
<m...@chasal.net> wrote ---- 

If the only thing keeping you from getting a smartphone is the necessity of the 
data plan, you might consider Republic Wireless ( http://republicwireless.com 
). I've been a customer for a couple of years through the beta period and the 
features of the service have been steadily improving. They have a $10/mo plan 
that includes unlimited voice and messaging and no cell data. The phone 
selection is somewhat limited, only including the recent Moto offerings but 
they are quite good phones IMO. The Moto G specifically is a lot of bang for 
the buck. It's also on the Sprint network which isn't the greatest, but voice 
roaming is included. 

Didn't mean to turn this into a commercial, but your statement, "I want a 
smartphone but don't want to pay for data" is exactly what sent me to their 


On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 8:09 PM, James E. LaBarre <j.e.laba...@gmail.com> 
Looking for suggestions on a cheap, pocket-sized (4" screen?) Android "tablet". 
 Not ready to go to a "smartphone" yet, as I don't feel like getting reamed on 
a data plan I'd never use anyway.
 I currently have a Galaxy Tab4, but it's the 10.1" model.  While that's nice 
for most of the reading, research, etc I use a tablet for, it would also be 
handy to have something closer in form-factor to the old and greatly-missed 
PalmOS handhelds.  Want to be able to use Skype (audio) around the house 
(working from home), keep quick notes for when I'm out running errands, etc.  
Essentially something similar to an iPod touch, just without the Apple 
ecosystem and the Apple pricetag.  (besides, an iOS device wouldn't mesh well 
with the rest of my Android and Linux systems).
 I had considered something like one of those TracFone pre-paid phones, but I 
don't know if any of the pre-paid options (tracfone or otherwise) could be used 
in a WiFi-only mode.
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