NX 3.x was KVM based ( with enhancements ), thus the only viable remote
desktop protocols that I know of are KVM and RDP ( MS's Remote Desktop
Protocol ). Anything else really does not apply.

With today's network speeds I basically use KVM ( tunneled via SSH )
Even install in on my work MS Windows servers.

I would recommend trying to strike up a conversation on the NX IRC
channel and see if there is a way to get NX 4.x to do what you need. NX
is still the best solution, with VNC a fallback if there is no other way.
On 08/26/2014 03:35 PM, John Mort wrote:
> Up until now I've been using NoMachine version 3.X, and been happy
> with it.  However, version 4 is out now and wants you to connect to
> the physical display (a pain when connecting to a machine that has
> multiple monitors) rather than a virtual display, and while version 3
> still works for me for now, I'm already having to use workarounds like
> connecting to xfce instead of gnome.
> So I guess it's time for me to look at other options so I can make a
> switch before an update makes NX 3.X completely inoperable.  As a
> starting point, I was wondering what you guys use for remote desktop?
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 ** Joseph T Apuzzo
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