I hope this is the correct place to ask this.  Is machine "intel-corei7-64" 
intended for use only with core i7 processors or can it be used with any core 
iX processor?  And a follow-up, I built core-image-minimal with machine set to 
intel-corei7-64 and put the resulting WIC file on a USB pen drive.  It works 
but it takes forever to boot.  A minute to get to the boot loader menu and then 
at least 10 minutes to load and start running the kernel.  If I do exactly the 
same thing but use machine "genericx86-64" (from the poky layer) it takes only 
a few seconds to get to the boot loader menu and about 20 seconds to load and 
start running the kernel.  The target machine has a corei5 processor.  Could 
that be the issue (and what prompted my first question)?  Thanks in advance for 
any info.

-- Mike
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