On 10/31/2015 09:43 AM, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
> Hi,
> At FOSDEM on sunday 31st of january 2016, there will be another graphics 
> DevRoom. URL: https://fosdem.org/2016/
> At first, I wanted to skip another year (like in 2011), as speaker 
> turn-out was disgracefully low last year. But when i heard from some 
> usual speaker suspects earlier this month (the first time anyone asked 
> me about a FOSDEM16 devroom btw), followed by the fact that the devroom 
> request deadline was sheduled a month later than the last few years, i 
> did end up filing, but this time for a single day only. Claiming two 
> days would simply not have been fair towards all the other projects 
> that usually get rejected (FOSDEM typically rejects half the requests, 
> leading to only about 25 devrooms in parallel). Anyway...
> The focus of this DevRoom is of course the same as the last few years, 
> namely:
> * Graphics drivers: from display to media to 3d drivers, both in kernel 
>   or userspace. Be it part of DRM, KMS, (direct)FB, V4L, Xorg, Mesa...
> * Input drivers: kernel and userspace.
> * Windowing systems: X, Wayland, Mir, directFB, ...
> * Even colour management, low level toolkit stuff, and other areas which 
>   i might have overlooked above are accepted.
> Slots are 50 minutes long, and scheduled hourly. This partly to avoid 
> confusion and people running all over the place all the time. As a 
> speaker, you do not have to fill your whole hour, gaps are never wasted 
> time.
> Slots will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis. The best 
> slots will go to those who apply the earliest. The amount of slots is 
> currently not known yet, but there are only 8 slots available, so act 
> quickly.
> Talk Submission:
> ----------------
> Like the last few years, the pentabarf system will be used for talk 

Properly pronounced like "pent up barf."  It seems like they should have
a "Replace pentabarf" BoF to just fix it. :)

> submission. It is not perfect from a devroom organizer and talk 
> submitters usability point-of-view, but the new interface is not fully 
> implemented yet, and the fosdem organizers have reverted to the old one 
> for this year. It is however workable and it ended up working out 
> pretty well these last few years.
> https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16

After you submit, is it supposed to give any sort of feedback that your
submission was received?

> Remember that FOSDEM is not like XDC, it's not some 50 odd people 
> meeting with a sliding schedule which only gets filled out on the last 
> day. Upwards of 8000 people are visiting this event, and most of them 
> get a printed booklet or use the schedule on the FOSDEM website or an 
> app for their phone to figure out what to watch or participate in next. 
> So please put some effort in your talk submission and details.
> Since this an open source community event, please refrain from turning 
> in a talk that is a pure corporate or product commercial. Also, if you 
> are unsure on whether you can come or not (this is FOSDEM, why are you 
> not there anyway?), please wait with submitting your talk. Submitting a 
> talk and then not turning up because you could not be bothered is a 
> sure-fire way to get larted and then to never be allowed to talk again.
> Also, all talks will be recorded, and will be made available as CC-BY 
> after a bit of time. Since we have only a single day devroom, we 
> probably will not end up being streamed live.
> As for deadlines, the fosdem organizers are doing their booklet 
> differently again, and they need to have the schedule finished by the 
> 18th of december. Given that there are only 8 slots, i trust that this 
> will not be an issue this year.
> Don't count on this deadline: first come first serve! There are perhaps 
> only 8 slots. And the worst slots will be assigned to those who come 
> last. Do you really want to talk on sunday at 9:00 when people are still 
> in zombie mode after 2 nights at the delirium bar, if they are here at all?
> Use your account from last year, so you can try to recycle some of your 
> data from last year. If you have forgotten your password, then you can 
> reset it here: https://penta.fosdem.org/user/forgot_password
> Necessary information:
> ----------------------
> Below is a list of what i need to see filled in when you apply for a 
> devroom before i consider it a valid submission. Remember: first come, 
> first serve. The best slots are for the earliest submissions and there 
> are only 8 slots.
> On your personal page:
> * General:
>   * First and last name
>   * Nickname
>   * Image
> * Contact:
>   * email
>   * mobile number (this is a very hard requirement as there will be no 
>    other reliable form of emergency communication on the day)
> * Description:
>   * Abstract
>   * Description
> Create an event:
> * On the General page:
>   * Event title
>   * Event subtitle.
>   * Track: Graphics Devroom
>   * Event type: Lecture (talk) or Meeting (BoF)
> * Persons:
>   * Add yourself as speaker.
> * Description:
>   * Abstract:
>   * Full Description
> * Links:
>   * Add relevant links.
> Everything else can be ignored or will be filled in by me or the FOSDEM
> organizers. Remember, i will only schedule your talk after the basics 
> are somewhat filled in (you still can change them until december 18th).
> That's about it. Hope to see you all at FOSDEM :)
> Luc Verhaegen.
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