On 15/10/15 05:43, Timothy Arceri wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-10-09 at 13:33 +0200, Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez wrote:
>> On 09/10/15 13:25, Timothy Arceri wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2015-10-08 at 11:08 +0200, Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez wrote:
>>>> On 07/10/15 00:47, Timothy Arceri wrote:
>>>>> From Section 4.1.9 of the GLSL ES 3.10 spec:
>>>>>  "Arrays are sized either at compile-time or at run-time.
>>>>>   To size an array at compile-time, either the size
>>>>>   must be specified within the brackets as above or
>>>>>   must be inferred from the type of the initializer."
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  src/glsl/ast.h               | 15 ++-------
>>>>>  src/glsl/ast_array_index.cpp |  7 ++--
>>>>>  src/glsl/ast_function.cpp    | 33 +++++++++++++++++-
>>>>>  src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp      | 79
>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
>>>>>  src/glsl/glsl_parser.yy      | 11 +++---
>>>>>  5 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/src/glsl/ast.h b/src/glsl/ast.h
>>>>> index 4c31436..b43be24 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/glsl/ast.h
>>>>> +++ b/src/glsl/ast.h
>>>>> @@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ enum ast_operators {
>>>>>     ast_post_dec,
>>>>>     ast_field_selection,
>>>>>     ast_array_index,
>>>>> +   ast_unsized_array_dim,
>>>>>     ast_function_call,
>>>>> @@ -318,16 +319,7 @@ public:
>>>>>  class ast_array_specifier : public ast_node {
>>>>>  public:
>>>>> -   /** Unsized array specifier ([]) */
>>>>> -   explicit ast_array_specifier(const struct YYLTYPE &locp)
>>>>> -     : is_unsized_array(true)
>>>>> -   {
>>>>> -      set_location(locp);
>>>>> -   }
>>>>> -
>>>>> -   /** Sized array specifier ([dim]) */
>>>>>     ast_array_specifier(const struct YYLTYPE &locp,
>>>>> ast_expression
>>>>> *dim)
>>>>> -     : is_unsized_array(false)
>>>>>     {
>>>>>        set_location(locp);
>>>>>        array_dimensions.push_tail(&dim->link);
>>>>> @@ -340,11 +332,8 @@ public:
>>>>>     virtual void print(void) const;
>>>>> -   /* If true, this means that the array has an unsized
>>>>> outermost
>>>>> dimension. */
>>>>> -   bool is_unsized_array;
>>>>> -
>>>>>     /* This list contains objects of type ast_node containing
>>>>> the
>>>>> -    * sized dimensions only, in outermost-to-innermost order.
>>>>> +    * array dimensions in outermost-to-innermost order.
>>>>>      */
>>>>>     exec_list array_dimensions;
>>>>>  };
>>>>> diff --git a/src/glsl/ast_array_index.cpp
>>>>> b/src/glsl/ast_array_index.cpp
>>>>> index 5e8f49d..7855e0a 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/glsl/ast_array_index.cpp
>>>>> +++ b/src/glsl/ast_array_index.cpp
>>>>> @@ -28,13 +28,10 @@
>>>>>  void
>>>>>  ast_array_specifier::print(void) const
>>>>>  {
>>>>> -   if (this->is_unsized_array) {
>>>>> -      printf("[ ] ");
>>>>> -   }
>>>>> -
>>>>>     foreach_list_typed (ast_node, array_dimension, link, &this
>>>>> ->array_dimensions) {
>>>>>        printf("[ ");
>>>>> -      array_dimension->print();
>>>>> +      if (((ast_expression*)array_dimension)->oper !=
>>>>> ast_unsized_array_dim)
>>>>> +         array_dimension->print();
>>>>>        printf("] ");
>>>>>     }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> diff --git a/src/glsl/ast_function.cpp
>>>>> b/src/glsl/ast_function.cpp
>>>>> index 26d4c62..cf4e64a 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/glsl/ast_function.cpp
>>>>> +++ b/src/glsl/ast_function.cpp
>>>>> @@ -950,6 +950,7 @@ process_array_constructor(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     bool all_parameters_are_constant = true;
>>>>> +   const glsl_type *element_type = constructor_type
>>>>> ->fields.array;
>>>>>     /* Type cast each parameter and, if possible, fold
>>>>> constants.
>>>>> */
>>>>>     foreach_in_list_safe(ir_rvalue, ir, &actual_parameters) {
>>>>> @@ -976,12 +977,34 @@ process_array_constructor(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>    }
>>>>>        }
>>>>> -      if (result->type != constructor_type->fields.array) {
>>>>> +      if (constructor_type->fields.array->is_unsized_array())
>>>>> {
>>>>> +         /* As the inner parameters of the constructor are
>>>>> created
>>>>> without
>>>>> +          * knowledge of each other we need to check to make
>>>>> sure
>>>>> unsized
>>>>> +          * parameters of unsized constructors all end up with
>>>>> the
>>>>> same size.
>>>>> +          *
>>>>> +          * e.g we make sure to fail for a constructor like
>>>>> this:
>>>>> +          * vec4[][] a = vec4[][](vec4[](vec4(0.0),
>>>>> vec4(1.0)),
>>>>> +          *                       vec4[](vec4(0.0), vec4(1.0),
>>>>> vec4(1.0)),
>>>>> +          *                       vec4[](vec4(0.0),
>>>>> vec4(1.0)));
>>>>> +          */
>>>>> +         if (element_type->is_unsized_array()) {
>>>>> +             /* This is the first parameter so just get the
>>>>> type
>>>>> */
>>>>> +            element_type = result->type;
>>>>> +         } else if (element_type != result->type) {
>>>>> +            _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state, "type error in array
>>>>> constructor: "
>>>>> +                             "expected: %s, found %s",
>>>>> +                             element_type->name,
>>>>> +                             result->type->name);
>>>>> +            return ir_rvalue::error_value(ctx);
>>>>> +         }
>>>>> +      } else if (result->type != constructor_type
>>>>> ->fields.array) {
>>>>>    _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state, "type error in array
>>>>> constructor: "
>>>>>                     "expected: %s, found %s",
>>>>>                     constructor_type->fields.array
>>>>> ->name,
>>>>>                     result->type->name);
>>>>>           return ir_rvalue::error_value(ctx);
>>>>> +      } else {
>>>>> +         element_type = result->type;
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        /* Attempt to convert the parameter to a constant valued
>>>>> expression.
>>>>> @@ -998,6 +1021,14 @@ process_array_constructor(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>        ir->replace_with(result);
>>>>>     }
>>>>> +   if (constructor_type->fields.array->is_unsized_array()) {
>>>>> +      constructor_type =
>>>>> +  glsl_type::get_array_instance(element_type,
>>>>> +                                parameter_count);
>>>>> +      assert(constructor_type != NULL);
>>>>> +      assert(constructor_type->length == parameter_count);
>>>>> +   }
>>>>> +
>>>>>     if (all_parameters_are_constant)
>>>>>        return new(ctx) ir_constant(constructor_type,
>>>>> &actual_parameters);
>>>>> diff --git a/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp b/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
>>>>> index 9511440..3dfa3e6 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
>>>>> +++ b/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
>>>>> @@ -782,8 +782,30 @@ validate_assignment(struct
>>>>> _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
>>>>>      * Note: Whole-array assignments are not permitted in GLSL
>>>>> 1.10, but this
>>>>>      * is handled by ir_dereference::is_lvalue.
>>>>>      */
>>>>> -   if (lhs->type->is_unsized_array() && rhs->type->is_array()
>>>>> -       && (lhs->type->fields.array == rhs->type
>>>>> ->fields.array)) {
>>>>> +   const glsl_type *lhs_t = lhs->type;
>>>>> +   const glsl_type *rhs_t = rhs->type;
>>>>> +   bool unsized_array = false;
>>>>> +   while(lhs_t->is_array()) {
>>>>> +      if (rhs_t == lhs_t)
>>>>> +         break; /* the rest of the inner arrays match so break
>>>>> out
>>>>> early */
>>>>> +      if (!rhs_t->is_array()) {
>>>>> +         unsized_array = false;
>>>>> +         break; /* number of dimensions mismatch */
>>>>> +      }
>>>>> +      if (lhs_t->length == rhs_t->length) {
>>>>> +         lhs_t = lhs_t->fields.array;
>>>>> +         rhs_t = rhs_t->fields.array;
>>>>> +         continue;
>>>>> +      } else if (lhs_t->is_unsized_array()) {
>>>>> +         unsized_array = true;
>>>>> +      } else {
>>>>> +         unsized_array = false;
>>>>> +         break; /* sized array mismatch */
>>>>> +      }
>>>>> +      lhs_t = lhs_t->fields.array;
>>>>> +      rhs_t = rhs_t->fields.array;
>>>>> +   }
>>>>> +   if (unsized_array) {
>>>>>        if (is_initializer) {
>>>>>           return rhs;
>>>>>        } else {
>>>>> @@ -1804,6 +1826,10 @@ ast_expression::do_hir(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>        break;
>>>>>     }
>>>>> +   case ast_unsized_array_dim:
>>>>> +      assert(!"ast_unsized_array_dim: Should never get
>>>>> here.");
>>>>> +      break;
>>>>> +
>>>>>     case ast_function_call:
>>>>>        /* Should *NEVER* get here.  ast_function_call should
>>>>> always
>>>>> be handled
>>>>>         * by ast_function_expression::hir.
>>>>> @@ -1967,6 +1993,14 @@ process_array_size(exec_node *node,
>>>>>     exec_list dummy_instructions;
>>>>>     ast_node *array_size = exec_node_data(ast_node, node,
>>>>> link);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +   /**
>>>>> +    * Dimensions other than the outermost dimension can by
>>>>> unsized
>>>>> if they
>>>> s/by/be
>>>>> +    * are immediately sized by a constructor or initializer.
>>>>> +    */
>>>>> +   if (((ast_expression*)array_size)->oper ==
>>>>> ast_unsized_array_dim)
>>>>> +      return 0;
>>>>> +
>>>>>     ir_rvalue *const ir = array_size->hir(& dummy_instructions,
>>>>> state);
>>>>>     YYLTYPE loc = array_size->get_location();
>>>>> @@ -2035,14 +2069,6 @@ process_array_type(YYLTYPE *loc, const
>>>>> glsl_type *base,
>>>>>                               base->name);
>>>>>              return glsl_type::error_type;
>>>>>           }
>>>>> -
>>>>> -         if (base->length == 0) {
>>>>> -            _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state,
>>>>> -                             "only the outermost array
>>>>> dimension
>>>>> can "
>>>>> -                             "be unsized",
>>>>> -                             base->name);
>>>>> -            return glsl_type::error_type;
>>>>> -         }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        for (exec_node *node = array_specifier
>>>>> ->array_dimensions.tail_pred;
>>>>> @@ -2050,9 +2076,6 @@ process_array_type(YYLTYPE *loc, const
>>>>> glsl_type *base,
>>>>>           unsigned array_size = process_array_size(node,
>>>>> state);
>>>>>           array_type =
>>>>> glsl_type::get_array_instance(array_type,
>>>>> array_size);
>>>>>        }
>>>>> -
>>>>> -      if (array_specifier->is_unsized_array)
>>>>> -         array_type =
>>>>> glsl_type::get_array_instance(array_type,
>>>>> 0);
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     return array_type;
>>>>> @@ -2591,6 +2614,25 @@
>>>>> is_conflicting_fragcoord_redeclaration(struct
>>>>> _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
>>>>>     return false;
>>>>>  }
>>>>> +static inline void
>>>>> +validate_array_dimensions(const glsl_type *t,
>>>>> +                          struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state
>>>>> *state,
>>>>> +                          YYLTYPE *loc) {
>>>>> +   if (t->is_array()) {
>>>>> +      t = t->fields.array;
>>>>> +      while (t->is_array()) {
>>>>> +         if (t->is_unsized_array()) {
>>>>> +            _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state,
>>>>> +                             "only the outermost array
>>>>> dimension
>>>>> can "
>>>>> +                             "be unsized",
>>>>> +                             t->name);
>>>>> +            break;
>>>>> +         }
>>>>> +         t = t->fields.array;
>>>>> +      }
>>>>> +   }
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>> It seems the changes related to of array dimensions could be in a
>>>> separate patch.
>>> Thanks for all the reviews :)
>>> Yes I can split the validation out into its own patch. I thin
>>> preceding
>>> this one.
>> OK, thanks.
>>>>>  static void
>>>>>  apply_type_qualifier_to_variable(const struct
>>>>> ast_type_qualifier
>>>>> *qual,
>>>>>                                   ir_variable *var,
>>>>> @@ -4264,6 +4306,8 @@ ast_declarator_list::hir(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>           result = process_initializer((earlier == NULL) ? var
>>>>> :
>>>>> earlier,
>>>>>                                        decl, this->type,
>>>>>  &initializer_instructions,
>>>>> state);
>>>>> +      } else {
>>>>> +         validate_array_dimensions(var_type, state, &loc);
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        /* From page 23 (page 29 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.10
>>>>> spec:
>>>>> @@ -5789,6 +5833,7 @@
>>>>> ast_process_structure_or_interface_block(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>           const struct glsl_type *field_type =
>>>>>              process_array_type(&loc, decl_type, decl
>>>>> ->array_specifier, state);
>>>>> +         validate_array_dimensions(field_type, state, &loc);
>>>>>           fields[i].type = field_type;
>>>>>           fields[i].name = decl->identifier;
>>>>>           fields[i].location = -1;
>>>>> @@ -6304,6 +6349,9 @@ ast_interface_block::hir(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>        ir_variable *var;
>>>>>        if (this->array_specifier != NULL) {
>>>>> +         const glsl_type *block_array_type =
>>>>> +            process_array_type(&loc, block_type, this
>>>>> ->array_specifier, state);
>>>>> +
>>>>>           /* Section 4.3.7 (Interface Blocks) of the GLSL 1.50
>>>>> spec
>>>>> says:
>>>>>            *
>>>>>            *     For uniform blocks declared an array, each
>>>>> individual array
>>>>> @@ -6327,7 +6375,7 @@ ast_interface_block::hir(exec_list
>>>>> *instructions,
>>>>>            * tessellation control shader output, and
>>>>> tessellation
>>>>> evaluation
>>>>>            * shader input.
>>>>>            */
>>>>> -         if (this->array_specifier->is_unsized_array) {
>>>>> +         if (block_array_type->is_unsized_array()) {
>>>> I guess this is needed as interface blocks (e.g. uniform blocks)
>>>> can
>>>> be
>>>> arrays of arrays?
>>> No its because this patch removes the is_unsized_array field. This
>>> code
>>> is used by single dimension arrays also.
>> OK, thanks for the explanation.
>> This patch (except validation code which would be in a separate one)
>> is:
>> Reviewed-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <sigles...@igalia.com>
>> Sam
> Thanks. Did you want me to post the validation patch to the list or can
> I just add your r-b to it?
> I'm planning on pushing a bunch of these patches later today so I dont
> have to spend so much time rebasing the remaining ones.

Add my R-b to it too.


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