On 10/05/2015 05:18 PM, Mark Janes wrote:
I tested this patch and found:

   spec.arb_shader_storage_buffer_object.layout-std140-write-shader  (BDW only)
     expected[1] = 1.00. Read value: 0.00

   spec.arb_copy_image.arb_copy_image-srgb-copy  (assertion)
     arb_copy_image-srgb-copy: src/mesa/main/texobj.c:1739:
       _mesa_BindTexture: Assertion `newTexObj->TargetIndex == targetIndex'

Can you provide the stack trace from gdb at least?

I didn't hit this because GL_ARB_copy_image isn't yet enabled for the llvmpipe/vmware drivers.

This is weird because that piglit test uses no textures. Many other piglit tests don't use textures either and none of them hit that assertion for me.


   spec.!opengl 1_0.gl-1.0-beginend-coverage
   spec.!opengl 1_0.gl-1.0-no-op-paths

Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> writes:

Callers of create_texture() will either pass target=0 or a validated
GL texture target enum so no need to do another error check inside
the loop.
  src/mesa/main/texobj.c | 11 ++---------
  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/texobj.c b/src/mesa/main/texobj.c
index 173e43c..aa4b38c 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/texobj.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/texobj.c
@@ -1211,6 +1211,7 @@ _mesa_create_nameless_texture(struct gl_context *ctx, 
GLenum target)
   * glCreateTextures should throw errors if target = 0. This is not exposed to
   * the rest of Mesa to encourage Mesa internals to use nameless textures,
   * which do not require expensive hash lookups.
+ * \param target  either 0 or a a valid / error-checked texture target enum
  static void
  create_textures(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum target,
@@ -1219,6 +1220,7 @@ create_textures(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum target,
     GLuint first;
     GLint i;
     const char *func = dsa ? "Create" : "Gen";
+   const GLint targetIndex = _mesa_tex_target_to_index(ctx, target);

        _mesa_debug(ctx, "gl%sTextures %d\n", func, n);
@@ -1241,7 +1243,6 @@ create_textures(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum target,
     /* Allocate new, empty texture objects */
     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        struct gl_texture_object *texObj;
-      GLint targetIndex;
        GLuint name = first + i;
        texObj = ctx->Driver.NewTextureObject(ctx, name, target);
        if (!texObj) {
@@ -1252,14 +1253,6 @@ create_textures(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum target,

        /* Initialize the target index if target is non-zero. */
        if (target != 0) {
-         targetIndex = _mesa_tex_target_to_index(ctx, texObj->Target);
-         if (targetIndex < 0) { /* Bad Target */
-            mtx_unlock(&ctx->Shared->Mutex);
-            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_ENUM, "gl%sTextures(target = %s)",
-                        func, _mesa_enum_to_string(texObj->Target));
-            return;
-         }
-         assert(targetIndex < NUM_TEXTURE_TARGETS);
           texObj->TargetIndex = targetIndex;


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