From: Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <>

They are used to calculate size, base alignment and array stride values
for a glsl_type following std430 rules.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <>
 src/glsl/glsl_types.cpp | 209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/glsl/glsl_types.h   |  19 +++++
 2 files changed, 228 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/glsl/glsl_types.cpp b/src/glsl/glsl_types.cpp
index 755618a..d97991a 100644
--- a/src/glsl/glsl_types.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/glsl_types.cpp
@@ -1357,6 +1357,215 @@ glsl_type::std140_size(bool row_major) const
    return -1;
+glsl_type::std430_base_alignment(bool row_major) const
+   unsigned N = is_double() ? 8 : 4;
+   /* (1) If the member is a scalar consuming <N> basic machine units, the
+    *     base alignment is <N>.
+    *
+    * (2) If the member is a two- or four-component vector with components
+    *     consuming <N> basic machine units, the base alignment is 2<N> or
+    *     4<N>, respectively.
+    *
+    * (3) If the member is a three-component vector with components consuming
+    *     <N> basic machine units, the base alignment is 4<N>.
+    */
+   if (this->is_scalar() || this->is_vector()) {
+      switch (this->vector_elements) {
+      case 1:
+         return N;
+      case 2:
+         return 2 * N;
+      case 3:
+      case 4:
+         return 4 * N;
+      }
+   }
+   /* OpenGL 4.30 spec, section "Standard Uniform Block Layout":
+    *
+    * "When using the "std430" storage layout, shader storage
+    * blocks will be laid out in buffer storage identically to uniform and
+    * shader storage blocks using the "std140" layout, except that the base
+    * alignment of arrays of scalars and vectors in rule (4) and of structures
+    * in rule (9) are not rounded up a multiple of the base alignment of a
+    * vec4."
+    */
+   /* (1) If the member is a scalar consuming <N> basic machine units, the
+    *     base alignment is <N>.
+    *
+    * (2) If the member is a two- or four-component vector with components
+    *     consuming <N> basic machine units, the base alignment is 2<N> or
+    *     4<N>, respectively.
+    *
+    * (3) If the member is a three-component vector with components consuming
+    *     <N> basic machine units, the base alignment is 4<N>.
+    */
+   if (this->is_array())
+      return this->fields.array->std430_base_alignment(row_major);
+   /* (5) If the member is a column-major matrix with <C> columns and
+    *     <R> rows, the matrix is stored identically to an array of
+    *     <C> column vectors with <R> components each, according to
+    *     rule (4).
+    *
+    * (7) If the member is a row-major matrix with <C> columns and <R>
+    *     rows, the matrix is stored identically to an array of <R>
+    *     row vectors with <C> components each, according to rule (4).
+    */
+   if (this->is_matrix()) {
+      const struct glsl_type *vec_type, *array_type;
+      int c = this->matrix_columns;
+      int r = this->vector_elements;
+      if (row_major) {
+         vec_type = get_instance(base_type, c, 1);
+         array_type = glsl_type::get_array_instance(vec_type, r);
+      } else {
+         vec_type = get_instance(base_type, r, 1);
+         array_type = glsl_type::get_array_instance(vec_type, c);
+      }
+      return array_type->std430_base_alignment(false);
+   }
+      /* (9) If the member is a structure, the base alignment of the
+    *     structure is <N>, where <N> is the largest base alignment
+    *     value of any of its members, and rounded up to the base
+    *     alignment of a vec4. The individual members of this
+    *     sub-structure are then assigned offsets by applying this set
+    *     of rules recursively, where the base offset of the first
+    *     member of the sub-structure is equal to the aligned offset
+    *     of the structure. The structure may have padding at the end;
+    *     the base offset of the member following the sub-structure is
+    *     rounded up to the next multiple of the base alignment of the
+    *     structure.
+    */
+   if (this->is_record()) {
+      unsigned base_alignment = 0;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->length; i++) {
+         bool field_row_major = row_major;
+         const enum glsl_matrix_layout matrix_layout =
+            glsl_matrix_layout(this->fields.structure[i].matrix_layout);
+         if (matrix_layout == GLSL_MATRIX_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR) {
+            field_row_major = true;
+         } else if (matrix_layout == GLSL_MATRIX_LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAJOR) {
+            field_row_major = false;
+         }
+         const struct glsl_type *field_type = this->fields.structure[i].type;
+         base_alignment = MAX2(base_alignment,
+      }
+      return base_alignment;
+   }
+   assert(!"not reached");
+   return -1;
+glsl_type::std430_array_stride(bool row_major) const
+   unsigned N = is_double() ? 8 : 4;
+   /* Notice that the array stride of a vec3 is not 3 * N but 4 * N.
+    * See OpenGL 4.30 spec, section "Standard Uniform Block Layout"
+    *
+    * (3) If the member is a three-component vector with components consuming
+    *     <N> basic machine units, the base alignment is 4<N>.
+    */
+   if (this->is_vector() && this->vector_elements == 3)
+      return 4 * N;
+   /* By default use std430_size(row_major) */
+   return this->std430_size(row_major);
+glsl_type::std430_size(bool row_major) const
+   unsigned N = is_double() ? 8 : 4;
+   /* OpenGL 4.30 spec, section "Standard Uniform Block Layout":
+    *
+    * "When using the "std430" storage layout, shader storage
+    * blocks will be laid out in buffer storage identically to uniform and
+    * shader storage blocks using the "std140" layout, except that the base
+    * alignment of arrays of scalars and vectors in rule (4) and of structures
+    * in rule (9) are not rounded up a multiple of the base alignment of a
+    * vec4."
+    */
+   if (this->is_scalar() || this->is_vector())
+         return this->vector_elements * N;
+   if (this->without_array()->is_matrix()) {
+      const struct glsl_type *element_type;
+      const struct glsl_type *vec_type;
+      unsigned int array_len;
+      if (this->is_array()) {
+         element_type = this->fields.array;
+         array_len = this->length;
+      } else {
+         element_type = this;
+         array_len = 1;
+      }
+      if (row_major) {
+         vec_type = get_instance(element_type->base_type,
+                                 element_type->matrix_columns, 1);
+         array_len *= element_type->vector_elements;
+      } else {
+         vec_type = get_instance(element_type->base_type,
+                                 element_type->vector_elements, 1);
+         array_len *= element_type->matrix_columns;
+      }
+      const glsl_type *array_type = glsl_type::get_array_instance(vec_type,
+                                                                  array_len);
+      return array_type->std430_size(false);
+   }
+   if (this->is_array()) {
+      if (this->fields.array->is_record())
+         return this->length * this->fields.array->std430_size(row_major);
+      else
+         return this->length * 
+   }
+   if (this->is_record() || this->is_interface()) {
+      unsigned size = 0;
+      unsigned max_align = 0;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->length; i++) {
+         bool field_row_major = row_major;
+         const enum glsl_matrix_layout matrix_layout =
+            glsl_matrix_layout(this->fields.structure[i].matrix_layout);
+         if (matrix_layout == GLSL_MATRIX_LAYOUT_ROW_MAJOR) {
+            field_row_major = true;
+         } else if (matrix_layout == GLSL_MATRIX_LAYOUT_COLUMN_MAJOR) {
+            field_row_major = false;
+         }
+         const struct glsl_type *field_type = this->fields.structure[i].type;
+         unsigned align = field_type->std430_base_alignment(field_row_major);
+         size = glsl_align(size, align);
+         size += field_type->std430_size(field_row_major);
+         max_align = MAX2(align, max_align);
+      }
+      size = glsl_align(size, max_align);
+      return size;
+   }
+   assert(!"not reached");
+   return -1;
 glsl_type::count_attribute_slots() const
diff --git a/src/glsl/glsl_types.h b/src/glsl/glsl_types.h
index 02a398f..5a6548d 100644
--- a/src/glsl/glsl_types.h
+++ b/src/glsl/glsl_types.h
@@ -326,6 +326,25 @@ struct glsl_type {
    unsigned std140_size(bool row_major) const;
+    * Alignment in bytes of the start of this type in a std430 shader
+    * storage block.
+    */
+   unsigned std430_base_alignment(bool row_major) const;
+   /**
+    * Calculate array stride in bytes of this type in a std430 shader storage
+    * block.
+    */
+   unsigned std430_array_stride(bool row_major) const;
+   /**
+    * Size in bytes of this type in a std430 shader storage block.
+    *
+    * Note that this is not GL_BUFFER_SIZE
+    */
+   unsigned std430_size(bool row_major) const;
+   /**
     * \brief Can this type be implicitly converted to another?
     * \return True if the types are identical or if this type can be converted

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