On Wed, 9 Sep 2015 09:11:50 -0400
Alex Deucher <alexdeuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Oh, absolutely - I had no issues with "this needs changing". My issue
> > was with the fact it took months to get that. Had I come up with a new
> > patch, it would likely have taken a similar time, months again, which
> > did not inspire confidence.
> You need to drive it.  Developers are busy and can miss patches
> especially if the subject is not necessarily an area they are familiar
> with.  This is not specific to mesa; the same is true about just about
> any open source project.  If you don't get any feedback right away
> send a gentle reminder to the list asking if there are any objections
> stating your desire to get it committed.  Wait a bit more time and if
> there is still no feedback, feel free to commit or ask someone to
> commit it.  If you just drive by and dump patches with no follow up,
> we have no idea how serious about the patches you are. Were they just
> an RFC, did you really want to commit them?  If you don't follow up on
> them, developers assume you don't really care about getting them
> committed.

I had followed up twice on ML in this particular case, and some times
on IRC.

- Lauri
mesa-dev mailing list

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