From: Ian Romanick <>

Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <>
 src/glsl/nir/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glsl/nir/ 
index 6006358..087aab9 100644
--- a/src/glsl/nir/
+++ b/src/glsl/nir/
@@ -238,29 +238,29 @@ evaluate_${name}(unsigned num_components, nir_const_value 
          <% continue %>
-      struct ${op.input_types[j]}_vec src${j} = {
+   struct ${op.input_types[j]}_vec src${j} = {
       % for k in range(op.input_sizes[j]):
          % if op.input_types[j] == "bool":
-            _src[${j}].u[${k}] != 0,
+      _src[${j}].u[${k}] != 0,
          % else:
-            _src[${j}].${op.input_types[j][:1]}[${k}],
+      _src[${j}].${op.input_types[j][:1]}[${k}],
          % endif
       % endfor
       % for k in range(op.input_sizes[j], 4):
          % if op.input_types[j] == "bool":
-            false,
+      false,
          % else:
-            0,
+      0,
          % endif
       % endfor
-      };
+   };
    % endfor
    % if op.output_size == 0:
       ## For per-component instructions, we need to iterate over the
       ## components and apply the constant expression one component
       ## at a time.
-      for (unsigned _i = 0; _i < num_components; _i++) {
+   for (unsigned _i = 0; _i < num_components; _i++) {
          ## For each per-component input, create a variable srcN that
          ## contains the value of the current (_i'th) component.
          % for j in range(op.num_inputs):
@@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ evaluate_${name}(unsigned num_components, nir_const_value 
                ## Avoid unused variable warnings
                <% continue %>
             % elif op.input_types[j] == "bool":
-               bool src${j} = _src[${j}].u[_i] != 0;
+      bool src${j} = _src[${j}].u[_i] != 0;
             % else:
-               ${op.input_types[j]} src${j} = 
+      ${op.input_types[j]} src${j} = _src[${j}].${op.input_types[j][:1]}[_i];
             % endif
          % endfor
@@ -280,36 +280,36 @@ evaluate_${name}(unsigned num_components, nir_const_value 
          ## result of the const_expr to it.  If const_expr already contains
          ## writes to dst, just include const_expr directly.
          % if "dst" in op.const_expr:
-            ${op.output_type} dst;
-            ${op.const_expr}
+      ${op.output_type} dst;
+      ${op.const_expr}
          % else:
-            ${op.output_type} dst = ${op.const_expr};
+      ${op.output_type} dst = ${op.const_expr};
          % endif
          ## Store the current component of the actual destination to the
          ## value of dst.
          % if op.output_type == "bool":
             ## Sanitize the C value to a proper NIR bool
-            _dst_val.u[_i] = dst ? NIR_TRUE : NIR_FALSE;
+      _dst_val.u[_i] = dst ? NIR_TRUE : NIR_FALSE;
          % else:
-            _dst_val.${op.output_type[:1]}[_i] = dst;
+      _dst_val.${op.output_type[:1]}[_i] = dst;
          % endif
-      }
+   }
    % else:
       ## In the non-per-component case, create a struct dst with
       ## appropriately-typed elements x, y, z, and w and assign the result
       ## of the const_expr to all components of dst, or include the
       ## const_expr directly if it writes to dst already.
-      struct ${op.output_type}_vec dst;
+   struct ${op.output_type}_vec dst;
       % if "dst" in op.const_expr:
-         ${op.const_expr}
+   ${op.const_expr}
       % else:
          ## Splat the value to all components.  This way expressions which
          ## write the same value to all components don't need to explicitly
          ## write to dest.  One such example is fnoise which has a
          ## const_expr of 0.0f.
-         dst.x = dst.y = dst.z = dst.w = ${op.const_expr};
+   dst.x = dst.y = dst.z = dst.w = ${op.const_expr};
       % endif
       ## For each component in the destination, copy the value of dst to
@@ -317,9 +317,9 @@ evaluate_${name}(unsigned num_components, nir_const_value 
       % for k in range(op.output_size):
          % if op.output_type == "bool":
             ## Sanitize the C value to a proper NIR bool
-            _dst_val.u[${k}] = dst.${"xyzw"[k]} ? NIR_TRUE : NIR_FALSE;
+   _dst_val.u[${k}] = dst.${"xyzw"[k]} ? NIR_TRUE : NIR_FALSE;
          % else:
-            _dst_val.${op.output_type[:1]}[${k}] = dst.${"xyzw"[k]};
+   _dst_val.${op.output_type[:1]}[${k}] = dst.${"xyzw"[k]};
          % endif
       % endfor
    % endif

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