On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Ilia Mirkin <imir...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> So just stick something like
> """
> From the ARB_texture_query_lod spec:
>     (3) The core specification uses the "Lod" spelling, not "LOD". Should
>         this extension be modified to use "Lod"?
>       RESOLVED: The "Lod" spelling is the correct spelling for the core
>       specification and the preferred spelling for use. However, use of
>       "LOD" also exists, as the extension predated the core specification,
>       so this extension won't remove use of "LOD".
> """
> as the commit message? Fine by me. It seems excessive to put that into
> builtin_functions.cpp... but if people feel strongly, I can do that
> too.

People tend to read code more than commit messages, so putting it in
the code is better.

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