Iago Toral Quiroga <ito...@igalia.com> writes:

> If we have spilled/unspilled a register in the current instruction, avoid
> emitting unspills for the same register in the same instruction or consecutive
> instructions following the current one as long as they keep reading the 
> spilled
> register. This should allow us to avoid emitting costy unspills that come with
> little benefit to register allocation.
> Also, update evaluate_spill_costs so that we account for the saved unspills.
> ---
>  .../drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp     | 129 
> +++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp 
> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp
> index 617c988..fed5f4d 100644
> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp
> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp
> @@ -264,6 +264,95 @@ vec4_visitor::reg_allocate()
>     return true;
>  }
> +/**
> + * When we decide to spill a register, instead of blindly spilling every use,
> + * save unspills when the spill register is used (read) in consecutive
> + * instructions. This can potentially save a bunch of unspills that would
> + * have very little impact in register allocation anyway.
> + *
> + * Notice that we need to account for this behavior when spilling a register
> + * and when evaluating spilling costs. This function is designed so it can
> + * be called from both places and avoid repeating the logic.
> + *
> + *  - When we call this function from spill_reg, we pass in scratch_reg the
> + *    actual unspill/spill register that we want to reuse in the current
> + *    instruction.
> + *
> + *  - When we call this from evaluate_spill_costs, we pass the register for
> + *    which we are evaluating spilling costs.
> + *
> + * In either case, we check if the previous instructions read scratch_reg 
> until
> + * we find an instruction that writes to it (in which case we can reuse
> + * scratch_reg as long as the writemask is compatible with the channels we 
> need
> + * to read in the current instruction) or we hit an instruction that does not
> + * read scratch_reg at all. The latter can only happen when we call this from
> + * evaluate_spill_costs,

Strictly speaking it can also happen when called from spill_reg() for
the first time in a given sequence of consecutive instructions (in which
case you correctly return false).

>  and means that this is the point at which we first
> + * need the unspill this register for our current instruction. Since all our
> + * unspills read a full vec4, we know that in this case we will have all
> + * the channels available in scratch_reg and we can reuse it.
> + *
> + * In any other case, we can't reuse scratch_reg in the current instruction,
> + * meaning that we will need to unspill it.
> + */
> +static bool
> +can_use_scratch_for_source(const vec4_instruction *inst, unsigned i,
> +                           unsigned scratch_reg)
> +{
> +   assert(inst->src[i].file == GRF);
> +
> +   /* If the current instruction is already using scratch_reg in src[n] with
> +    * n < i, then we know we can reuse it for src[i] too.
> +    */
> +   for (unsigned n = 0; n < i; n++) {
> +      if (inst->src[n].file == GRF && inst->src[n].reg == scratch_reg)
> +         return true;
> +   }

I don't think this is correct in cases where the previous source reused
the temporary of a previously spilled register with incompatible
writemask.  You probably want to handle the current instruction
consistently with the previous ones, i.e. as part of the loop below.

I suggest you define a variable (e.g. n as you've called it) initially
equal to i that would determine the number of sources to check for the
next instruction.  At the end of the loop body it would be re-set to 3,
what would also cause the destination registers to be checked in
subsequent iterations.

> +
> +   bool prev_inst_read_scratch_reg = false;
> +   vec4_instruction *prev_inst = (vec4_instruction *) inst->prev;

You can move this declaration into the init statement of the for loop to
limit its scope.

> +   for (; !prev_inst->is_head_sentinel();
> +        prev_inst = (vec4_instruction *) prev_inst->prev) {
> +      /* If any previous instruction does not read from or write to 
> scratch_reg
> +       * inconditonally we cannot reuse scratch_reg
> +       */
> +      if (prev_inst->predicate && prev_inst->opcode != BRW_OPCODE_SEL)
> +         return false;

I think this is somewhat pessimistic, register fills for a predicated
instruction won't be predicated AFAIK, so it should be possible to reuse
them, only the destination of a predicated write cannot be reused.

> +
> +      /* If the previous instruction writes to scratch_reg then we can reuse
> +       * it if the channels we wrote are compatible with our read mask.
> +       */
> +      if (prev_inst->dst.file == GRF && prev_inst->dst.reg == scratch_reg) {
> +         return (brw_mask_for_swizzle(inst->src[i].swizzle) &
> +                 ~prev_inst->dst.writemask) == 0;
> +     }
> +
> +      if (prev_inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_GEN4_SCRATCH_WRITE ||
> +          prev_inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_GEN4_SCRATCH_READ)
> +         continue;
> +
I'm not sure I see why you need to treat scratch reads and writes
specially here.  AFAICT if you come across one for the same scratch_reg
it won't make a difference for the code below, and if you come across
one for a different register the condition you wanted to check (the same
register is reused for a number of consecutive instructions) may no
longer hold, so you may as well return.

> +      /* Check that the previous instruction reads scratch_reg, if so, 
> continue
> +       * looping. Otherwise it means that we got here from
> +       * evaluate_spill_costs and this is the point at which we will emit an
> +       * unspill for the register passed in scratch_reg, in which case we can
> +       * only reuse it if all other instructions in between have read
> +       * scratch_reg.
> +       */
> +      int n;
> +      for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
> +         if (prev_inst->src[n].file == GRF &&
> +             prev_inst->src[n].reg == scratch_reg) {
> +            prev_inst_read_scratch_reg = true;
> +            break;
> +         }
> +      }
> +      if (n == 3) {
> +         return prev_inst_read_scratch_reg;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return false;

Shouldn't this return prev_inst_read_scratch_reg?

> +}
> +
>  void
>  vec4_visitor::evaluate_spill_costs(float *spill_costs, bool *no_spill)
>  {
> @@ -281,9 +370,15 @@ vec4_visitor::evaluate_spill_costs(float *spill_costs, 
> bool *no_spill)
>     foreach_block_and_inst(block, vec4_instruction, inst, cfg) {
>        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
>           if (inst->src[i].file == GRF) {
> -            spill_costs[inst->src[i].reg] += loop_scale;
> -            if (inst->src[i].reladdr)
> -               no_spill[inst->src[i].reg] = true;
> +            /* We will only unspill src[i] it it wasn't unspilled for the
> +             * previous instruction, in which case we'll just reuse the 
> scratch
> +             * reg for this instruction.
> +             */
> +            if (!can_use_scratch_for_source(inst, i, inst->src[i].reg)) {
> +               spill_costs[inst->src[i].reg] += loop_scale;
> +               if (inst->src[i].reladdr)
> +                  no_spill[inst->src[i].reg] = true;
> +            }
>           }
>        }
> @@ -342,19 +437,37 @@ vec4_visitor::spill_reg(int spill_reg_nr)
>     unsigned int spill_offset = last_scratch++;
>     /* Generate spill/unspill instructions for the objects being spilled. */
> +   int scratch_reg = -1;
>     foreach_block_and_inst(block, vec4_instruction, inst, cfg) {
> +      /* We don't spill registers used for scratch */
> +      if (inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_GEN4_SCRATCH_READ ||
> +          inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_GEN4_SCRATCH_WRITE)
> +         continue;
> +
For that reason you'll never see a match in the loop below for scratch
reads and writes, and it should be a harmless no-op.

>        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
>           if (inst->src[i].file == GRF && inst->src[i].reg == spill_reg_nr) {
> -            src_reg spill_reg = inst->src[i];
> -            inst->src[i].reg = alloc.allocate(1);
> -            dst_reg temp = dst_reg(inst->src[i]);
> -
> -            emit_scratch_read(block, inst, temp, spill_reg, spill_offset);
> +            if (scratch_reg == -1 ||
> +                !can_use_scratch_for_source(inst, i, scratch_reg)) {
> +               /* We need to unspill anyway so make sure we read the full 
> vec4
> +                * in any case. This way, the cached register can be reused
> +                * for consecutive instructions that read different channels 
> of
> +                * the same vec4.
> +                */
> +               scratch_reg = alloc.allocate(1);
> +               src_reg temp = inst->src[i];
> +               temp.reg = scratch_reg;
> +               temp.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_XYZW;
> +               emit_scratch_read(block, inst,
> +                                 dst_reg(temp), inst->src[i], spill_offset);
> +            }
> +            assert(scratch_reg != -1);
> +            inst->src[i].reg = scratch_reg;
>           }
>        }
>        if (inst->dst.file == GRF && inst->dst.reg == spill_reg_nr) {
>           emit_scratch_write(block, inst, spill_offset);
> +         scratch_reg = inst->dst.reg;
>        }
>     }
> -- 
> 1.9.1

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