On Thu, 2015-07-30 at 17:08 +0300, Francisco Jerez wrote:
> Iago Toral Quiroga <ito...@igalia.com> writes:
> > When we have code such as this:
> >
> > mov vgrf1.0.x:F, vgrf2.xxxx:F
> > mov vgrf3.0.x:F, vgrf1.xxxx:F
> > ...
> > mov vgrf3.0.x:F, vgrf1.xxxx:F
> >
> > And vgrf1 is chosen for spilling, we can emit this:
> >
> > mov vgrf1.0.x:F, vgrf2.xxxx:F
> > gen4_scratch_write hw_reg0:F, vgrf1.xxxx:D, 22D
> > mov vgrf3.0.x:F, vgrf1.xxxx:F
> > ...
> > gen4_scratch_read vgrf4.0.x:F, 22D
> > mov vgrf3.0.x:F, vgrf4.xxxx:F
> >
> > Instead of this:
> >
> > mov vgrf1.0.x:F, vgrf2.xxxx:F
> > gen4_scratch_write hw_reg0:F, vgrf1.xxxx:D, 22D
> > gen4_scratch_read vgrf4.0.x:F, 22D
> > mov vgrf3.0.x:F, vgrf4.xxxx:F
> > ...
> > gen4_scratch_read vgrf5.0.x:F, 22D
> > mov vgrf3.0.x:F, vgrf5.xxxx:F
> >
> > And save one scratch read while still preserving the benefits of
> > spilling the register.
> >
> > In general, we avoid emitting scratch reads for as long as the next 
> > instruction
> > keeps reading the spilled register. This should not harm the benefit of
> > spilling the register because gains for register allocation only come when 
> > we
> > have chunks of program code where the register is alive but not really used
> > (because these are the points where we could effectively use that register 
> > for
> > another purpose if we spilled it), so as long as consecutive instructions 
> > use
> > that register we can avoid the scratch reads without losing anything.
> > ---
> >  .../drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp     | 37 
> > +++++++++++++++++++++-
> >  1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> >
> > diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp 
> > b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp
> > index cff5406..fd56dae 100644
> > --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp
> > +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_reg_allocate.cpp
> > @@ -340,11 +340,43 @@ vec4_visitor::spill_reg(int spill_reg_nr)
> >     unsigned int spill_offset = last_scratch++;
> >  
> >     /* Generate spill/unspill instructions for the objects being spilled. */
> > +   vec4_instruction *spill_write_inst = NULL;
> >     foreach_block_and_inst(block, vec4_instruction, inst, cfg) {
> > +      /* We don't spill registers used for scratch */
> > +      if (inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_GEN4_SCRATCH_READ ||
> > +          inst->opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_GEN4_SCRATCH_WRITE)
> > +         continue;
> > +
> >        int scratch_reg = -1;
> > +      bool spill_reg_was_read = false;
> >        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
> >           if (inst->src[i].file == GRF && inst->src[i].reg == spill_reg_nr) 
> > {
> > -            if (scratch_reg == -1) {
> > +            if (!spill_reg_was_read) {
> > +               spill_reg_was_read = (!inst->predicate ||
> > +                                     inst->opcode == BRW_OPCODE_SEL);
> > +            }
> > +
> > +            /* If we are reading the spilled register right after writing
> > +             * to it we can skip the scratch read and use directly the
> > +             * register we used as source for the scratch write. For this
> > +             * to work we must check that:
> > +             *
> > +             * 1) The write is inconditional, that is, it is not 
> > predicated or
> > +             *    it is a SEL.
> > +             * 2) All the channels that we read have been written in that
> > +             *    last write instruction.
> > +             *
> > +             * We keep doing this for as long as the next instruction
> > +             * keeps reading the spilled register and break as soon as we
> > +             * find an instruction that doesn't.
> > +             */
> > +            if (spill_write_inst &&
> > +                (!spill_write_inst->predicate ||
> > +                 spill_write_inst->opcode == BRW_OPCODE_SEL) &&
> > +                ((brw_mask_for_swizzle(inst->src[i].swizzle) &
> > +                 ~spill_write_inst->dst.writemask) == 0)) {
> > +               scratch_reg = spill_write_inst->dst.reg;
> > +            } else if (scratch_reg == -1) {
> One suggestion: You could factor out the rather complex caching logic
> into a separate function (e.g. 'bool can_reuse_scratch_for_source(const
> vec4_instruction *, unsigned i, unsigned scratch_reg)').  The function
> would simply compare scratch_reg with the sources of the current
> instruction (up to src) and the sources and destination of the previous
> non-scratch_read/write instruction.  If there's a match it would check
> that the regioning is compatible with the i-th source and return true in
> that case.  This would have several benefits:

I think this might need to be a bit more complex. The previous inst's
src[i] might read only a subset of the channels that where loaded into
scratch_reg so comparing only against that can lead us to think that we
can't reuse scratch_reg when in fact we can.

I think the process should be more like we loop back looking at the prev
instruction for as long as the previous instruction reads the
scratch_ref until we find the one that writes to scratch_reg (which must
be a scratch read). At that point we check that the writemask in that
instruction is compatible with our swizzle on src[i], in which case we
can reuse scratch_reg. Does this make sense to you?

In this case, if we have a successful match, we probably want to keep a
reference to that instruction so that for the next src of the current
instruction (or for the next instruction in our program) we don't have
to repeat that process.


>  - It would keep ::spill_reg() simple and the caching heuristic factored
>    out.  The only thing spill_reg() would still need to take care of is
>    keep track of the last spilling temporary (e.g. as you're doing it
>    now with the scratch_reg variable) and pass it to
>    can_reuse_scratch_for_source(), but it would no longer be necessary
>    to reset it to -1 when reuse is not possible.
>  - It would allow you to use a single implementation of the caching
>    policy to implement both spill_reg() and evaluate_spill_costs(), what
>    would make sure that things don't go out of sync in the likely case
>    that we want to change the caching heuristic in the future.
> >                 scratch_reg = alloc.allocate(1);
> >                 src_reg temp = inst->src[i];
> >                 temp.reg = scratch_reg;
> > @@ -357,6 +389,9 @@ vec4_visitor::spill_reg(int spill_reg_nr)
> >  
> >        if (inst->dst.file == GRF && inst->dst.reg == spill_reg_nr) {
> >           emit_scratch_write(block, inst, spill_offset);
> > +         spill_write_inst = inst;
> > +      } else if (spill_write_inst && !spill_reg_was_read) {
> > +         spill_write_inst = NULL;
> >        }
> >     }
> >  
> > -- 
> > 1.9.1

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