(I'm replying to this version, since I can't find an email
corresponding to the version you have on Github. Did you ever get
git-send-email working again?)

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Thomas Helland
<thomashellan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Thomas Helland <thomashellan...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  src/glsl/Makefile.sources          |    1 +
>  src/glsl/nir/nir.h                 |    2 +
>  src/glsl/nir/nir_opt_value_range.c | 1330 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  3 files changed, 1333 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 src/glsl/nir/nir_opt_value_range.c
> diff --git a/src/glsl/Makefile.sources b/src/glsl/Makefile.sources
> index b938f1e..720ff70 100644
> --- a/src/glsl/Makefile.sources
> +++ b/src/glsl/Makefile.sources
> @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ NIR_FILES = \
>         nir/nir_opt_peephole_ffma.c \
>         nir/nir_opt_peephole_select.c \
>         nir/nir_opt_remove_phis.c \
> +       nir/nir_opt_value_range.c \
>         nir/nir_print.c \
>         nir/nir_remove_dead_variables.c \
>         nir/nir_search.c \
> diff --git a/src/glsl/nir/nir.h b/src/glsl/nir/nir.h
> index 6efbfbd..44dd015 100644
> --- a/src/glsl/nir/nir.h
> +++ b/src/glsl/nir/nir.h
> @@ -1693,6 +1693,8 @@ bool nir_opt_peephole_ffma(nir_shader *shader);
>  bool nir_opt_remove_phis(nir_shader *shader);
> +bool nir_opt_value_range(nir_shader *shader);
> +
>  void nir_sweep(nir_shader *shader);
>  #ifdef __cplusplus
> diff --git a/src/glsl/nir/nir_opt_value_range.c 
> b/src/glsl/nir/nir_opt_value_range.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..1e6ff0e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/src/glsl/nir/nir_opt_value_range.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,1330 @@
> +/*
> + * Copyright © 2014 Thomas Helland
> + *
> + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
> + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
> + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
> + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
> + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
> + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> + *
> + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
> + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
> + * Software.
> + *
> + *
> + *
> + */
> +
> +#include "nir.h"
> +#include "nir_ssa_def_worklist.h"
> +#include "nir_block_worklist.h"
> +#include "nir_constant_expressions.h"
> +
> +/* This pass implements an extension of
> + * "Constant Propagation with Conditional Branches" by Wegman and Zadeck
> + * that also handles value ranges. This is useful as a lot of shaders have
> + * min/max expressions that can be eliminated, or conditionals that we can
> + * prove to be false or true due to previously applied restrictions on range.
> + * Value range propagation is a superset of tracking constant values,
> + * and due to that this pass eliminates the need for a separate constant
> + * propagation pass. This pass is optimistic, meaning we assume all variables
> + * are constant (or have restricted range) and disprove it.
> + * A pessimistic algorithm would assume all values where undeterminable,
> + * and then propagate expressions we know to be constant through the program.
> + * An optimistic algorithm gets better results than a pessimistic, with the
> + * downside being that it can not be aborted midway through the pass as the
> + * results gathered may be wrong (based on wrong assumptions).
> + *
> + * The lattice types are:
> + * undefined: Variable may be constant or range-restricted (not yet 
> processed)
> + * constant: Value is determined to be constant
> + * range: Value is determined to be range-restricted
> + * overdefined: We cannot guarantee the value is constant or range-restricted
> + *
> + * We extend the lattice so that constant entries are changed to inclusive
> + * ranges for each vector component. The join rules are:
> + *
> + * undefined join undefined = undefined
> + * undefined join overdefined = overdefined
> + * overdefined join overdefined = overdefined
> + * [low, high] join overdefined = overdefined
> + * [low, high] join undefined = [low, high]
> + * [low1, high1] join [low2, high2] = [min(low1, low2), max(high1, high2)]
> + *
> + * These rules are general pessimistic rules. There may situations where we
> + * can still determine parts of the range of the variable, even though it
> + * has an overdefined input (max, min, sat, abs). This is also true for
> + * boolean operations like AND and OR. These can be determined even if
> + * we know only one of the operators.
> + *
> + * We don't preserve the range perfectly for a variable, as we combine
> + * two ranges for a variable into a range of
> + *    [min(low1, low2), max(high1, high2)]
> + * Preserving the non-continuous range information would greatly complicate
> + * the pass, and is therefore not implemented.
> + *
> + * There is one interesting situation that is hard to deal with:
> + * When we find that something is dead code, but it does not become a
> + * constant value. Examples are things like min(sin(x), y) where y > 2.
> + * We know sin(x) is dead code, but the result is not a constant but instead
> + * an ssa-def with a range. We mark this in the range-state so that we can
> + * eliminate it after the pass is done. This means that the pass should be
> + * rerun if we resolve one of these, as we will then have simplified
> + * the program, and new ranges may be resolved.
> + *
> + * When the pass is done all "undefined" values should be determined as
> + * either const, range, or overdefined. (Except for in blocks that are
> + * marked as unreachable)
> + */
> +
> +/* An idea for doing simultaneous rewriting and analysis can be
> + * to use the dynamic array Jason created. (Assuming we always start of
> + * at the highest ssa-index when we make new defs). This allows us to set
> + * new defs as we go, and will make dealing with inserting movs in if's and
> + * inserting constants for constant defs a bit simpler. One issue with this
> + * is that since the pass is optimistic there will be no guarantee that the
> + * information is correct until the pass has terminated.
> + */
> +
> +typedef enum {
> +   undefined,
> +   range,
> +   constant,
> +   overdefined
> +} lattice_type;
> +
> +typedef struct {
> +   /* Is this entry float, unsigned or something else? */
> +   nir_alu_type range_type;
> +
> +   nir_const_value low;
> +   nir_const_value high;
> +
> +   /* What type of lattice is this */
> +   lattice_type type;
> +
> +   /* Whether we can remove the expression itself and replace it with one
> +    * of its operands. Intended to be used for things like min(a, b)
> +    * where a < 4 and b > 5. We know that the expression will choose a,
> +    * but it is not constant so we cannot mark it as such.
> +    */
> +   bool can_be_predetermined;
> +
> +   nir_ssa_def *ssa_def;
> +   boolean in_loop;
> +} lattice_entry;
> +
> +#define IS_FLOAT_CONSTANT(const_value, operator, operand, num_components)    
> \
> +   ((num_components == 4) ?                                                  
> \
> +      const_value.f[0] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.f[1] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.f[2] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.f[3] operator operand :                                    
> \
> +      ((num_components == 3) ?                                               
> \
> +         const_value.f[0] operator operand &&                                
> \
> +         const_value.f[1] operator operand &&                                
> \
> +         const_value.f[2] operator operand :                                 
> \
> +         ((num_components == 2) ?                                            
> \
> +            const_value.f[0] operator operand &&                             
> \
> +            const_value.f[1] operator operand :                              
> \
> +            ((num_components == 1) ?                                         
> \
> +               const_value.f[0] operator operand :                           
> \
> +               false))))
> +
> +#define IS_INT_CONSTANT(const_value, operator, operand, num_components)      
> \
> +   ((num_components == 4) ?                                                  
> \
> +      const_value.i[0] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.i[1] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.i[2] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.i[3] operator operand :                                    
> \
> +      ((num_components == 3) ?                                               
> \
> +         const_value.i[0] operator operand &&                                
> \
> +         const_value.i[1] operator operand &&                                
> \
> +         const_value.i[2] operator operand :                                 
> \
> +         ((num_components == 2) ?                                            
> \
> +            const_value.i[0] operator operand &&                             
> \
> +            const_value.i[1] operator operand :                              
> \
> +            ((num_components == 1) ?                                         
> \
> +               const_value.i[0] operator operand :                           
> \
> +               false))))
> +
> +#define IS_UNSIGNED_CONSTANT(const_value, operator, operand, num_components) 
> \
> +   ((num_components == 4) ?                                                  
> \
> +      const_value.u[0] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.u[1] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.u[2] operator operand &&                                   
> \
> +      const_value.u[3] operator operand :                                    
> \
> +      ((num_components == 3) ?                                               
> \
> +         const_value.u[0] operator operand &&                                
> \
> +         const_value.u[1] operator operand &&                                
> \
> +         const_value.u[2] operator operand :                                 
> \
> +         ((num_components == 2) ?                                            
> \
> +            const_value.u[0] operator operand &&                             
> \
> +            const_value.u[1] operator operand :                              
> \
> +            ((num_components == 1) ?                                         
> \
> +               const_value.u[0] operator operand :                           
> \
> +               false))))
> +
> +typedef struct {
> +   nir_shader *shader;
> +
> +   /* An array of lattice_antries for all the ssa_defs */
> +   lattice_entry *entries;
> +
> +   /* Corresponds to SSA Work in the original paper */
> +   nir_ssa_def_worklist *ssa_worklist;
> +
> +   /* Work list of blocks, corresponding to the papers Flow work list */
> +   nir_block_worklist *block_worklist;
> +
> +   /* Keep track of which blocks are reachable */
> +   BITSET_WORD *reachable_blocks;
> +
> +   nir_function_impl *impl;
> +   void *mem_ctx;
> +} value_range_state;
> +
> +
> +static lattice_entry *
> +get_lattice_entry(nir_ssa_def *value, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   lattice_entry *entry = &state->entries[value->index];
> +   return entry;
> +}
> +
> +/* Returns true if this is a change in status of the entry. This simplifies
> + * checking if users of this entry should be added to the worklist.
> + */
> +static bool
> +set_as_overdefined(lattice_entry *entry, nir_alu_type type)
> +{
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +      return false;
> +
> +   entry->type = overdefined;
> +
> +   /* XXX: This may not be useful. Might just say that if the variable
> +    * is undefined then we don't care about the value.
> +    * However, it allows us to propagate the upper and lower range onto
> +    * other ranges without checking if it is undefined and then find that
> +    * that range is -inf - inf and set as overdefined.
> +    */

I'm not sure what this comment is about... this is setting things to
overdefined, not underdefined, right?

> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         entry->low.f[i] = -INFINITY;
> +         entry->high.f[i] = INFINITY;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         entry->low.i[i] = INT32_MIN;
> +         entry->high.i[i] = INT32_MAX;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         entry->low.u[i] = 0;
> +         entry->high.u[i] = UINT32_MAX;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +set_range_float_value(lattice_entry *entry, float value, boolean low)
> +{
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++) {
> +      if (low) {
> +         entry->low.f[i] = value;
> +      } else {
> +         entry->high.f[i] = value;
> +      }
> +   }
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +set_range_float_constant(lattice_entry *entry, float value)
> +{
> +   set_range_float_value(entry, value, true);
> +   set_range_float_value(entry, value, false);
> +   entry->type = constant;
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +set_range_int_value(lattice_entry *entry, int32_t value, boolean low)
> +{
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++) {
> +      if (low) {
> +         entry->low.i[i] = value;
> +      } else {
> +         entry->high.i[i] = value;
> +      }
> +   }
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +set_range_int_constant(lattice_entry *entry, int32_t value)
> +{
> +   set_range_int_value(entry, value, true);
> +   set_range_int_value(entry, value, false);
> +   entry->type = constant;
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +set_range_unsigned_value(lattice_entry *entry, uint32_t value, boolean low)
> +{
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++) {
> +      if (low) {
> +         entry->low.u[i] = value;
> +      } else {
> +         entry->high.u[i] = value;
> +      }
> +   }
> +}
> +
> +static inline void
> +set_range_unsigned_constant(lattice_entry *entry, uint32_t value)
> +{
> +   set_range_unsigned_value(entry, value, true);
> +   set_range_unsigned_value(entry, value, false);
> +   entry->type = constant;
> +}
> +
> +static nir_const_value
> +get_type_max(nir_alu_type type, unsigned num_components)
> +{
> +   nir_const_value value;
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         value.f[i] = INFINITY;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         value.i[i] = INT32_MAX;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         value.u[i] = UINT32_MAX;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +   return value;
> +}
> +
> +static nir_const_value
> +get_type_min(nir_alu_type type, unsigned num_components)
> +{
> +   nir_const_value value;
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         value.f[i] = -INFINITY;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         value.i[i] = INT32_MIN;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         value.u[i] = 0;
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return value;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +initialize_entry(nir_ssa_def *def, void *state)
> +{
> +   lattice_entry *entry = get_lattice_entry(def, state);
> +
> +   entry->ssa_def = def;
> +   entry->can_be_predetermined = false;
> +
> +   if (def->parent_instr->type == nir_instr_type_load_const) {
> +      nir_load_const_instr *instr = 
> nir_instr_as_load_const(def->parent_instr);
> +      entry->type = constant;
> +      entry->low = instr->value;
> +      entry->high = instr->value;
> +      entry->range_type = nir_type_invalid;
> +      return true;
> +   }
> +
> +   if (def->parent_instr->type == nir_instr_type_alu) {
> +      nir_alu_instr *instr = nir_instr_as_alu(def->parent_instr);
> +
> +      /* I'm not sure if this is ideal. It allows us to push the inherent
> +       * range of an instruction into the pass before running it. This
> +       * means that we can do this also for loops, which will be harder
> +       * if we do it all in the evaluate_ssa_def function. It also means
> +       * that we will know a lot of range information at the get-go, which
> +       * may be a benefit
> +       */

I don't think doing this is correct. The idea behind these kinds of
lattice-propagation passes is that each step is monotonically
increasing -- each time you do something, the lattice value gets
refined in one direction or stays the same. For pessimistic passes
like this, it means that the lattice entries get more pessimistic at
each step. In particular, for range analysis this means you start at
undefined/constant, then go to constant, then go to range, then go to
overdefined. And if you change the range of a definition, then you can
only make it larger, i.e. it has to include the previous range. If you
do this, then you get the guarantee that you'll eventually terminate,
since (essentially) at each step you're getting more refined, and
there's a limit to how refined everything can get (i.e. everything is
overdefined). But consider the case where you have, say, an fsat whose
argument is later determined to be greater than 0.5. You start out
with a range of [0.0, 1.0], but after updating the range of the source
to, say, [0.5, infinity], the range of the fsat then becomes [0.5,
1.0]. You've gone from a larger range to a smaller range, and so
you've thrown away all the nice mathematical guarantees of
termination. I can't think of a case where this leads to an infinite
loop, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was one. Another way to
think about it is that the source to your instruction may be undefined
at this point, in which case the destination would also be undefined
(according to the definition of "undefined" in this pass, anyways...).

And you're running evaluate_alu_instr() anyways whenever you first
visit a basic block, so in practice this won't buy you much. It can
only matter for back-edges, and it isn't worth the extra uncertainty
of "will we actually terminate."

To do this properly, you'd need to initialize everything to undefined
initially, and then call evaluate_ssa_def() on the ssa def of each
instruction when you first visit a basic block. You could
pre-initialize constants, but I don't think it's worth the extra
complexity. There could be backedges coming from the instructions
you're processing, which means you might have to insert instructions
into the queue, but you shouldn't insert an instruction into the queue
if it's in the same basic block. You could also switch to the way the
paper handles the queue, and insert an ssa def into the queue only
when its lattice value changes. Then, you would insert all the ssa
defs in the block into the queue whenever you first visit a block --
it seems like this might be simpler. Is there a particular reason why
you chose to do it your way?

> +      switch(instr->op) {
> +      case nir_op_fsat:
> +         set_range_float_value(entry, 0.0f, true);
> +         set_range_float_value(entry, 1.0f, false);
> +         entry->type = range;
> +         entry->range_type = nir_type_float;
> +         return true;
> +      case nir_op_fsin:
> +      case nir_op_fcos:
> +      case nir_op_fsign:
> +         set_range_float_value(entry, -1.0f, true);
> +         set_range_float_value(entry, 1.0f, false);
> +         entry->type = range;
> +         entry->range_type = nir_type_float;
> +         return true;
> +      case nir_op_fabs:
> +      case nir_op_fexp2:
> +         set_range_float_value(entry, 0.0f, true);
> +         set_range_float_value(entry, INFINITY, false);
> +         entry->type = range;
> +         entry->range_type = nir_type_float;
> +         return true;
> +      case nir_op_iabs:
> +         set_range_int_value(entry, 0, true);
> +         set_range_int_value(entry, INT32_MAX, false);
> +         entry->type = range;
> +         entry->range_type = nir_type_int;
> +         return true;
> +      case nir_op_isign:
> +         set_range_int_value(entry, -1, true);
> +         set_range_int_value(entry, 1, false);
> +         entry->type = range;
> +         entry->range_type = nir_type_int;
> +         return true;
> +      default:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +
> +      /* We are now done special-casing for operations with a range
> +       * associated with them. If it's in a loop we can not do better.
> +       * (Well, we can with loop invariants, but LICM will move those out)
> +       */
> +      if (entry->in_loop) {
> +         set_as_overdefined(entry, nir_op_infos[instr->op].output_type);
> +         return true;
> +      }
> +
> +      entry->type = undefined;
> +      entry->low = get_type_min(entry->range_type, def->num_components);
> +      entry->high = get_type_max(entry->range_type, def->num_components);
> +      entry->range_type = nir_op_infos[instr->op].output_type;
> +      return false;
> +   }
> +
> +   if (def->parent_instr->type == nir_instr_type_phi) {
> +      entry->type = undefined;
> +      entry->range_type = nir_type_invalid; // XXX: Are phi's also typeless? 
> Should check this up closely

Phi's are indeed typeless... you should just make it overdefined if
you combine ranges of two different types though. In practice,
everything should be the same type.

> +      return false;
> +   }
> +
> +   entry->type = overdefined;
> +   entry->range_type = nir_type_invalid;
> +   return false;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +initialize_block(nir_block *block, void *state) {
> +   nir_foreach_instr(block, instr) {
> +      nir_foreach_ssa_def(instr, initialize_entry, block);
> +   }
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +mark_ssa_def_as_in_loop(nir_ssa_def *def, void *state)
> +{
> +   lattice_entry *entry = get_lattice_entry(def, state);
> +   entry->in_loop = true;
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +initialize_block_as_in_loop(nir_block *block, void *state)
> +{
> +   nir_foreach_instr(block, instr) {
> +      nir_foreach_ssa_def(instr, mark_ssa_def_as_in_loop, state);
> +      nir_foreach_ssa_def(instr, initialize_entry, block);
> +   }
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_type_max(nir_const_value value, nir_alu_type type,
> +            unsigned num_components)
> +{
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         if (value.f[i] != INFINITY)
> +            return false;
> +         break;
> +
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         if (value.i[i] != INT32_MAX)
> +            return false;
> +         break;
> +
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         if (value.u[i] != UINT32_MAX)
> +            return false;
> +         break;
> +
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_type_min(nir_const_value value, nir_alu_type type,
> +            unsigned num_components)
> +{
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         if (value.f[i] != -INFINITY)
> +            return false;
> +         break;
> +
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         if (value.i[i] != INT32_MIN)
> +            return false;
> +         break;
> +
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         if (value.u[i] != 0)
> +            return false;
> +         break;
> +
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static nir_const_value
> +per_component_max(nir_const_value src0, nir_const_value src1,
> +                  nir_alu_type type, unsigned num_components)
> +{
> +   nir_const_value value;
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         value.f[i] = MAX2(src0.f[i], src1.f[i]);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         value.i[i] = MAX2(src0.i[i], src1.i[i]);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         value.u[i] = MAX2(src0.u[i], src1.u[i]);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return value;
> +}
> +
> +static nir_const_value
> +per_component_min(nir_const_value src0, nir_const_value src1,
> +                  nir_alu_type type, unsigned num_components)
> +{
> +   nir_const_value value;
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
> +      switch (type) {
> +      case nir_type_float:
> +         value.f[i] = MIN2(src0.f[i], src1.f[i]);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_int:
> +         value.i[i] = MIN2(src0.i[i], src1.i[i]);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_bool:
> +      case nir_type_unsigned:
> +         value.u[i] = MIN2(src0.u[i], src1.u[i]);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_type_invalid:
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   return value;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +component_is_true(lattice_entry *entry, unsigned component)
> +{
> +   /* XXX: This check may be removed if the function is
> +    * never used for anything but is_entry_true.
> +    * It already checks if the entry s overdefined.
> +    */
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +      return false;
> +
> +   switch (entry->range_type) {
> +   case nir_type_int:
> +      return entry->low.i[component] > 0 ||
> +             entry->high.i[component] < 0;
> +   case nir_type_unsigned:
> +   case nir_type_bool:
> +      return entry->low.u[component] > 0;
> +   case nir_type_float:
> +      return entry->low.f[component] > 0.0f ||
> +             entry->high.f[component] < 0.0f;
> +   case nir_type_invalid:
> +      break;
> +   }
> +
> +   return false;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_entry_true(lattice_entry *entry)
> +{
> +   bool is_true = true;
> +
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +         return false;
> +
> +   for (int i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++)
> +      is_true = is_true && component_is_true(entry, i);
> +
> +   return is_true;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_entry_overdefined(lattice_entry *entry)
> +{
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +      return true;
> +
> +   /* This checks high and low to find out if the range is indeeed
> +    * maximum and mininum of the type, and therefore in fact is overdefined.
> +    * This can happen in a very trivial case like phi(a, b)
> +    * where a = abs(x) and b = neg(abs(y)) and we don't know the range
> +    * of either x or y.
> +    */
> +   if (is_type_max(entry->high, entry->range_type,
> +                   entry->ssa_def->num_components) &&
> +       is_type_min(entry->low, entry->range_type,
> +                   entry->ssa_def->num_components))
> +      return true;
> +
> +   return false;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +component_is_false(lattice_entry *entry, unsigned component)
> +{
> +   /* XXX: This check may be removed if the function is
> +    * never used for anything but is_entry_false.
> +    * It already checks if the entry s overdefined.
> +    */
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +      return false;
> +
> +   switch (entry->range_type) {
> +   case nir_type_int:
> +      return entry->low.i[component] == 0;
> +   case nir_type_unsigned:
> +   case nir_type_bool:
> +      return entry->low.u[component] == 0;
> +   case nir_type_float:
> +      return entry->low.f[component] == 0.0f;
> +   case nir_type_invalid:
> +      break;
> +   }
> +
> +   return false;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_entry_false(lattice_entry *entry)
> +{
> +   bool is_false = true;
> +
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +         return false;
> +
> +   for (int i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++)
> +      is_false = is_false && component_is_false(entry, i);
> +
> +   return is_false;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_lattice_entry_constant(lattice_entry *entry)
> +{
> +   if (entry->type == constant)
> +      return true;
> +
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++) {
> +      if (entry->low.u[i] != entry->high.u[i])
> +         return false;
> +   }
> +
> +   entry->type = constant;
> +   return true;
> +}
> +
> +static void
> +mark_block_reachable(nir_block *block, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   BITSET_SET(state->reachable_blocks, block->index);
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +is_block_reachable(nir_block *block, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   return BITSET_TEST(state->reachable_blocks, block->index);
> +}
> +
> +static void
> +evaluate_alu_instr(nir_alu_instr *alu, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   lattice_entry *entry = get_lattice_entry(&alu->dest.dest.ssa, state);
> +   lattice_entry *src[4];
> +   boolean all_constant = true;
> +
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < nir_op_infos[alu->op].num_inputs; i++) {
> +      src[i] = get_lattice_entry(alu->src[i].src.ssa, state);

You don't seem to be handling source swizzles at all... you should be
handling them here.

Also, you should be checking if any of the sources are undefined here,
and bail and return undefined if they are. We don't know what
undefined sources are going to turn into, so we can't assume anything
and we don't want to violate the monotonicity constraint.

> +      all_constant = all_constant && is_lattice_entry_constant(src[i]);
> +   }
> +
> +   if (all_constant) {
> +      nir_const_value const_src[4];
> +
> +      for (unsigned i = 0; i < nir_op_infos[alu->op].num_inputs; i++)
> +         const_src[i] = src[i]->low;
> +
> +      nir_const_value dest =
> +               nir_eval_const_opcode(alu->op,
> +                                     alu->dest.dest.ssa.num_components,
> +                                     const_src);
> +
> +      entry->type = constant;
> +      entry->low = dest;
> +      entry->high = dest;
> +      entry->range_type = undefined;
> +      return;
> +   }
> +
> +   switch(alu->op) {
> +   case nir_op_fabs:
> +      set_range_float_value(entry, 0.0f, true);
> +      entry->type = range;
> +      break;
> +
> +   case nir_op_fsat:
> +      if (IS_FLOAT_CONSTANT(src[0]->low, <, 0.0f, 1 /* XXX */)) {
> +         set_range_float_constant(entry, 0.0f);
> +         break;
> +      }
> +
> +      if (IS_FLOAT_CONSTANT(src[0]->low, >, 1.0f, 1 /* XXX */)) {
> +         set_range_float_constant(entry, 1.0f);
> +         break;
> +      }
> +
> +      set_range_float_value(entry, 0.0f, true);
> +      set_range_float_value(entry, 1.0f, false);
> +      entry->type = range;
> +      break;
> +
> +   case nir_op_fsign:
> +      if (IS_FLOAT_CONSTANT(src[0]->low, <, 0.0f, 1 /* XXX */)) {
> +         set_range_float_constant(entry, -1.0f);
> +         break;
> +      }
> +      if (IS_FLOAT_CONSTANT(src[0]->low, >, 0.0f, 1 /* XXX */)) {
> +         set_range_float_constant(entry, 1.0f);
> +         break;
> +      }
> +      break;
> +
> +   case nir_op_fneg:
> +      entry->high = src[0]->low;
> +      entry->low = src[0]->high;
> +      entry->type = src[0]->type;
> +      entry->range_type = src[0]->range_type;
> +      break;
> +
> +   case nir_op_fmov:
> +   case nir_op_imov:
> +      entry->high = src[0]->high;
> +      entry->low = src[0]->low;
> +      entry->type = src[0]->type;
> +      entry->range_type = src[0]->range_type;
> +      break;
> +
> +      /* This may be a no-issue? */
> +   case nir_op_vec4:
> +      entry->high.f[3] = src[0]->high.f[3];
> +      entry->low.f[3] = src[0]->low.f[3];
> +      /* Fallthrough */
> +   case nir_op_vec3:
> +      entry->high.f[2] = src[0]->high.f[2];
> +      entry->low.f[2] = src[0]->low.f[2];
> +      /* Fallthrough */
> +   case nir_op_vec2:
> +      entry->high.f[1] = src[0]->high.f[1];
> +      entry->low.f[1] = src[0]->low.f[1];
> +      entry->high.f[0] = src[0]->high.f[0];
> +      entry->low.f[0] = src[0]->low.f[0];
> +      entry->type = src[0]->type;
> +      entry->range_type = src[0]->range_type;
> +      break;
> +
> +   case nir_op_ffma:
> +   case nir_op_flog2:
> +   case nir_op_flrp:
> +   case nir_op_fpow:
> +   case nir_op_frcp:
> +   case nir_op_fround_even:
> +   case nir_op_frsq:
> +
> +   case nir_op_fxor:
> +   case nir_op_fnot:
> +   case nir_op_for:
> +   case nir_op_fand:
> +
> +   case nir_op_feq:
> +   case nir_op_fge:
> +   case nir_op_flt:
> +   case nir_op_fne:
> +
> +   case nir_op_fsub:
> +   case nir_op_fadd:
> +   case nir_op_fdiv:
> +   case nir_op_fmul:
> +
> +   case nir_op_fcos:
> +   case nir_op_fsin:
> +
> +   case nir_op_fcsel:
> +   case nir_op_fmax:
> +   case nir_op_fmin:
> +
> +   case nir_op_iabs:
> +   case nir_op_ineg:
> +
> +   case nir_op_isign:
> +
> +   case nir_op_iadd:
> +   case nir_op_isub:
> +
> +   case nir_op_idiv:
> +   case nir_op_imul:
> +   case nir_op_imul_high:
> +
> +   case nir_op_ilt:
> +   case nir_op_ieq:
> +   case nir_op_ine:
> +   case nir_op_ige:
> +
> +   case nir_op_imax:
> +   case nir_op_imin:
> +
> +   case nir_op_inot:
> +   case nir_op_ior:
> +   case nir_op_ixor:
> +   case nir_op_iand:
> +
> +   case nir_op_ishl:
> +   case nir_op_ishr:
> +   case nir_op_ifind_msb:
> +
> +   case nir_op_seq:
> +   case nir_op_sge:
> +   case nir_op_slt:
> +   case nir_op_sne:
> +
> +   case nir_op_udiv:
> +   case nir_op_uge:
> +   case nir_op_ult:
> +   case nir_op_umax:
> +   case nir_op_umin:
> +
> +   default:
> +      break;
> +   }
> +
> +   /* I've been trying to solve this in some kind of automagicall way
> +    * but there are so many special cases that implementing all of them
> +    * "the boring way" will probably be best as we can possibly
> +    * do something "smart" for most of the opcodes.
> +    */
> +}
> +
> +static void
> +evaluate_phi_instr(nir_phi_instr *phi, value_range_state *state)
> +{

It seems like you still have the problem explained in one of the
papers (I don't remember which one), where if you have an induction
variable in a loop you'll run in time proportional to the number of
iterations. One way to fix this would be to have a counter to see how
many times the lattice entry has changed, and then if it gets over a
certain small value (say, 2 or 3, to accomodate one cycle of updating
from back-edges) then we simply set it to overdefined.

> +   lattice_entry *entry = get_lattice_entry(&phi->dest.ssa, state);
> +   bool first_range = true;
> +
> +   nir_const_value low;
> +   nir_const_value high;
> +
> +   lattice_entry *src_entry;
> +   nir_foreach_phi_src(phi, src) {
> +
> +      src_entry = get_lattice_entry(src->src.ssa, state);
> +
> +      /* If the block the source is in is not reachable we should not
> +       * add it to the total phi value as it may never be executed.
> +       * If it will it will eventually be marked executable,
> +       * the ssa-defs in the block, along with the phi's, will be processed,
> +       * and therefore this phi will be revisited, and so will be
> +       * resolved correctly.
> +       */
> +      if (!is_block_reachable(src->pred, state))
> +         continue;
> +
> +      /* If one of the sources is overdefined then we can't compute a
> +       * a valid range, and so we should mark it as overdefined
> +       */
> +      if (is_entry_overdefined(src_entry)) {
> +         set_as_overdefined(entry, nir_type_invalid);
> +         return;
> +      }
> +
> +      if (src_entry->type == range || src_entry->type == constant) {
> +         if (first_range) {
> +            first_range = false;
> +
> +            for (unsigned i = 0; i < entry->ssa_def->num_components; i++) {
> +               low.u[i] = src_entry->low.u[i];
> +               high.u[i] = src_entry->high.u[i];
> +            }
> +
> +         } else {
> +            low = per_component_min(low, src_entry->low, entry->range_type,
> +                                    entry->ssa_def->num_components);
> +            high = per_component_max(high, src_entry->high, 
> entry->range_type,
> +                                     entry->ssa_def->num_components);
> +         }
> +      }
> +   }
> +   return;
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +evaluate_ssa_def(nir_ssa_def *def, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   lattice_entry *entry = get_lattice_entry(def, state);
> +   lattice_type old_type = entry->type;
> +   nir_const_value old_high;
> +   nir_const_value old_low;
> +
> +   /* If it is already overdefined then that can not change.
> +    * XXX: This is only true until we implement things like max, min,
> +    * or, and, etc. Those are special, and can therefore change status
> +    * "upwards" in the rule-hierarchy. This can be an issue, as it can
> +    * possibly cause issues with the pass never terminating?
> +    * This needs to be researched and debugged further.
> +    */
> +   if (entry->type == overdefined)
> +      return false;
> +
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
> +      old_high.f[i] = entry->high.f[i];
> +      old_low.f[i] = entry->low.f[i];
> +   }
> +
> +   switch (entry->ssa_def->parent_instr->type) {
> +   case nir_instr_type_load_const:
> +      /* We should have already marked the load_consts as
> +       * constant so there is no use evaluating it.
> +       */
> +      return false;
> +
> +   case nir_instr_type_alu: {
> +      nir_alu_instr *alu = nir_instr_as_alu(entry->ssa_def->parent_instr);
> +
> +      /* The entry can not be in a loop, as we skip those since we do not
> +       * yet support finding a range for those defs.
> +       */
> +      assert(!entry->in_loop);
> +
> +      evaluate_alu_instr(alu, state);
> +      break;
> +   }
> +
> +   case nir_instr_type_phi: {
> +      nir_phi_instr *phi = nir_instr_as_phi(entry->ssa_def->parent_instr);
> +
> +      evaluate_phi_instr(phi, state);
> +      entry->range_type = nir_type_invalid; // XXX: Are phi's also typeless? 
> Should check this up closely
> +      break;
> +   }
> +
> +   default:
> +      return set_as_overdefined(entry, nir_type_invalid);
> +   }
> +
> +   /* Now we check if the information for the instruction has changed.
> +    * If it has then we return true, so that we can evaluate the users.
> +    */
> +   if (entry->type != old_type)
> +      return true;
> +
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
> +      if (old_high.f[i] != entry->high.f[i] ||
> +          old_low.f[i] != entry->low.f[i])
> +      return true;
> +   }

You should be asserting here that the new lattice value is more
"refined" than the new one -- that ranges are larger or the same, that
we didn't turn something overdefined into a range, etc.

> +
> +   return false;
> +}
> +
> +/* Coordinates finding the uses of the ssa_def corresponding to the entry
> + * and sticking them in the ssa_worklist.
> + * Should be run on every lattice_entry that we change the information of.
> + */
> +static void
> +coordinate_uses(lattice_entry *entry, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   nir_foreach_use(entry->ssa_def, src) {
> +      nir_instr *user = src->ssa->parent_instr;
> +
> +      /* No point in checking the use if it is not yet found reachable */
> +      if (!is_block_reachable(user->block, state))
> +         continue;
> +
> +      nir_ssa_def *def = nir_instr_get_dest_ssa_def(user);
> +
> +      /* If it is overdefined we want to push it to head of the list.
> +       * That way we will propagate those faster, avoiding visiting
> +       * ssa-defs with overdefined sources multiple times. */
> +      if (is_entry_overdefined(entry)) {
> +         nir_ssa_def_worklist_push_head(state->ssa_worklist, def);
> +      } else {
> +         nir_ssa_def_worklist_push_tail(state->ssa_worklist, def);
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   nir_foreach_if_use(entry->ssa_def, src) {
> +      /* If the condition was used for an if then we should do something
> +       * about the if to "push our range" into the then and else branch
> +       * by inserting a copy in each of the blocks where we apply the
> +       * range implied by the if-statement.
> +       *
> +       * XXX:
> +       * We should make sure we add one, the other, or both branches to
> +       * the block worklist, as is implied by the if-statement.
> +       * Here is probably the right place to do that as there is no
> +       * guarantee that the conditional statement will have been processed
> +       * before the "get_following_if" in the block-pass is run, and so we
> +       * may end up not adding a branch that we should've added.
> +       * This may give us some headache as the "find out what the result
> +       * of this divergence is" may not have been resolved before we end
> +       * up adding both paths to the list. However, that may not be an
> +       * issue as the if will be resolved as constant if that's the case,
> +       * and the pass will eventually be repeated without those blocks
> +       * due to the dead control flow optimization.
> +       */
> +      nir_if *if_statement = src.parent_if;
> +
> +      nir_cf_node *then_node = nir_if_first_then_node(if_statement);
> +      nir_cf_node *else_node = nir_if_first_else_node(if_statement);
> +
> +      nir_block *then_block = nir_cf_node_as_block(then_node);
> +      nir_block *else_block = nir_cf_node_as_block(else_node);
> +
> +      if (is_entry_true(entry)) {
> +         nir_block_worklist_push_tail(state.block_worklist, then_block);
> +         continue;
> +      }
> +
> +      if (is_entry_false(entry)) {
> +         nir_block_worklist_push_tail(state.block_worklist, else_block);
> +         continue;
> +      }
> +
> +      if (is_entry_overdefined(entry)) {
> +         nir_block_worklist_push_tail(state.block_worklist, then_block);
> +         nir_block_worklist_push_tail(state.block_worklist, else_block);
> +         continue;
> +      }
> +   }
> +}
> +
> +/* On the first run of a block we want to always check all the uses
> + * of the instructions that we process.
> + */
> +static void
> +evaluate_block(nir_block *block, value_range_state *state)
> +{
> +   nir_foreach_instr_safe(block, instr) {
> +      nir_ssa_def *def = nir_instr_get_dest_ssa_def(instr);
> +      lattice_entry *entry = get_lattice_entry(def, state);
> +
> +      /* If the entry stems from a loop then we don't yet support processing
> +       * it, so we skip those and go straight to finding the users.
> +       * This because it's the first time the def is being checked.
> +       */
> +      if (!entry->in_loop)
> +         evaluate_ssa_def(def, state);
> +
> +      coordinate_uses(get_lattice_entry(def, state), state);
> +   }
> +}
> +
> +static bool
> +nir_opt_value_range_impl(nir_function_impl *impl, nir_shader *shader)
> +{
> +   /* We might want to run a pass to insert "pi-nodes" into the
> +    * ssa-tree before running the pass. This is essentially just
> +    * a mov x2 = x1 that we use to have something to "store" the
> +    * range implied by things like if's.
> +    * This will also lead to a need of inserting more phi-nodes,
> +    * as one gets variables that diverge and then converge.
> +    *
> +    * x1 = ....; [-unlimited, unlimited]
> +    * if (x1 < 7)
> +    *    x2 = x1; [-unlimited, 7]
> +    *    |
> +    *    |
> +    * else
> +    *    x3 = x1; [7, unlimited]
> +    *    |
> +    *    |
> +    * x4 = phi(x2, x3);
> +    */
> +
> +   bool progress = false;
> +
> +   value_range_state state;
> +   lattice_entry *entries = ralloc_array(state.mem_ctx, lattice_entry,
> +                                         impl->ssa_alloc);
> +
> +   state.impl = impl;
> +   state.entries = entries;
> +   state.shader = shader;
> +   nir_block_worklist_init(state.block_worklist, impl->num_blocks,
> +                           state.mem_ctx);
> +   nir_ssa_def_worklist_init(state.ssa_worklist, impl->ssa_alloc,
> +                             state.mem_ctx);
> +   state.reachable_blocks = rzalloc_array(state.mem_ctx, BITSET_WORD,
> +                                          
> BITSET_WORDS(state.impl->ssa_alloc));
> +
> +   /* Initialize all lattice entries. We want to mark them as in a loop
> +    * if they are, to simplify checking for this later on. */
> +   foreach_list_typed_safe(nir_cf_node, node, node, &impl->body) {
> +      switch (node->type) {
> +      case nir_cf_node_block:
> +         initialize_block(nir_cf_node_as_block(node), &state);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_cf_node_if:
> +         nir_foreach_block_in_cf_node(node, initialize_block, &state);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_cf_node_loop:
> +         nir_foreach_block_in_cf_node(node, initialize_block_as_in_loop, 
> &state);
> +         break;
> +      case nir_cf_node_function:
> +         /* XXX: Well, we don't want these, and currently we inline the 
> world.
> +          * Should probably just bail with a lot of noise if we hit this.
> +          */
> +         break;
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   nir_block_worklist_push_head(state.block_worklist, impl->start_block);
> +
> +   /* Process the work lists until they are empty */
> +   while (state.block_worklist->count > 0 ||
> +          state.ssa_worklist->count > 0) {
> +
> +      /* Process the instruction work list
> +       * This doesn't do things exactly like in the paper.
> +       * Instead of storing the instructions that have changed and processing
> +       * each user we are instead adding to the list all the users of
> +       * instructions that have changed. In practice there is no difference,
> +       * apart from dealing with uses is moved out to a separate function.
> +       */
> +      while (state.ssa_worklist->count > 0) {
> +
> +         /* All instructions in the list are here because
> +          * we got new information about the range of an operand.
> +          *
> +          * XXX:
> +          * If the instruction is overdefined we don't need to process
> +          * it as it has reached the "lowest status", and therefore
> +          * there should be no way it can be elevated again.
> +          * Exceptions to this rule are things like "&&", "||", "min" or 
> max".
> +          */
> +         nir_ssa_def *def = 
> nir_ssa_def_worklist_pop_head(state.ssa_worklist);
> +
> +         /* If the def is in a loop we don't want to do anything.
> +          * (The instruction is initialized as best we can.)
> +          * When the block it's in is added to the worklist the entry
> +          * will get processed, and so we will evaluate its users.
> +          */
> +         if (get_lattice_entry(def, &state)->in_loop)
> +            continue;
> +
> +         /* Evaluate the ssa_def. If it has changed then add users to list */
> +         if (evaluate_ssa_def(def, &state))
> +            coordinate_uses(get_lattice_entry(def, &state), &state);
> +      }
> +
> +      /* Process the basic block work list */
> +      while (state.block_worklist->count > 0) {
> +         nir_block *block = 
> nir_block_worklist_pop_head(state.block_worklist);
> +
> +         /* Since we have our "coordinate_uses" function that also
> +          * handles phi nodes we can skip the block if it is already set
> +          * as reachable, as the phi's will get automagically added to the
> +          * ssa-def-worklist as they are users of the defs.
> +          */
> +         if (is_block_reachable(block, &state))
> +            continue;
> +
> +         /* Block has been determined to be reachable, mark it */
> +         mark_block_reachable(block, &state);
> +
> +         /* XXX:
> +          * We don't yet handle loops. They are initialized to the best
> +          * of our knowledge in a small pass at the start.
> +          * Handling loops here is not necessary as we bail on all "in-loop"
> +          * ssa-defs, but it's just plain dumb to loop over all defs in a
> +          * block when we know we will bail on each and every one of them.
> +          * This is also an issue further down in this section.
> +          * A possibility is to add a "is-in-loop" bitset for blocks.
> +          */
> +
> +         /* Evaluate all phi's and expressions of the block. */
> +         evaluate_block(block, &state);
> +
> +         /* If the block has only one successor then add it to the worklist 
> */
> +         if ((block->successors[0] != NULL) &&
> +             (block->successors[1] == NULL)) {
> +            nir_block_worklist_push_tail(state.block_worklist,
> +                                         block->successors[0]);
> +            continue;
> +         }
> +
> +         /* If the above failed we have ended up in a block that is either
> +          * the last cf_node, or it is an endless loop. The case with
> +          * the block being the last node is easy enough to test for,
> +          * but how we're gonna deal with an endless loop?
> +          */
> +         if (nir_cf_node_is_last(&block->cf_node)) {
> +            /* This is the last node. This probably doesn't mean that
> +             * the pass is done with its job of analyzing.
> +             */
> +         }
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   /* We can now traverse over blocks and delete those that
> +    * are still marked as unreachable. If we delete a basic block
> +    * we need to first rewrite the phi's that use the results from
> +    * the BB.
> +    *
> +    * This may however not be without issues.
> +    * The following is an excerpt from LLVM SCCP:
> +    *
> +    *  "ResolvedUndefsIn - While solving the dataflow for a function, we 
> assume
> +    *   that branches on undef values cannot reach any of their successors.
> +    *   However, this is not a safe assumption.  After we solve dataflow, 
> this
> +    *   method should be use to handle this.  If this returns true, the 
> solver
> +    *   should be rerun.
> +    *
> +    *   This method handles this by finding an unresolved branch and marking
> +    *   one of the edges from the block as being feasible, even though the
> +    *   condition doesn't say it would be. This allows SCCP to find the rest
> +    *   of the CFG and only slightly pessimizes the analysis results
> +    *   (by marking one, potentially infeasible, edge feasible). This cannot
> +    *   usefully modify the constraints on the condition of the branch,
> +    *   as that would impact other users of the value.
> +    *
> +    *   This scan also checks for values that use undefs, whose results are
> +    *   actually defined. For example, 'zext i8 undef to i32' should produce
> +    *   all zeros conservatively, as "(zext i8 X -> i32) & 0xFF00" must 
> always
> +    *   return zero, even if X isn't defined. "
> +    *
> +    * For now we want to leave the blocks in place, as when the
> +    * conditional for the block that is unreachable is set as a constant
> +    * Connor's pass for removing dead control flow will come along

For the future... just say "the dead control flow pass." No need to
mention my name :)

> +    * and clean up the blocks that can not be reached.
> +    */
> +
> +   /* Check for all values that are proved to be constant,
> +    * and replace them with their constant instruction counterpart. */
> +   for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.impl->ssa_alloc; i++) {
> +      lattice_entry *entry = &(state.entries[i]);
> +
> +      /* If it's a constant thats not a load_const then make a load_const
> +       * instruction and replace the uses of the old instr with that.
> +       */
> +      if (is_lattice_entry_constant(entry) &&
> +          entry->ssa_def->parent_instr->type != nir_instr_type_load_const) {
> +
> +         nir_load_const_instr *instr =
> +               nir_load_const_instr_create(state.shader,
> +                                           entry->ssa_def->num_components);
> +
> +         nir_instr_insert_before(entry->ssa_def->parent_instr,
> +                                 &instr->instr);
> +
> +         nir_src src = nir_src_for_ssa(&(instr->def));
> +         nir_ssa_def_rewrite_uses(entry->ssa_def, src,
> +                                  state.mem_ctx);
> +
> +         nir_instr_remove(entry->ssa_def->parent_instr);
> +         progress = true;
> +      }
> +
> +      if (entry->can_be_predetermined) {
> +         /* We have found that this entry can be predetermined.
> +          * However it is not constant. This calls for a bit more
> +          * difficult solving of the expression.
> +          * Things like min/max with ranges that do not intersect
> +          * may end up here. Also things that can be determined due to sat,
> +          * and things that are known to be useless.
> +          *
> +          * A list of functions to try out might be the simplest idea here.
> +          * Basically a checklist of things that we can remove if we are 
> lucky
> +          * with the range, and work our way through that.
> +          */
> +      }
> +   }
> +   return progress;
> +}
> +
> +bool
> +nir_opt_value_range(nir_shader *shader)
> +{
> +   bool progress = false;
> +   nir_foreach_overload(shader, overload) {
> +      if (overload->impl && nir_opt_value_range_impl(overload->impl, shader))
> +         progress = true;
> +   }
> +
> +   return progress;
> +}
> --
> 2.4.4
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