Erik Faye-Lund <> writes:

> On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Davin McCall <> wrote:
>> On 26/06/15 12:03, Davin McCall wrote:
>>> ... The stored value of 'n' is not accessed by any other type than the
>>> type of n itself. This value is then cast to a different pointer type. You
>>> are mistaken if you think that the cast accesses the stored value of n. The
>>> other "stored value" access that it occurs in that expression is to the
>>> object pointed at by the result of the cast. [...]:
>> I'm sorry, I think that was phrased somewhat abrasively, which I did not
>> intend. Let me try this part again. If we by break up the expression in
>> order of evaluation:
>> From:
>>    return ((const struct exec_node **)n)[0]
>> In order of evaluation:
>> n
>> - which accesses the stored value of n, i.e. a value of type 'struct exec
>> node *', via n, which is obviously of that type.
>> (const struct exec_node **)n
>>  - which casts that value, after it has been retrieved, to another type. If
>> this were an aliasing violation, then casting any pointer variable to
>> another type would be an aliasing violation; this is clearly not the case.
>> ((const struct exec_node **)n)[0]
>> - which de-references the result of the above cast, thereby accessing a
>> stored value of type 'exec node *' using a glvalue of type 'exec node *'.
> I think breaking this up is a mistake, because the strict-aliasing
> rules is explicitly about the *combination* of these two things.
> You *are* accessing the underlying memory of 'n' through a different
> type, and this is what strict aliasing is all about. But it takes two
> steps, a single step isn't enough to do so.
> Those other spec-quotes doesn't undo the strict-aliasing definitions;
> knowing how things are laid out in memory doesn't mean the compiler
> cannot assume two differently typed variables doesn't overlap.

So basically, you're saying that e.g.:

   p->next = a;
   q = exec_node_get_next_const(p);

is equivalent to:

   exec_node * p1 = p;
   exec_node ** p2 = (exec_node**)p;
   p1->next = a;
   q = p2[0];

And at this point p1 and p2 are different types, so the compiler can
freely assume that p1 and p2 are non-overlapping. Thus the two
assignments can be "safely" reordered. Sounds plausible to me.

And note that casting via void* won't help. "p == (void*)p" compares a
variable of type "exec_node*" to a variable of type "void*", and thus
there's no strict-aliasing problem. But "p == (exec_node**)(void*)p"
compares an "exec_node*" to an "exec_node**" and thus the compiler can
assume that they are not the same.

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