On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 08:52:01AM +0300, Abdiel Janulgue wrote:
> When hardware-generated binding tables are enabled, use the hw-generated
> binding table format when uploading binding table state.
> Normally, the CS will will just consume the binding table pointer commands
> as pipelined state. When the RS is enabled however, the RS flushes whatever
> edited surface state entries of our on-chip binding table to the binding
> table pool before passing the command on to the CS.
> Note that the the binding table pointer offset is relative to the binding 
> table
> pool base address when resource streamer instead of the surface state base 
> address.
> v2: Fix possible buffer overflow when allocating a chunk out of the
>     hw-binding table pool (Ken).

If I am reading this correctly, the binding table store offsets relative
to the surface-state base address. It would seem that separating the
surfaces into their own state bo would cut down on the amount of RS
traffic (you would not need to reload the binding table bo every batch,
nor change the entries as often). Right?

Chris Wilson, Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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