On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Rob Clark <robdcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Connor Abbott <cwabbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> (really I want phi's for variables too..  the way I turn arrays into
>>>>> fanin/collect fanout/split works on the backend for dealing with
>>>>> arrays in ssa form (other than making instruction graph large) but the
>>>>> way I go from nir to ir3 currently assumes I get nir phi's everywhere
>>>>> I need an ir3 phi)
>>>> Right... we explicitly decided not to support SSA form for arrays in
>>>> NIR, since it seemed like a pretty bad idea. SSA form assumes that
>>>> inserting copies for the things you're SSA-ifying is relatively
>>>> inexpensive, and both SSA-based register allocation and algorithms for
>>>> converting out of SSA make no guarantees about not inserting
>>>> potentially unnecessary copies. This is a good compromise for smaller
>>>> things, but not for your array of (say) 64 things where inserting an
>>>> extra copy is rather disastrous. You can do it if you want and shoot
>>>> yourself in the foot, but NIR isn't going to help you there -- we
>>>> won't write a to-SSA pass for something which doesn't make much sense
>>>> in the first place.
>>> in ir3 my solution is to add sufficient dependencies between
>>> instructions so the array accesses don't get re-ordered and they all
>>> collapse down to a single name per array element/slot
>> It's not about getting reordered, it's about interference. The problem
>> is that as soon as you do basically any optimization at all (even copy
>> propagation), you can wind up with a situation where the sources and
>> destination of a phi node interfere with each other and you have to
>> insert extra mov's. And even if you keep everything exactly the same,
>> with an SSA-based register allocator, there's always the chance that
>> it'll screw up anyways and allocate something over your array and
>> force you to insert a mov. You could force the array to be allocated
>> to a single hardware register, but then it's not really an SSA value
>> anymore -- it's a hardware register, and you can't treat it like an
>> SSA value anymore in your allocator, and so adding phi nodes and
>> whatnot for it in your IR doesn't make much sense.
> But the point I'm trying to make is that I need the links from src to
> dest that I get in SSA form for *scheduling* (for example, to know how
> many delay slots are needed between two instructions).  For things
> like if/else, I would need to consider number of cycles since either
> possible assigner.  For everything else, the phi nodes (in ir3, not in
> nir) give me this.  Arrays are not special (since they are allocated
> in registers) when it comes to cycle counts.

(or rather, instructions that write to arrays are not special...)

> BR,
> -R
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