v2: Use set_predicate/condmod.  Use fs_builder::OPCODE instead of
 .../drivers/dri/i965/test_fs_cmod_propagation.cpp  | 102 ++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/test_fs_cmod_propagation.cpp 
index 0e48e82..7bb5c4a 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/test_fs_cmod_propagation.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/test_fs_cmod_propagation.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include "brw_cfg.h"
 #include "program/program.h"
+using namespace brw;
 class cmod_propagation_test : public ::testing::Test {
    virtual void SetUp();
@@ -101,13 +103,13 @@ cmod_propagation(fs_visitor *v)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, basic)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest, src0, src1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, dest, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.ADD(dest, src0, src1);
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), dest, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -133,13 +135,13 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, basic)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, cmp_nonzero)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg nonzero(1.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest, src0, src1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, dest, nonzero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.ADD(dest, src0, src1);
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), dest, nonzero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -166,12 +168,12 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, cmp_nonzero)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, non_cmod_instruction)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
    fs_reg zero(0u);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_FBL, dest, src0);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_ud, dest, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.FBL(dest, src0);
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_ud(), dest, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -198,16 +200,15 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, non_cmod_instruction)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_flag_write)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src2 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest, src0, src1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, src2, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, dest, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.ADD(dest, src0, src1);
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), src2, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), dest, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -237,17 +238,16 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_flag_write)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_flag_read)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg dest1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src2 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest0, src0, src1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_SEL, dest1, src2, zero)
-      ->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, dest0, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.ADD(dest0, src0, src1);
+   set_predicate(BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL, bld.SEL(dest1, src2, zero));
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), dest0, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -277,16 +277,16 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_flag_read)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_dest_write)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::vec4_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src2 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::vec2_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, offset(dest, 2), src0, src1);
-   v->emit(SHADER_OPCODE_TEX, dest, src2)
+   bld.ADD(offset(dest, 2), src0, src1);
+   bld.emit(SHADER_OPCODE_TEX, dest, src2)
       ->regs_written = 4;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, offset(dest, 2), zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), offset(dest, 2), zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -317,18 +317,16 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_dest_write)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, intervening_flag_read_same_value)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg dest1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src2 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest0, src0, src1)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_SEL, dest1, src2, zero)
-      ->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, dest0, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   set_condmod(BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, bld.ADD(dest0, src0, src1));
+   set_predicate(BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL, bld.SEL(dest1, src2, zero));
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), dest0, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -358,14 +356,14 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, 
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, negate)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest, src0, src1);
+   bld.ADD(dest, src0, src1);
    dest.negate = true;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, dest, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), dest, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -391,13 +389,13 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, negate)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, movnz)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, dest, src0, src1)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_MOV, v->reg_null_f, dest)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ;
+   bld.CMP(dest, src0, src1, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
+   set_condmod(BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ,
+               bld.MOV(bld.null_reg_f(), dest));
    /* = Before =
@@ -423,14 +421,14 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, movnz)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, different_types_cmod_with_zero)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
    fs_reg src1 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dest, src0, src1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, v->reg_null_f, retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F),
-                                          zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE;
+   bld.ADD(dest, src0, src1);
+   bld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), zero,
+           BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE);
    /* = Before =
@@ -457,15 +455,15 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, 
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, andnz_one)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
    fs_reg one(1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), src0, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_L;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_AND, v->reg_null_d, dest, one)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ;
+   bld.CMP(retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), src0, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L);
+   set_condmod(BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ,
+               bld.AND(bld.null_reg_d(), dest, one));
    /* = Before =
     * 0: cmp.l.f0(8)     dest:F  src0:F  0F
@@ -492,15 +490,15 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, andnz_one)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, andnz_non_one)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
    fs_reg nonone(38);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), src0, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_L;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_AND, v->reg_null_d, dest, nonone)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ;
+   bld.CMP(retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), src0, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L);
+   set_condmod(BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ,
+               bld.AND(bld.null_reg_d(), dest, nonone));
    /* = Before =
     * 0: cmp.l.f0(8)     dest:F  src0:F  0F
@@ -527,15 +525,15 @@ TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, andnz_non_one)
 TEST_F(cmod_propagation_test, andz_one)
+   const fs_builder &bld = v->bld;
    fs_reg dest = v->vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
    fs_reg src0 = v->vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
    fs_reg zero(0.0f);
    fs_reg one(1);
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), src0, zero)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_L;
-   v->emit(BRW_OPCODE_AND, v->reg_null_d, dest, one)
-      ->conditional_mod = BRW_CONDITIONAL_Z;
+   bld.CMP(retype(dest, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F), src0, zero, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L);
+   set_condmod(BRW_CONDITIONAL_Z,
+               bld.AND(bld.null_reg_d(), dest, one));
    /* = Before =
     * 0: cmp.l.f0(8)     dest:F  src0:F  0F

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