This simplifies opt_peephole_sel() slightly by emitting the SEL
instructions immediately after they are created, what makes the
sel_inst and mov_imm_inst arrays unnecessary and will make it possible
to get rid of the explicit inserts when the pass is migrated to the IR
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_sel_peephole.cpp | 44 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_sel_peephole.cpp 
index 52aa559..635c91b 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_sel_peephole.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_sel_peephole.cpp
@@ -153,9 +153,6 @@ fs_visitor::opt_peephole_sel()
       if (movs == 0)
-      fs_inst *sel_inst[MAX_MOVS] = { NULL };
-      fs_inst *mov_imm_inst[MAX_MOVS] = { NULL };
       enum brw_predicate predicate;
       bool predicate_inverse;
       if (devinfo->gen == 6 && if_inst->conditional_mod) {
@@ -188,9 +185,22 @@ fs_visitor::opt_peephole_sel()
             movs = i;
+      }
+      if (movs == 0)
+         continue;
+      /* Emit a CMP if our IF used the embedded comparison */
+      if (devinfo->gen == 6 && if_inst->conditional_mod) {
+         fs_inst *cmp_inst = CMP(reg_null_d, if_inst->src[0], if_inst->src[1],
+                                 if_inst->conditional_mod);
+         if_inst->insert_before(block, cmp_inst);
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < movs; i++) {
          if (then_mov[i]->src[0].equals(else_mov[i]->src[0])) {
-            sel_inst[i] = MOV(then_mov[i]->dst, then_mov[i]->src[0]);
+            fs_inst *inst = MOV(then_mov[i]->dst, then_mov[i]->src[0]);
+            if_inst->insert_before(block, inst);
          } else {
             /* Only the last source register can be a constant, so if the MOV
              * in the "then" clause uses a constant, we need to put it in a
@@ -200,29 +210,15 @@ fs_visitor::opt_peephole_sel()
             if (src0.file == IMM) {
                src0 = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
                src0.type = then_mov[i]->src[0].type;
-               mov_imm_inst[i] = MOV(src0, then_mov[i]->src[0]);
+               fs_inst *inst = MOV(src0, then_mov[i]->src[0]);
+               if_inst->insert_before(block, inst);
-            sel_inst[i] = SEL(then_mov[i]->dst, src0, else_mov[i]->src[0]);
-            sel_inst[i]->predicate = predicate;
-            sel_inst[i]->predicate_inverse = predicate_inverse;
+            fs_inst *inst = SEL(then_mov[i]->dst, src0, else_mov[i]->src[0]);
+            inst->predicate = predicate;
+            inst->predicate_inverse = predicate_inverse;
+            if_inst->insert_before(block, inst);
-      }
-      if (movs == 0)
-         continue;
-      /* Emit a CMP if our IF used the embedded comparison */
-      if (devinfo->gen == 6 && if_inst->conditional_mod) {
-         fs_inst *cmp_inst = CMP(reg_null_d, if_inst->src[0], if_inst->src[1],
-                                 if_inst->conditional_mod);
-         if_inst->insert_before(block, cmp_inst);
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < movs; i++) {
-         if (mov_imm_inst[i])
-            if_inst->insert_before(block, mov_imm_inst[i]);
-         if_inst->insert_before(block, sel_inst[i]);

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