 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp         | 284 ---------------------------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h           |  73 -------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp |  79 --------
 3 files changed, 436 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp 
index befa565..2caed80 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp
@@ -214,143 +214,6 @@ fs_inst::resize_sources(uint8_t num_sources)
-#define ALU1(op)                                                        \
-   fs_inst *                                                            \
-   fs_visitor::op(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0)                \
-   {                                                                    \
-      return new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_##op, dst, src0);          \
-   }
-#define ALU2(op)                                                        \
-   fs_inst *                                                            \
-   fs_visitor::op(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0,                \
-                  const fs_reg &src1)                                   \
-   {                                                                    \
-      return new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_##op, dst, src0, src1);    \
-   }
-#define ALU2_ACC(op)                                                    \
-   fs_inst *                                                            \
-   fs_visitor::op(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0,                \
-                  const fs_reg &src1)                                   \
-   {                                                                    \
-      fs_inst *inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_##op, dst, src0, src1);\
-      inst->writes_accumulator = true;                                  \
-      return inst;                                                      \
-   }
-#define ALU3(op)                                                        \
-   fs_inst *                                                            \
-   fs_visitor::op(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0,                \
-                  const fs_reg &src1, const fs_reg &src2)               \
-   {                                                                    \
-      return new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_##op, dst, src0, src1, src2);\
-   }
-/** Gen4 predicated IF. */
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::IF(enum brw_predicate predicate)
-   fs_inst *inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_IF, dispatch_width);
-   inst->predicate = predicate;
-   return inst;
-/** Gen6 IF with embedded comparison. */
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::IF(const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1,
-               enum brw_conditional_mod condition)
-   assert(devinfo->gen == 6);
-   fs_inst *inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_IF, dispatch_width,
-                                        reg_null_d, src0, src1);
-   inst->conditional_mod = condition;
-   return inst;
- * CMP: Sets the low bit of the destination channels with the result
- * of the comparison, while the upper bits are undefined, and updates
- * the flag register with the packed 16 bits of the result.
- */
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::CMP(fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0, fs_reg src1,
-                enum brw_conditional_mod condition)
-   fs_inst *inst;
-   /* Take the instruction:
-    *
-    * CMP null<d> src0<f> src1<f>
-    *
-    * Original gen4 does type conversion to the destination type before
-    * comparison, producing garbage results for floating point comparisons.
-    *
-    * The destination type doesn't matter on newer generations, so we set the
-    * type to match src0 so we can compact the instruction.
-    */
-   dst.type = src0.type;
-   if (dst.file == HW_REG)
-      dst.fixed_hw_reg.type = dst.type;
-   resolve_ud_negate(&src0);
-   resolve_ud_negate(&src1);
-   inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_CMP, dst, src0, src1);
-   inst->conditional_mod = condition;
-   return inst;
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::LOAD_PAYLOAD(const fs_reg &dst, fs_reg *src, int sources,
-                         int header_size)
-   assert(dst.width % 8 == 0);
-   fs_inst *inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(SHADER_OPCODE_LOAD_PAYLOAD, dst.width,
-                                        dst, src, sources);
-   inst->header_size = header_size;
-   for (int i = 0; i < header_size; i++)
-      assert(src[i].file != GRF || src[i].width * type_sz(src[i].type) == 32);
-   inst->regs_written = header_size;
-   for (int i = header_size; i < sources; ++i)
-      assert(src[i].file != GRF || src[i].width == dst.width);
-   inst->regs_written += (sources - header_size) * (dst.width / 8);
-   return inst;
 fs_visitor::VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(const fs_builder &bld,
                                        const fs_reg &dst,
@@ -860,45 +723,6 @@ fs_visitor::no16(const char *format, ...)
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(enum opcode opcode)
-   return emit(new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(opcode, dispatch_width));
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst)
-   return emit(new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(opcode, dst));
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0)
-   return emit(new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(opcode, dst, src0));
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0,
-                 const fs_reg &src1)
-   return emit(new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(opcode, dst, src0, src1));
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0,
-                 const fs_reg &src1, const fs_reg &src2)
-   return emit(new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(opcode, dst, src0, src1, src2));
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst,
-                 fs_reg src[], int sources)
-   return emit(new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(opcode, dst, src, sources));
  * Returns true if the instruction has a flag that means it won't
  * update an entire destination register.
@@ -1051,14 +875,6 @@ fs_visitor::vgrf(const glsl_type *const type)
                  brw_type_for_base_type(type), dispatch_width);
-fs_visitor::vgrf(int num_components)
-   int reg_width = dispatch_width / 8;
-   return fs_reg(GRF, alloc.allocate(num_components * reg_width),
-                 BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F, dispatch_width);
 /** Fixed HW reg constructor. */
 fs_reg::fs_reg(enum register_file file, int reg)
@@ -1487,106 +1303,6 @@ fs_visitor::resolve_source_modifiers(fs_reg *src)
    *src = temp;
-fs_visitor::fix_math_operand(fs_reg src)
-   /* Can't do hstride == 0 args on gen6 math, so expand it out. We
-    * might be able to do better by doing execsize = 1 math and then
-    * expanding that result out, but we would need to be careful with
-    * masking.
-    *
-    * The hardware ignores source modifiers (negate and abs) on math
-    * instructions, so we also move to a temp to set those up.
-    */
-   if (devinfo->gen == 6 && src.file != UNIFORM && src.file != IMM &&
-       !src.abs && !src.negate)
-      return src;
-   /* Gen7 relaxes most of the above restrictions, but still can't use IMM
-    * operands to math
-    */
-   if (devinfo->gen >= 7 && src.file != IMM)
-      return src;
-   fs_reg expanded = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
-   expanded.type = src.type;
-   emit(BRW_OPCODE_MOV, expanded, src);
-   return expanded;
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit_math(enum opcode opcode, fs_reg dst, fs_reg src)
-   switch (opcode) {
-      break;
-   default:
-      unreachable("not reached: bad math opcode");
-   }
-   /* Can't do hstride == 0 args to gen6 math, so expand it out.  We
-    * might be able to do better by doing execsize = 1 math and then
-    * expanding that result out, but we would need to be careful with
-    * masking.
-    *
-    * Gen 6 hardware ignores source modifiers (negate and abs) on math
-    * instructions, so we also move to a temp to set those up.
-    */
-   if (devinfo->gen == 6 || devinfo->gen == 7)
-      src = fix_math_operand(src);
-   fs_inst *inst = emit(opcode, dst, src);
-   if (devinfo->gen < 6) {
-      inst->base_mrf = 2;
-      inst->mlen = dispatch_width / 8;
-   }
-   return inst;
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit_math(enum opcode opcode, fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0, fs_reg src1)
-   int base_mrf = 2;
-   fs_inst *inst;
-   if (devinfo->gen >= 8) {
-      inst = emit(opcode, dst, src0, src1);
-   } else if (devinfo->gen >= 6) {
-      src0 = fix_math_operand(src0);
-      src1 = fix_math_operand(src1);
-      inst = emit(opcode, dst, src0, src1);
-   } else {
-      /* From the Ironlake PRM, Volume 4, Part 1, Section 6.1.13
-       * "Message Payload":
-       *
-       * "Operand0[7].  For the INT DIV functions, this operand is the
-       *  denominator."
-       *  ...
-       * "Operand1[7].  For the INT DIV functions, this operand is the
-       *  numerator."
-       */
-      bool is_int_div = opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_POW;
-      fs_reg &op0 = is_int_div ? src1 : src0;
-      fs_reg &op1 = is_int_div ? src0 : src1;
-      emit(MOV(fs_reg(MRF, base_mrf + 1, op1.type, dispatch_width), op1));
-      inst = emit(opcode, dst, op0, reg_null_f);
-      inst->base_mrf = base_mrf;
-      inst->mlen = 2 * dispatch_width / 8;
-   }
-   return inst;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h 
index ef0256d..225a973 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h
@@ -70,10 +70,6 @@ namespace brw {
 class fs_visitor : public backend_shader
-   const fs_reg reg_null_f;
-   const fs_reg reg_null_d;
-   const fs_reg reg_null_ud;
    fs_visitor(struct brw_context *brw,
               void *mem_ctx,
               gl_shader_stage stage,
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ public:
    fs_reg vgrf(const glsl_type *const type);
-   fs_reg vgrf(int num_components);
    void import_uniforms(fs_visitor *v);
    void setup_uniform_clipplane_values();
    void compute_clip_distance();
@@ -95,65 +90,11 @@ public:
    void swizzle_result(ir_texture_opcode op, int dest_components,
                        fs_reg orig_val, uint32_t sampler);
-   fs_inst *emit(fs_inst *inst);
-   void emit(exec_list list);
-   fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode);
-   fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst);
-   fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0);
-   fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0,
-                 const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst,
-                 const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1, const fs_reg &src2);
-   fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode, const fs_reg &dst,
-                 fs_reg src[], int sources);
-   fs_inst *MOV(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
-   fs_inst *NOT(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
-   fs_inst *RNDD(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
-   fs_inst *RNDE(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
-   fs_inst *RNDZ(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
-   fs_inst *FRC(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
-   fs_inst *ADD(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *MUL(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *MACH(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *MAC(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *SHL(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *SHR(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *ASR(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *AND(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *OR(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *XOR(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *IF(enum brw_predicate predicate);
-   fs_inst *IF(const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1,
-               enum brw_conditional_mod condition);
-   fs_inst *CMP(fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0, fs_reg src1,
-                enum brw_conditional_mod condition);
-   fs_inst *LRP(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &a, const fs_reg &y,
-                const fs_reg &x);
-   fs_inst *BFREV(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &value);
-   fs_inst *BFE(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &bits, const fs_reg &offset,
-                const fs_reg &value);
-   fs_inst *BFI1(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &bits, const fs_reg &offset);
-   fs_inst *BFI2(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &bfi1_dst,
-                 const fs_reg &insert, const fs_reg &base);
-   fs_inst *FBH(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &value);
-   fs_inst *FBL(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &value);
-   fs_inst *CBIT(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &value);
-   fs_inst *MAD(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &c, const fs_reg &b,
-                const fs_reg &a);
-   fs_inst *ADDC(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *SUBB(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
-   fs_inst *SEL(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1);
    int type_size(const struct glsl_type *type);
    fs_inst *get_instruction_generating_reg(fs_inst *start,
                                           fs_inst *end,
                                           const fs_reg &reg);
-   fs_inst *LOAD_PAYLOAD(const fs_reg &dst, fs_reg *src, int sources,
-                         int header_size);
    void VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(const brw::fs_builder &bld,
                                    const fs_reg &dst,
                                    const fs_reg &surf_index,
@@ -284,14 +225,7 @@ public:
    fs_reg emit_mcs_fetch(fs_reg coordinate, int components, fs_reg sampler);
    void emit_gen6_gather_wa(uint8_t wa, fs_reg dst);
    void resolve_source_modifiers(fs_reg *src);
-   fs_reg fix_math_operand(fs_reg src);
-   fs_inst *emit_math(enum opcode op, fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0);
-   fs_inst *emit_math(enum opcode op, fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0, fs_reg src1);
-   fs_inst *emit_lrp(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &x, const fs_reg &y,
-                     const fs_reg &a);
    void emit_discard_jump();
-   /** Copy any live channel from \p src to the first channel of \p dst. */
-   void emit_uniformize(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src);
    bool try_replace_with_sel();
    bool opt_peephole_sel();
    bool opt_peephole_predicated_break();
@@ -354,8 +288,6 @@ public:
    void emit_untyped_surface_read(unsigned surf_index, fs_reg dst,
                                   fs_reg offset);
-   void resolve_ud_negate(fs_reg *reg);
    fs_reg get_timestamp(const brw::fs_builder &bld);
    struct brw_reg interp_reg(int location, int channel);
@@ -417,11 +349,6 @@ public:
    fs_reg nir_outputs;
    fs_reg *nir_system_values;
-   /** @{ debug annotation info */
-   const char *current_annotation;
-   const void *base_ir;
-   /** @} */
    bool failed;
    char *fail_msg;
    bool simd16_unsupported;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp 
index d73f890..5fe6f49 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
@@ -78,44 +78,6 @@ fs_visitor::emit_vs_system_value(int location)
 fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit_lrp(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &x, const fs_reg &y,
-                     const fs_reg &a)
-   if (devinfo->gen < 6) {
-      /* We can't use the LRP instruction.  Emit x*(1-a) + y*a. */
-      fs_reg y_times_a           = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
-      fs_reg one_minus_a         = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
-      fs_reg x_times_one_minus_a = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
-      emit(MUL(y_times_a, y, a));
-      fs_reg negative_a = a;
-      negative_a.negate = !a.negate;
-      emit(ADD(one_minus_a, negative_a, fs_reg(1.0f)));
-      emit(MUL(x_times_one_minus_a, x, one_minus_a));
-      return emit(ADD(dst, x_times_one_minus_a, y_times_a));
-   } else {
-      /* The LRP instruction actually does op1 * op0 + op2 * (1 - op0), so
-       * we need to reorder the operands.
-       */
-      return emit(LRP(dst, a, y, x));
-   }
-fs_visitor::emit_uniformize(const fs_reg &dst, const fs_reg &src)
-   const fs_reg chan_index = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
-   emit(SHADER_OPCODE_FIND_LIVE_CHANNEL, component(chan_index, 0))
-      ->force_writemask_all = true;
-   emit(SHADER_OPCODE_BROADCAST, component(dst, 0),
-        src, component(chan_index, 0))
-      ->force_writemask_all = true;
-fs_inst *
 fs_visitor::emit_texture_gen4(ir_texture_opcode op, fs_reg dst,
                               fs_reg coordinate, int coord_components,
                               fs_reg shadow_c,
@@ -1264,29 +1226,6 @@ fs_visitor::emit_untyped_surface_read(unsigned 
surf_index, fs_reg dst,
    inst->mlen = mlen;
-fs_inst *
-fs_visitor::emit(fs_inst *inst)
-   if (dispatch_width == 16 && inst->exec_size == 8)
-      inst->force_uncompressed = true;
-   inst->annotation = this->current_annotation;
-   inst->ir = this->base_ir;
-   this->instructions.push_tail(inst);
-   return inst;
-fs_visitor::emit(exec_list list)
-   foreach_in_list_safe(fs_inst, inst, &list) {
-      inst->exec_node::remove();
-      emit(inst);
-   }
 /** Emits a dummy fragment shader consisting of magenta for bringup purposes. 
@@ -1993,18 +1932,6 @@ fs_visitor::emit_urb_writes()
-fs_visitor::resolve_ud_negate(fs_reg *reg)
-   if (reg->type != BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD ||
-       !reg->negate)
-      return;
-   fs_reg temp = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
-   emit(MOV(temp, *reg));
-   *reg = temp;
    assert(brw->gen >= 7);
@@ -2034,9 +1961,6 @@ fs_visitor::fs_visitor(struct brw_context *brw,
                        struct gl_program *prog,
                        unsigned dispatch_width)
    : backend_shader(brw, shader_prog, prog, prog_data, stage),
-     reg_null_f(retype(brw_null_vec(dispatch_width), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F)),
-     reg_null_d(retype(brw_null_vec(dispatch_width), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_D)),
-     reg_null_ud(retype(brw_null_vec(dispatch_width), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD)),
      key(key), prog_data(prog_data),
      dispatch_width(dispatch_width), promoted_constants(0),
      bld(this, dispatch_width)
@@ -2073,9 +1997,6 @@ fs_visitor::fs_visitor(struct brw_context *brw,
    this->first_non_payload_grf = 0;
    this->max_grf = devinfo->gen >= 7 ? GEN7_MRF_HACK_START : BRW_MAX_GRF;
-   this->current_annotation = NULL;
-   this->base_ir = NULL;
    this->virtual_grf_start = NULL;
    this->virtual_grf_end = NULL;
    this->live_intervals = NULL;

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