3. jun. 2015 21.01 skrev "Shervin Sharifi" <sherv...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
>  Just wanted to see if there's a plan for supporting OpenGL ES 3.1 in
near future.


I think the short answer is yes.
As far as I know all the necessary extensions are under progress,
and I think Ian has been doing work on allowing to enable it.
The definition of "near future" is obviously a vague one, but if I
where to guess I would expect it to be done by the next release(core

Support in core mesa, and support in the individual drivers is two different
things however, so when your preferred driver gets support is a question
is highly dependent on the hardware you're running.
While I'm no Intel developer, the understanding I've gotten is that
ivy bridge and newer will hopefully support gles31 by the next release.


>  Thanks,
>     Shervin
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