Now that Jason's LOAD_PAYLOAD improvements have landed, we don't need
this.  Passing 1 for the number of header registers already takes care
of setting force_writemask_all on the header copy.

Signed-off-by: Kenneth Graunke <>
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp | 16 ++++------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp 
index e336b73..c9a2644 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp
@@ -1980,20 +1980,12 @@ fs_visitor::emit_urb_writes()
          fs_reg *payload_sources = ralloc_array(mem_ctx, fs_reg, length + 1);
          fs_reg payload = fs_reg(GRF, alloc.allocate(length + 1),
                                  BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F, dispatch_width);
-         /* We need WE_all on the MOV for the message header (the URB handles)
-          * so do a MOV to a dummy register and set force_writemask_all on the
-          * MOV.  LOAD_PAYLOAD will preserve that.
-          */
-         fs_reg dummy = fs_reg(GRF, alloc.allocate(1),
-                               BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
-         fs_inst *inst = emit(MOV(dummy, fs_reg(retype(brw_vec8_grf(1, 0),
-         inst->force_writemask_all = true;
-         payload_sources[0] = dummy;
+         payload_sources[0] =
+            fs_reg(retype(brw_vec8_grf(1, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));
          memcpy(&payload_sources[1], sources, length * sizeof sources[0]);
-         emit(LOAD_PAYLOAD(payload, payload_sources, length + 1, 1));
+         fs_inst *inst =
+            emit(LOAD_PAYLOAD(payload, payload_sources, length + 1, 1));
          inst = emit(SHADER_OPCODE_URB_WRITE_SIMD8, reg_undef, payload);
          inst->eot = last;

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