On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 5:46 PM, Anuj Phogat <anuj.pho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Ben Widawsky <b...@bwidawsk.net> wrote:
>> A lot of opinion stuff is below, feel free to ignore them if you don't think
>> there are improvements.
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 04:51:38PM -0700, Anuj Phogat wrote:
>>> This patch enables using XY_FAST_COPY_BLT only for Yf/Ys tiled buffers.
>>> Later It can be turned on for other tiling patterns (X,Y).
>>> Signed-off-by: Anuj Phogat <anuj.pho...@gmail.com>
>>> ---
>>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.c       | 292 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.h       |   3 +
>>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_copy_image.c |   3 +
>>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_reg.h        |  33 +++
>>>  4 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.c 
>>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.c
>>> index 9500bd7..36746c4 100644
>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.c
>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.c
>>> @@ -43,6 +43,23 @@
>>> +#define SET_TILING_XY_FAST_COPY_BLT(tiling, tr_mode, type)           \
>>> +({                                                                   \
>>> +   switch (tiling) {                                                 \
>>> +   case I915_TILING_X:                                               \
>>> +      CMD |= type ## _TILED_X;                                       \
>>> +      break;                                                         \
>>> +   case I915_TILING_Y:                                               \
>> assert(tr_mode != INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_YF); ?
> INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_{YF, NONE} are allowed and covered in else case.
>>> +      if (tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_YS)                        \
>>> +         CMD |= type ## _TILED_64K;                                  \
>>> +      else                                                           \
>>> +         CMD |= type ## _TILED_Y;                                    \
>>> +      break;                                                         \
>>> +   default:                                                          \
>>> +      unreachable("not reached");                                    \
>>> +   }                                                                 \
>>> +})
>>> +
>>>  static void
>>>  intel_miptree_set_alpha_to_one(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>                                 struct intel_mipmap_tree *mt,
>>> @@ -75,6 +92,12 @@ static uint32_t
>>>  br13_for_cpp(int cpp)
>>>  {
>>>     switch (cpp) {
>>> +   case 16:nn
>>> +      return BR13_32323232;
>>> +      break;
>>> +   case 8:
>>> +      return BR13_16161616;
>>> +      break;
>>>     case 4:
>>>        return BR13_8888;
>>>        break;
>>> @@ -89,6 +112,132 @@ br13_for_cpp(int cpp)
>>>     }
>>>  }
>>> +static uint32_t
>>> +get_tr_horizontal_align(uint32_t tr_mode, uint32_t cpp, bool is_src) {
>>> +   /*Alignment tables for YF/YS tiled surfaces. */
>>> +   const uint32_t align_2d_yf[] = {64, 64, 32, 32, 16};
>>> +   const uint32_t align_2d_ys[] = {256, 256, 128, 128, 64};
>>> +   const uint32_t bpp = cpp * 8;
>>> +   uint32_t align;
>>> +   int i = 0;
>>> +
>>> +   if (tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE)
>>> +      return 0;
>>> +
>>> +   /* Compute array index. */
>>> +   assert (bpp >= 8 && bpp <= 128 && (bpp & (bpp - 1)) == 0);
>> assert(bpp >= 8 && bpp <= 128 && _mesa_bitcount(bpp) == 1);
>> (I couldn't find a is_pow2, but one must exist).
> There is a is_power_of_two() in main/macros.h. I'll use that here.
>>> +   while (bpp >> (i + 4))
>>> +      i++;
>>> +
>> Since you just asserted this was a power of 2 above, isn't this just:
>> ffs(bpp/8) - 1;
> Yes, ffs() will work too. I'll use it.
>>> +   if (tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_YF)
>>> +      align = align_2d_yf[i];
>>> +   else
>>> +      align = align_2d_ys[i];
>>> +
>>> +   switch(align) {
>>> +   case 512:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_512 : XY_DST_H_ALIGN_512;
>>> +   case 256:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_256 : XY_DST_H_ALIGN_256;
>>> +   case 128:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_128 : XY_DST_H_ALIGN_128;
>>> +   case 64:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_64 : XY_DST_H_ALIGN_64;
>>> +   case 32:
>>> +   /* XY_FAST_COPY_BLT doesn't support horizontal alignment of 16. */
>>> +   case 16:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_32 : XY_DST_H_ALIGN_32;
>>> +   default:
>>> +      unreachable("not reached");
>>> +   }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static uint32_t
>>> +get_tr_vertical_align(uint32_t tr_mode, uint32_t cpp, bool is_src) {
>>> +   /* Vertical alignment tables for YF/YS tiled surfaces. */
>>> +   const unsigned align_2d_yf[] = {64, 32, 32, 16, 16};
>>> +   const unsigned align_2d_ys[] = {256, 128, 128, 64, 64};
>>> +   const uint32_t bpp = cpp * 8;
>>> +   uint32_t align;
>>> +   int i = 0;
>>> +
>>> +   if (tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE)
>>> +      return 0;
>>> +
>>> +   /* Compute array index. */
>>> +   assert (bpp >= 8 && bpp <= 128 && (bpp & (bpp - 1)) == 0);
>>> +   while (bpp >> (i + 4))
>>> +      i++;
>>> +
>>> +   if (tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_YF)
>>> +      align = align_2d_yf[i];
>>> +   else
>>> +      align = align_2d_ys[i];
>>> +
>> Comments above apply here too. Also, it looks easy enough to combine these 
>> two
>> functions, but I'm okay with leaving them separate if^Wwhen things change in 
>> the
>> future.
>>> +   switch(align) {
>>> +   case 256:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_V_ALIGN_256 : XY_DST_V_ALIGN_256;
>>> +   case 128:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_V_ALIGN_128 : XY_DST_V_ALIGN_128;
>>> +   case 64:
>>> +   /* XY_FAST_COPY_BLT doesn't support vertical alignments of 16 and 32. */
>>> +   case 32:
>>> +   case 16:
>>> +      return is_src ? XY_SRC_V_ALIGN_64 : XY_DST_V_ALIGN_64;
>>> +   default:
>>> +      unreachable("not reached");
>>> +   }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static bool
>>> +fast_copy_blit_error_check(uintptr_t src_addr, uint32_t src_pitch,
>>> +                           uint32_t src_tiling, uintptr_t dst_addr,
>>> +                           uint32_t dst_pitch, uint32_t dst_tiling,
>>> +                           uint32_t cpp)
>> I made some suggestions below on how I think you should use this function.
>>> +{
>>> +   const bool dst_tiling_none = dst_tiling == I915_TILING_NONE;
>>> +   const bool src_tiling_none = src_tiling == I915_TILING_NONE;
>>> +
>>> +   /* When destination tiling is enabled, this address is 64Byte aligned. 
>>> */
>>> +   if (!dst_tiling_none) {
>>> +      if (dst_addr & 63)
>>> +         return false;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   /* When source tiling is enabled, this address should be 4 KB aligned. 
>>> */
>>> +   if (!src_tiling_none) {
>>> +      if (src_addr & 4095)
>>> +         return false;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   /* When either source or destination tiling is enabled, this address is
>>> +    * 16-byte aligned.
>>> +    */
>>> +   if (!src_tiling_none || !dst_tiling_none) {
>>> +      if (src_addr & 15)
>>> +         return false;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   assert(cpp <= 16);
>>> +   /* For Fast Copy Blits the pitch cannot be a negative number. */
>>> +   assert(dst_pitch >= 0);
>>> +
>>> +   /* For Linear surfaces, the pitch has to be an OWord (16byte) multiple. 
>>> */
>>> +   if ((src_tiling_none && src_pitch % 16 != 0) ||
>>> +       (dst_tiling_none && dst_pitch % 16 != 0))
>>> +      return false;
>>> +
>>> +   /* For Tiled surfaces, the pitch has to be a multiple of the Tile width
>>> +    * (X direction width of the Tile). This means the pitch value will
>>> +    * always be Cache Line aligned (64byte multiple).
>>> +    */
>>> +   if ((!dst_tiling_none && dst_pitch % 64 != 0) ||
>>> +       (!src_tiling_none && src_pitch % 64 != 0))
>>> +      return false;
>>> +
>> Just FYI, Ken has added a patch since which has a similar check, beacause we
>> need it for untiled surfaces with XY_SRC_COPY_BLT also. I have a comment on 
>> this
>> below.
> Yes. He added alignment_valid()  to check alignment restrictions on
> src_offset and dst_offset. Here I'm doing a check on {src, dst}_pitch
>>> +   return true;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  /**
>>>   * Emits the packet for switching the blitter from X to Y tiled or back.
>>>   *
>>> @@ -156,6 +305,7 @@ intel_miptree_blit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>                     uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
>>>                     GLenum logicop)
>>>  {
>>> +   bool overlap = false;
>>>     /* The blitter doesn't understand multisampling at all. */
>>>     if (src_mt->num_samples > 0 || dst_mt->num_samples > 0)
>>>        return false;
>>> @@ -216,6 +366,12 @@ intel_miptree_blit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>     intel_miptree_resolve_color(brw, src_mt);
>>>     intel_miptree_resolve_color(brw, dst_mt);
>>> +   /* Check for an overlap for SKL+ platforms. */
>>> +   if (brw->gen >= 9 &&
>>> +       ((src_x < dst_x && (src_x + width) > dst_x) ||
>>> +        (src_x > dst_x && (dst_x + width) > src_x)))
>>> +         overlap = true;
>>> +
>> I was once doing something similar and noticed that gallium and swrast have a
>> region_overlap which seems like something we should move into the helpers and
>> start using. Not necessary to the series, just thinking outloud.
> Yes. Good to make a helper out of it.
>>>     if (src_flip)
>>>        src_y = minify(src_mt->physical_height0, src_level - 
>>> src_mt->first_level) - src_y - height;
>>> @@ -251,12 +407,15 @@ intel_miptree_blit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>                            src_pitch,
>>>                            src_mt->bo, src_mt->offset,
>>>                            src_mt->tiling,
>>> +                          src_mt->tr_mode,
>>>                            dst_mt->pitch,
>>>                            dst_mt->bo, dst_mt->offset,
>>>                            dst_mt->tiling,
>>> +                          dst_mt->tr_mode,
>>>                            src_x, src_y,
>>>                            dst_x, dst_y,
>>>                            width, height,
>>> +                          overlap,
>>>                            logicop)) {
>>>        return false;
>> I don't think overlap should be passed as an argument. The caller should 
>> check,
>> the function should assert there is no overlap in the can_do_fast_copy...
> Right. I'll move overlap computation inside intel_miptree_blit().
>>>     }
>>> @@ -280,36 +439,41 @@ intelEmitCopyBlit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>                 drm_intel_bo *src_buffer,
>>>                 GLuint src_offset,
>>>                 uint32_t src_tiling,
>>> +               uint32_t src_tr_mode,
>>>                 GLshort dst_pitch,
>>>                 drm_intel_bo *dst_buffer,
>>>                 GLuint dst_offset,
>>>                 uint32_t dst_tiling,
>>> +               uint32_t dst_tr_mode,
>>>                 GLshort src_x, GLshort src_y,
>>>                 GLshort dst_x, GLshort dst_y,
>>>                 GLshort w, GLshort h,
>>> +               bool overlap,
>>>                 GLenum logic_op)
>> I need to go back in the series to check, but I'm surprised to see the tr 
>> mode
>> as a separate argument from the tiling type. I was expecting, NONE, X, Y, 
>> YF, YS
> I915_TILING_{NONE, X, Y} are defined in libdrm because it is making
> use of tilinginformation. But, In case of Yf, Ys libdrm need not know
> about it. See my libdrm patches on intel-gfx.
> http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/46944/
> http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/46945/
I got distracted and left the explanation in middle. Here are the
remaining bits:
It doesn't make sense to add to the list of macros in libdrm where they
have no use. So, I decided to keep them internal to mesa and name
them differently to avoid any confusion. It also matches the way docs
define these concepts: tiling and tr_mode.

>>>  {
>>>     GLuint CMD, BR13, pass = 0;
>>>     int dst_y2 = dst_y + h;
>>>     int dst_x2 = dst_x + w;
>>>     drm_intel_bo *aper_array[3];
>>> -   bool dst_y_tiled = dst_tiling == I915_TILING_Y;
>>> -   bool src_y_tiled = src_tiling == I915_TILING_Y;
>>> +   bool dst_tr_mode_none = dst_tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE;
>>> +   bool src_tr_mode_none = src_tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE;
>>> +
>>> +   bool dst_y_tiled = dst_tiling == I915_TILING_Y || !dst_tr_mode_none;
>>> +   bool src_y_tiled = src_tiling == I915_TILING_Y || !src_tr_mode_none;
>>> +   bool use_fast_copy_blit = brw->gen >= 9 && !overlap &&
>>> +                             (!src_tr_mode_none || !dst_tr_mode_none);
>> How about?
>> bool use_fast_copy_blit =
>>         can_fast_copy_blit(brw, src_offset, src_pitch, src_tiling, 
>> src_tr_mode,
>>                                 dst_offset, dst_pitch, dst_tiling, 
>> dst_tr_mode,
>>                                 cpp));
> I like it.
>> I am really confused... The docs say the fast copy blit can be used for any
>> surface type, however bits 31, and 30 and BR13 force you to define a Y tile
>> type. Do you know if this actually works for linear surfaces? If it doesn't:
>> assert((src_tiling != I915_TILING_Y) || src_tr_mode);
>> assert((dst_tiling != I915_TILING_Y) || dst_tr_mode));
> Bits 30, 31 in BR13 are relevant only if you select Tile Y in bits 13, 14 in
> BR00. Fast copy blit does work for linear surfaces. I just didn't switch it
> ON in this patch. I'm planning to do it later after seeing the performance
> impact.
>>> -   if (dst_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> -      if (dst_offset & 4095)
>>> -      return false;
>>> -   }
>>> -   if (src_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> -      if (src_offset & 4095)
>>> -      return false;
>>> -   }
>> As I mentioned above wrt the CL alignment, I think it's safe to do for both
>> modes. Something like:
>> /* Check both are at least cacheline aligned */
>> if (brw->gen >= 8 && (src_offset | dst_offset) & 63)
>>     return false;
> We do this check for SRC_COPY_BLT in alignemnet_valid(). I added
> the restrictions for FAST_COPY_BLT in fast_copy_blit_error_check().
> Doing this check for both satisy all alignment restrictions of both modes
> except one in fast copy blit: when src is untiled and dst is tiled, dst
> should be 64 byte aligned and src should be 16 bytes aligned. See
> fast_copy_blit_error_check().
> But we're adding a restriction for it to be 64 byte by the suggested
> change. Is there any advantage of the suggested check for both?
>>>     if ((dst_y_tiled || src_y_tiled) && brw->gen < 6)
>>>        return false;
>>>     assert(!dst_y_tiled || (dst_pitch % 128) == 0);
>>>     assert(!src_y_tiled || (src_pitch % 128) == 0);
>>> +   if (use_fast_copy_blit == false &&
>>> +       (src_tr_mode != INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE ||
>>> +        dst_tr_mode != INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE))
>>> +      return false;
>>> +
>> It seems like we should make it an error to use this improperly:
>> /* It's an error for a caller to try to do a regular blit with a yf/ys 
>> region */
>> assert(use_fast_copy_blit &&
>>        (src_tr_mode != INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE) &&
>>        (dst_tr_mode != INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE))
> Agree.
>>>     /* do space check before going any further */
>>>     do {
>>>         aper_array[0] = brw->batch.bo;
>>> @@ -334,13 +498,6 @@ intelEmitCopyBlit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>         src_buffer, src_pitch, src_offset, src_x, src_y,
>>>         dst_buffer, dst_pitch, dst_offset, dst_x, dst_y, w, h);
>>> -   /* Blit pitch must be dword-aligned.  Otherwise, the hardware appears 
>>> to drop
>>> -    * the low bits.  Offsets must be naturally aligned.
>>> -    */
>>> -   if (src_pitch % 4 != 0 || src_offset % cpp != 0 ||
>>> -       dst_pitch % 4 != 0 || dst_offset % cpp != 0)
>>> -      return false;
>>> -
>>>     /* For big formats (such as floating point), do the copy using 16 or 
>>> 32bpp
>>>      * and multiply the coordinates.
>>>      */
>>> @@ -359,27 +516,76 @@ intelEmitCopyBlit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>        }
>>>     }
>>> -   BR13 = br13_for_cpp(cpp) | translate_raster_op(logic_op) << 16;
>>> +   if (use_fast_copy_blit &&
>>> +       fast_copy_blit_error_check(src_offset, src_pitch, src_tiling,
>>> +                                  dst_offset, dst_pitch, dst_tiling, cpp)) 
>>> {
>>> +      BR13 = br13_for_cpp(cpp);
>> If you follow about you can remove the error check here as we know it's safe 
>> to
>> proceed.
> Right. As i understand you mean to move the fast_copy_blit_error_check() 
> inside
> can_fast_copy_blit() helper ?
>>> -   switch (cpp) {
>>> -   case 1:
>>> -   case 2:
>>> -      CMD = XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_CMD;
>>> -      break;
>>> -   case 4:
>>> -      break;
>>> -   default:
>>> -      return false;
>>> -   }
>>> +      if (src_tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_YF)
>>> +         BR13 |= XY_SRC_TRMODE_YF;
>>> -   if (dst_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> -      CMD |= XY_DST_TILED;
>>> -      dst_pitch /= 4;
>>> -   }
>>> -   if (src_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> -      CMD |= XY_SRC_TILED;
>>> -      src_pitch /= 4;
>>> +      if (dst_tr_mode == INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_YF)
>>> +         BR13 |= XY_DST_TRMODE_YF;
>>> +
>>> +      CMD = XY_FAST_COPY_BLT_CMD;
>>> +
>>> +      if (dst_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> +         SET_TILING_XY_FAST_COPY_BLT(dst_tiling, dst_tr_mode, XY_DST);
>>> +         /* Pitch value should be specified as a number of Dwords. */
>>> +         dst_pitch /= 4;
>>> +      }
>>> +      if (src_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> +         SET_TILING_XY_FAST_COPY_BLT(src_tiling, src_tr_mode, XY_SRC);
>>> +         /* Pitch value should be specified as a number of Dwords. */
>>> +         src_pitch /= 4;
>>> +      }
>>> +
>>> +      CMD |= get_tr_horizontal_align(src_tr_mode, cpp, true /* is_src */);
>>> +      CMD |= get_tr_vertical_align(src_tr_mode, cpp, true /* is_src */);
>>> +
>>> +      CMD |= get_tr_horizontal_align(dst_tr_mode, cpp, false /* is_src */);
>>> +      CMD |= get_tr_vertical_align(dst_tr_mode, cpp, false /* is_src */);
>>> +
>>> +   } else {
>>> +      /* Source and destination base addresses should be 4 KB aligned. */
>>> +      if (dst_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> +         if (dst_offset & 4095)
>>> +            return false;
>>> +      }
>>> +      if (src_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> +         if (src_offset & 4095)
>>> +            return false;
>>> +      }
>>> +
>>> +      /* Blit pitch must be dword-aligned.  Otherwise, the hardware 
>>> appears to drop
>>> +       * the low bits.  Offsets must be naturally aligned.
>>> +       */
>>> +      if (src_pitch % 4 != 0 || src_offset % cpp != 0 ||
>>> +          dst_pitch % 4 != 0 || dst_offset % cpp != 0)
>>> +         return false;
>>> +
>>> +      assert(cpp <= 4);
>>> +      BR13 = br13_for_cpp(cpp) | translate_raster_op(logic_op) << 16;
>>> +      switch (cpp) {
>>> +      case 1:
>>> +      case 2:
>>> +         CMD = XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_CMD;
>>> +         break;
>>> +      case 4:
>>> +         break;
>>> +      default:
>>> +         return false;
>>> +      }
>>> +
>>> +      if (dst_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> +         CMD |= XY_DST_TILED;
>>> +         dst_pitch /= 4;
>>> +      }
>>> +      if (src_tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) {
>>> +         CMD |= XY_SRC_TILED;
>>> +         src_pitch /= 4;
>>> +      }
>> I'd be in favor of extracting the CMD out into a helper to cut down the size 
>> of
>> this function. Up to you.
> I'll try to make a helper for CMD.
>> CMD = get_copy_blit_cmd()
>> BR_13 = br13_for_cpp(cpp)
>> if (!fast_copy)
>>    BR_13 |=  translate_raster_op(logic_op) << 16;
>> I think also the pitch division is common to both.
>>>     }
>>>     if (dst_y2 <= dst_y || dst_x2 <= dst_x) {
>>> @@ -533,11 +739,14 @@ intel_emit_linear_blit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>     pitch = ROUND_DOWN_TO(MIN2(size, (1 << 15) - 1), 4);
>>>     height = (pitch == 0) ? 1 : size / pitch;
>>>     ok = intelEmitCopyBlit(brw, 1,
>>> -                       pitch, src_bo, src_offset, I915_TILING_NONE,
>>> -                       pitch, dst_bo, dst_offset, I915_TILING_NONE,
>>> +                       pitch, src_bo, src_offset,
>>> +                       I915_TILING_NONE, INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE,
>>> +                       pitch, dst_bo, dst_offset,
>>> +                       I915_TILING_NONE, INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE,
>>>                         0, 0, /* src x/y */
>>>                         0, 0, /* dst x/y */
>>>                         pitch, height, /* w, h */
>>> +                       false, /* overlap */
>>>                         GL_COPY);
>>>     if (!ok)
>>>        _mesa_problem(ctx, "Failed to linear blit %dx%d\n", pitch, height);
>>> @@ -549,11 +758,14 @@ intel_emit_linear_blit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>     pitch = ALIGN(size, 4);
>>>     if (size != 0) {
>>>        ok = intelEmitCopyBlit(brw, 1,
>>> -                          pitch, src_bo, src_offset, I915_TILING_NONE,
>>> -                          pitch, dst_bo, dst_offset, I915_TILING_NONE,
>>> +                          pitch, src_bo, src_offset,
>>> +                          I915_TILING_NONE, INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE,
>>> +                          pitch, dst_bo, dst_offset,
>>> +                          I915_TILING_NONE, INTEL_MIPTREE_TRMODE_NONE,
>>>                            0, 0, /* src x/y */
>>>                            0, 0, /* dst x/y */
>>>                            size, 1, /* w, h */
>>> +                          false, /* overlap */
>>>                            GL_COPY);
>>>        if (!ok)
>>>           _mesa_problem(ctx, "Failed to linear blit %dx%d\n", size, 1);
>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.h 
>>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.h
>>> index f563939..29c9ead 100644
>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.h
>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_blit.h
>>> @@ -37,13 +37,16 @@ intelEmitCopyBlit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>                                drm_intel_bo *src_buffer,
>>>                                GLuint src_offset,
>>>                             uint32_t src_tiling,
>>> +                           uint32_t src_tr_mode,
>>>                                GLshort dst_pitch,
>>>                                drm_intel_bo *dst_buffer,
>>>                                GLuint dst_offset,
>>>                             uint32_t dst_tiling,
>>> +                           uint32_t dst_tr_mode,
>>>                                GLshort srcx, GLshort srcy,
>>>                                GLshort dstx, GLshort dsty,
>>>                                GLshort w, GLshort h,
>>> +                           bool overlap,
>>>                             GLenum logicop );
>>>  bool intel_miptree_blit(struct brw_context *brw,
>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_copy_image.c 
>>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_copy_image.c
>>> index f4c7eff..1e4a1e2 100644
>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_copy_image.c
>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_copy_image.c
>>> @@ -126,12 +126,15 @@ copy_image_with_blitter(struct brw_context *brw,
>>>                              src_mt->pitch,
>>>                              src_mt->bo, src_mt->offset,
>>>                              src_mt->tiling,
>>> +                            src_mt->tr_mode,
>>>                              dst_mt->pitch,
>>>                              dst_mt->bo, dst_mt->offset,
>>>                              dst_mt->tiling,
>>> +                            dst_mt->tr_mode,
>>>                              src_x, src_y,
>>>                              dst_x, dst_y,
>>>                              src_width, src_height,
>>> +                            false /* overlap */,
>>>                              GL_COPY);
>>>  }
>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_reg.h 
>>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_reg.h
>>> index 488fb5b..6830148 100644
>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_reg.h
>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/intel_reg.h
>>> @@ -87,6 +87,8 @@
>>>  #define XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_CMD             (CMD_2D | (0x53 << 22))
>>> +#define XY_FAST_COPY_BLT_CMD             (CMD_2D | (0x42 << 22))
>>> +
>>>  #define XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLIT_CMD   (CMD_2D | (0x31 << 22))
>>>  # define XY_TEXT_BYTE_PACKED         (1 << 16)
>>> @@ -95,11 +97,42 @@
>>>  #define XY_BLT_WRITE_RGB     (1 << 20)
>>>  #define XY_SRC_TILED         (1 << 15)
>>>  #define XY_DST_TILED         (1 << 11)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_TILED_X               (1 << 20)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_TILED_Y               (2 << 20)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_TILED_64K     (3 << 20)
>>> +#define XY_DST_TILED_X               (1 << 13)
>>> +#define XY_DST_TILED_Y               (2 << 13)
>>> +#define XY_DST_TILED_64K     (3 << 13)
>>> +
>> You've mixed bits of two commands. Name these something like XY_FAST_*. Put 
>> them
>> in a separate chunk of code.
> OK
>> Also, I'm OCD, but I would have reversed the order here, highest value on 
>> top,
>> lowest on the bottom
> I'll follow that order.
>>> +#define XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_32       (0 << 17)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_64       (1 << 17)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_128      (2 << 17)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_256      (3 << 17)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_H_ALIGN_512      (4 << 17)
>>> +
>>> +#define XY_SRC_V_ALIGN_64       (0 << 15)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_V_ALIGN_128      (1 << 15)
>>> +#define XY_SRC_V_ALIGN_256      (2 << 15)
>>> +
>>> +#define XY_DST_H_ALIGN_32       (0 << 10)
>>> +#define XY_DST_H_ALIGN_64       (1 << 10)
>>> +#define XY_DST_H_ALIGN_128      (2 << 10)
>>> +#define XY_DST_H_ALIGN_256      (3 << 10)
>>> +#define XY_DST_H_ALIGN_512      (4 << 10)
>>> +
>>> +#define XY_DST_V_ALIGN_64       (0 << 8)
>>> +#define XY_DST_V_ALIGN_128      (1 << 8)
>>> +#define XY_DST_V_ALIGN_256      (2 << 8)
>>>  /* BR13 */
>>>  #define BR13_8                       (0x0 << 24)
>>>  #define BR13_565             (0x1 << 24)
>>>  #define BR13_8888            (0x3 << 24)
>>> +#define BR13_16161616                (0x4 << 24)
>>> +#define BR13_32323232                (0x5 << 24)
>>> +
>>> +#define XY_SRC_TRMODE_YF        (1 << 31)
>>> +#define XY_DST_TRMODE_YF        (1 << 30)
>>>  /* Pipeline Statistics Counter Registers */
>>>  #define IA_VERTICES_COUNT               0x2310
>> One thing I don't see addressed in this patch is
>> "When two sequential fast copy blits have different source surfaces, but 
>> their
>> destinations refer to the same destination surface and therefore destinations
>> overlap, a Flush must be inserted between the two blits."
> I didn't notice this. I'll take care of it in V3.
>> --
>> Ben Widawsky, Intel Open Source Technology Center
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