This just created extra upkeep and the push to move extern
C's into mesa code would mean a large number of extern's
in core Mesa driver interfaces. The Haiku Gallium renderers
are mostly insulated via the C-based Haiku state tracker.

As any future hardware support in Haiku will be gallium
based, lets just drop swrast.

Haiku has a Mesa 7.12 fork for gcc2 that uses swrast.

This commit fixes the last of the Haiku build issues.
 src/mesa/drivers/SConscript                     |    3 -
 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SConscript        |   33 --
 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.cpp  |  697 -----------------------
 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.h    |   95 ---
 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.rdef |   39 --
 5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 867 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SConscript
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.h
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.rdef

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/SConscript b/src/mesa/drivers/SConscript
index db65678..5d654f5 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/SConscript
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/SConscript
@@ -8,6 +8,3 @@ if env['dri']:
-if env['platform'] == 'haiku':
-    SConscript('haiku/swrast/SConscript')
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SConscript 
deleted file mode 100644
index 907325e..0000000
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SConscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-env = env.Clone()
-env.Append(CPPPATH = [
-    '#/src',
-    '#/src/mapi',
-    '#/src/mesa',
-    '#/src/mesa/main',
-    '#/include/HaikuGL',
-    '/boot/system/develop/headers/private',
-    Dir('../../../mapi'), # src/mapi build path for python-generated GL API 
-env.Prepend(LIBS = [
-    mesautil,
-    glsl,
-    mesa,
-env.Prepend(LIBS = [libgl])
-sources = [
-       'SoftwareRast.cpp'
-# Disallow undefined symbols
-#env.Append(SHLINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,-z,defs'])
-libswrast = env.SharedLibrary(
-    target = 'swrast',
-    source = sources
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.cpp 
deleted file mode 100644
index 813ad1f..0000000
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2006-2012, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- *
- * Authors:
- *             Jérôme Duval,
- *             Philippe Houdoin,
- *             Artur Wyszynski,
- *             Alexander von Gluck,
- */
-#include <kernel/image.h>
-#include "SoftwareRast.h"
-#include <Autolock.h>
-#include <interface/DirectWindowPrivate.h>
-#include <GraphicsDefs.h>
-#include <Screen.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include "extensions.h"
-#include "drivers/common/driverfuncs.h"
-#include "drivers/common/meta.h"
-#include "main/api_exec.h"
-#include "main/colormac.h"
-#include "main/cpuinfo.h"
-#include "main/buffers.h"
-#include "main/formats.h"
-#include "main/framebuffer.h"
-#include "main/renderbuffer.h"
-#include "main/version.h"
-#include "main/vtxfmt.h"
-#include "swrast/swrast.h"
-#include "swrast/s_renderbuffer.h"
-#include "swrast_setup/swrast_setup.h"
-#include "tnl/tnl.h"
-#include "tnl/t_context.h"
-#include "tnl/t_pipeline.h"
-#include "vbo/vbo.h"
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#      define TRACE(x...) printf("MesaSoftwareRast: " x)
-#      define CALLED() printf("MesaSoftwareRast: %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
-#      define TRACE(x...)
-#      define CALLED()
-#define ERROR(x...) printf("MesaSoftwareRast: " x)
-extern const char* color_space_name(color_space space);
-extern "C" _EXPORT BGLRenderer*
-instantiate_gl_renderer(BGLView* view, ulong options,
-       BGLDispatcher* dispatcher)
-       return new MesaSoftwareRast(view, options, dispatcher);
-MesaSoftwareRast::MesaSoftwareRast(BGLView* view, ulong options,
-       BGLDispatcher* dispatcher)
-       : BGLRenderer(view, options, dispatcher),
-       fBitmap(NULL),
-       fDirectModeEnabled(false),
-       fInfo(NULL),
-       fInfoLocker("info locker"),
-       fVisual(NULL),
-       fFrameBuffer(NULL),
-       fFrontRenderBuffer(NULL),
-       fBackRenderBuffer(NULL),
-       fColorSpace(B_NO_COLOR_SPACE)
-       CALLED();
-       fColorSpace = BScreen(GLView()->Window()).ColorSpace();
-       // We force single buffering for the time being
-       options &= ~BGL_DOUBLE;
-       const GLboolean rgbFlag = ((options & BGL_INDEX) == 0);
-       const GLboolean alphaFlag = ((options & BGL_ALPHA) == BGL_ALPHA);
-       const GLboolean dblFlag = ((options & BGL_DOUBLE) == BGL_DOUBLE);
-       const GLboolean stereoFlag = false;
-       const GLint depth = (options & BGL_DEPTH) ? 16 : 0;
-       const GLint stencil = (options & BGL_STENCIL) ? 8 : 0;
-       const GLint accum = (options & BGL_ACCUM) ? 16 : 0;
-       const GLint red = rgbFlag ? 8 : 0;
-       const GLint green = rgbFlag ? 8 : 0;
-       const GLint blue = rgbFlag ? 8 : 0;
-       const GLint alpha = alphaFlag ? 8 : 0;
-       fOptions = options; // | BGL_INDIRECT;
-       struct dd_function_table functions;
-       fVisual = _mesa_create_visual(dblFlag, stereoFlag, red, green,
-               blue, alpha, depth, stencil, accum, accum, accum,
-               alpha ? accum : 0, 1);
-       // Initialize device driver function table
-       _mesa_init_driver_functions(&functions);
-       functions.GetString = _GetString;
-       functions.UpdateState = _UpdateState;
-       functions.MapRenderbuffer = _RenderBufferMap;
-       functions.Flush = _Flush;
-       // create core context
-       // We inherit gl_context to this class
-       _mesa_initialize_context(this, API_OPENGL_COMPAT, fVisual, NULL,
-               &functions);
-       /* Initialize the software rasterizer and helper modules. */
-       _swrast_CreateContext(this);
-       _vbo_CreateContext(this);
-       _tnl_CreateContext(this);
-       _swsetup_CreateContext(this);
-       _swsetup_Wakeup(this);
-       // Use default TCL pipeline
-       TNL_CONTEXT(this)->Driver.RunPipeline = _tnl_run_pipeline;
-       _mesa_meta_init(this);
-       _mesa_enable_sw_extensions(this);
-       _mesa_compute_version(this);
-       _mesa_initialize_dispatch_tables(this);
-       _mesa_initialize_vbo_vtxfmt(this);
-       // create core framebuffer
-       fFrameBuffer = _mesa_create_framebuffer(fVisual);
-       if (fFrameBuffer == NULL) {
-               ERROR("%s: Unable to calloc GL FrameBuffer!\n", __func__);
-               _mesa_destroy_visual(fVisual);
-               return;
-       }
-       // Setup front render buffer
-       fFrontRenderBuffer = _NewRenderBuffer(true);
-       if (fFrontRenderBuffer == NULL) {
-               ERROR("%s: FrontRenderBuffer is requested but unallocated!\n",
-                       __func__);
-               _mesa_destroy_visual(fVisual);
-               free(fFrameBuffer);
-               return;
-       }
-       _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fFrameBuffer, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT,
-               &fFrontRenderBuffer->Base);
-       // Setup back render buffer (if requested)
-       if (fVisual->doubleBufferMode) {
-               fBackRenderBuffer = _NewRenderBuffer(false);
-               if (fBackRenderBuffer == NULL) {
-                       ERROR("%s: BackRenderBuffer is requested but 
-                               __func__);
-                       _mesa_destroy_visual(fVisual);
-                       free(fFrameBuffer);
-                       return;
-               }
-               _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fFrameBuffer, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT,
-                       &fBackRenderBuffer->Base);
-       }
-       _swrast_add_soft_renderbuffers(fFrameBuffer, GL_FALSE,
-               fVisual->haveDepthBuffer, fVisual->haveStencilBuffer,
-               fVisual->haveAccumBuffer, alphaFlag, GL_FALSE);
-       BRect bounds = view->Bounds();
-       fWidth = (GLint)bounds.Width();
-       fHeight = (GLint)bounds.Height();
-       // some stupid applications (Quake2) don't even think about calling 
-       // before using glGetString and its glGet*() friends...
-       // so make sure there is at least a valid context.
-       if (!_mesa_get_current_context()) {
-               LockGL();
-               // not needed, we don't have a looper yet: UnlockLooper();
-       }
-       CALLED();
-       _swsetup_DestroyContext(this);
-       _swrast_DestroyContext(this);
-       _tnl_DestroyContext(this);
-       _vbo_DestroyContext(this);
-       _mesa_destroy_visual(fVisual);
-       _mesa_destroy_framebuffer(fFrameBuffer);
-       _mesa_destroy_context(this);
-       free(fInfo);
-       free(fFrameBuffer);
-       delete fBitmap;
-       CALLED();
-       BGLRenderer::LockGL();
-       _mesa_make_current(this, fFrameBuffer, fFrameBuffer);
-       color_space colorSpace = BScreen(GLView()->Window()).ColorSpace();
-       GLuint width = fWidth;
-       GLuint height = fHeight;
-       BAutolock lock(fInfoLocker);
-       if (fDirectModeEnabled && fInfo != NULL) {
-               width = fInfo->window_bounds.right
-                       - fInfo->window_bounds.left + 1;
-               height = fInfo->window_bounds.bottom
-                       - fInfo-> + 1;
-       }
-       if (fColorSpace != colorSpace) {
-               fColorSpace = colorSpace;
-               _SetupRenderBuffer(&fFrontRenderBuffer->Base, fColorSpace);
-               if (fVisual->doubleBufferMode)
-                       _SetupRenderBuffer(&fBackRenderBuffer->Base, 
-       }
-       _CheckResize(width, height);
-       CALLED();
-       _mesa_make_current(this, NULL, NULL);
-       BGLRenderer::UnlockGL();
-MesaSoftwareRast::SwapBuffers(bool VSync)
-       CALLED();
-       if (!fBitmap)
-               return;
-       if (fVisual->doubleBufferMode)
-               _mesa_notifySwapBuffers(this);
-       if (!fDirectModeEnabled || fInfo == NULL) {
-               if (GLView()->LockLooperWithTimeout(1000) == B_OK) {
-                       GLView()->DrawBitmap(fBitmap, B_ORIGIN);
-                       GLView()->UnlockLooper();
-               }
-       } else {
-               // TODO: Here the BGLView needs to be drawlocked.
-               _CopyToDirect();
-       }
-       if (VSync) {
-               BScreen screen(GLView()->Window());
-               screen.WaitForRetrace();
-       }
-MesaSoftwareRast::Draw(BRect updateRect)
-       CALLED();
-       if (fBitmap && (!fDirectModeEnabled || (fInfo == NULL)))
-               GLView()->DrawBitmap(fBitmap, updateRect, updateRect);
-MesaSoftwareRast::CopyPixelsOut(BPoint location, BBitmap* bitmap)
-       CALLED();
-       color_space scs = fBitmap->ColorSpace();
-       color_space dcs = bitmap->ColorSpace();
-       if (scs != dcs && (scs != B_RGBA32 || dcs != B_RGB32)) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "CopyPixelsOut(): incompatible color space: %s 
!= %s\n",
-                       color_space_name(scs),
-                       color_space_name(dcs));
-               return B_BAD_TYPE;
-       }
-       BRect sr = fBitmap->Bounds();
-       BRect dr = bitmap->Bounds();
-       sr = sr & dr.OffsetBySelf(location);
-       dr = sr.OffsetByCopy(-location.x, -location.y);
-       uint8* ps = (uint8*)fBitmap->Bits();
-       uint8* pd = (uint8*)bitmap->Bits();
-       uint32* s;
-       uint32* d;
-       uint32 y;
-       for (y = (uint32); y <= (uint32)sr.bottom; y++) {
-               s = (uint32*)(ps + y * fBitmap->BytesPerRow());
-               s += (uint32)sr.left;
-               d = (uint32*)(pd + (y + (uint32)( -
-                       * bitmap->BytesPerRow());
-               d += (uint32)dr.left;
-               memcpy(d, s, dr.IntegerWidth() * 4);
-       }
-       return B_OK;
-MesaSoftwareRast::CopyPixelsIn(BBitmap* bitmap, BPoint location)
-       CALLED();
-       color_space scs = bitmap->ColorSpace();
-       color_space dcs = fBitmap->ColorSpace();
-       if (scs != dcs && (dcs != B_RGBA32 || scs != B_RGB32)) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "CopyPixelsIn(): incompatible color space: %s 
!= %s\n",
-                       color_space_name(scs),
-                       color_space_name(dcs));
-               return B_BAD_TYPE;
-       }
-       BRect sr = bitmap->Bounds();
-       BRect dr = fBitmap->Bounds();
-       sr = sr & dr.OffsetBySelf(location);
-       dr = sr.OffsetByCopy(-location.x, -location.y);
-       uint8* ps = (uint8*)bitmap->Bits();
-       uint8* pd = (uint8*)fBitmap->Bits();
-       uint32* s;
-       uint32* d;
-       uint32 y;
-       for (y = (uint32); y <= (uint32)sr.bottom; y++) {
-               s = (uint32*)(ps + y * bitmap->BytesPerRow());
-               s += (uint32)sr.left;
-               d = (uint32*)(pd + (y + (uint32)( -
-                       * fBitmap->BytesPerRow());
-               d += (uint32)dr.left;
-               memcpy(d, s, dr.IntegerWidth() * 4);
-       }
-       return B_OK;
-MesaSoftwareRast::EnableDirectMode(bool enabled)
-       fDirectModeEnabled = enabled;
-MesaSoftwareRast::DirectConnected(direct_buffer_info* info)
-       // TODO: I'm not sure we need to do this: BGLView already
-       // keeps a local copy of the direct_buffer_info passed by
-       // BDirectWindow::DirectConnected().
-       BAutolock lock(fInfoLocker);
-       if (info) {
-               if (!fInfo) {
-                       fInfo = 
-                       if (!fInfo)
-                               return;
-               }
-               memcpy(fInfo, info, DIRECT_BUFFER_INFO_AREA_SIZE);
-       } else if (fInfo) {
-               free(fInfo);
-               fInfo = NULL;
-       }
-MesaSoftwareRast::FrameResized(float width, float height)
-       BAutolock lock(fInfoLocker);
-       _CheckResize((GLuint)width, (GLuint)height);
-MesaSoftwareRast::_CheckResize(GLuint newWidth, GLuint newHeight)
-       CALLED();
-       if (fBitmap && newWidth == fWidth
-               && newHeight == fHeight) {
-               return;
-       }
-       _mesa_resize_framebuffer(this, fFrameBuffer, newWidth, newHeight);
-       fHeight = newHeight;
-       fWidth = newWidth;
-       _AllocateBitmap();
-       CALLED();
-       // allocate new size of back buffer bitmap
-       delete fBitmap;
-       fBitmap = NULL;
-       if (fWidth < 1 || fHeight < 1) {
-               TRACE("%s: Cannot allocate bitmap < 1x1!\n", __func__);
-               return;
-       }
-       BRect rect(0.0, 0.0, fWidth - 1, fHeight - 1);
-       fBitmap = new BBitmap(rect, fColorSpace);
-       #if 0
-       // Used for platform optimized drawing
-       for (uint i = 0; i < fHeight; i++) {
-               fRowAddr[fHeight - i - 1] = (GLvoid *)((GLubyte 
-                       + i * fBitmap->BytesPerRow());
-       }
-       #endif
-       fFrameBuffer->Width = fWidth;
-       fFrameBuffer->Height = fHeight;
-       TRACE("%s: Bitmap Size: %" B_PRIu32 "\n", __func__, 
-       fFrontRenderBuffer->Buffer = (GLubyte*)fBitmap->Bits();
-// #pragma mark - static
-const GLubyte*
-MesaSoftwareRast::_GetString(gl_context* ctx, GLenum name)
-       switch (name) {
-               case GL_VENDOR:
-                       return (const GLubyte*) "Mesa Project";
-               case GL_RENDERER:
-                       return (const GLubyte*) "Software Rasterizer";
-               default:
-                       // Let core library handle all other cases
-                       return NULL;
-       }
-MesaSoftwareRast::_UpdateState(gl_context* ctx, GLuint new_state)
-       if (!ctx)
-               return;
-       CALLED();
-       _swrast_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
-       _swsetup_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
-       _vbo_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
-       _tnl_InvalidateState(ctx, new_state);
-MesaSoftwareRast::_RenderBufferStorage(gl_context* ctx,
-       struct gl_renderbuffer* render, GLenum internalFormat,
-       GLuint width, GLuint height)
-       CALLED();
-       render->Width = width;
-       render->Height = height;
-       struct swrast_renderbuffer *swRenderBuffer = 
-       swRenderBuffer->RowStride = width * 
-       return GL_TRUE;
-MesaSoftwareRast::_RenderBufferStorageMalloc(gl_context* ctx,
-       struct gl_renderbuffer* render, GLenum internalFormat,
-       GLuint width, GLuint height)
-       CALLED();
-       render->Width = width;
-       render->Height = height;
-       struct swrast_renderbuffer *swRenderBuffer = 
-       if (swRenderBuffer != NULL) {
-               free(swRenderBuffer->Buffer);
-               swRenderBuffer->RowStride
-                       = width * _mesa_get_format_bytes(render->Format);
-               uint32 size = swRenderBuffer->RowStride * height;
-               TRACE("%s: Allocate %" B_PRIu32 " bytes for RenderBuffer\n",
-                       __func__, size);
-               swRenderBuffer->Buffer = (GLubyte*)malloc(size);
-               if (!swRenderBuffer->Buffer) {
-                       ERROR("%s: Memory allocation failure!\n", __func__);
-                       return GL_FALSE;
-               }
-       } else {
-               ERROR("%s: Couldn't obtain software renderbuffer!\n",
-                       __func__);
-               return GL_FALSE;
-       }
-       return GL_TRUE;
-MesaSoftwareRast::_Flush(gl_context* ctx)
-       CALLED();
-       MesaSoftwareRast* driverContext = static_cast<MesaSoftwareRast*>(ctx);
-       //MesaSoftwareRast* driverContext = (MesaSoftwareRast*)ctx->DriverCtx;
-       if ((driverContext->fOptions & BGL_DOUBLE) == 0) {
-               // TODO: SwapBuffers() can call _CopyToDirect(), which should
-               // be always called with with the BGLView drawlocked.
-               // This is not always the case if called from here.
-               driverContext->SwapBuffers();
-       }
-struct swrast_renderbuffer*
-MesaSoftwareRast::_NewRenderBuffer(bool front)
-       CALLED();
-       struct swrast_renderbuffer *swRenderBuffer
-               = (struct swrast_renderbuffer*)calloc(1, sizeof 
-       if (!swRenderBuffer) {
-               ERROR("%s: Failed calloc RenderBuffer\n", __func__);
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       _mesa_init_renderbuffer(&swRenderBuffer->Base, 0);
-       swRenderBuffer->Base.ClassID = HAIKU_SWRAST_RENDERBUFFER_CLASS;
-       swRenderBuffer->Base.RefCount = 1;
-       swRenderBuffer->Base.Delete = _RenderBufferDelete;
-       if (!front)
-               swRenderBuffer->Base.AllocStorage = _RenderBufferStorageMalloc;
-       else
-               swRenderBuffer->Base.AllocStorage = _RenderBufferStorage;
-       if (_SetupRenderBuffer(&swRenderBuffer->Base, fColorSpace) != B_OK) {
-               free(swRenderBuffer);
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       return swRenderBuffer;
-MesaSoftwareRast::_SetupRenderBuffer(struct gl_renderbuffer* rb,
-       color_space colorSpace)
-       CALLED();
-       rb->InternalFormat = GL_RGBA;
-       switch (colorSpace) {
-               case B_RGBA32:
-                       rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGBA;
-                       rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
-                       break;
-               case B_RGB32:
-                       rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGB;
-                       rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM;
-                       break;
-               case B_RGB24:
-                       rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGB;
-                       rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_BGR_UNORM8;
-                       break;
-               case B_RGB16:
-                       rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGB;
-                       rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM;
-                       break;
-               case B_RGB15:
-                       rb->_BaseFormat = GL_RGB;
-                       rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported screen color space %s\n",
-                               color_space_name(fColorSpace));
-                       debugger("Unsupported OpenGL color space");
-                       return B_ERROR;
-       }
-       return B_OK;
-/*!    Y inverted Map RenderBuffer function
-       We use a BBitmap for storage which has Y inverted.
-       If the Mesa provided Map function ever allows external
-       control of this we can omit this function.
-MesaSoftwareRast::_RenderBufferMap(gl_context *ctx,
-       struct gl_renderbuffer *rb, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint w, GLuint h,
-       GLbitfield mode, GLubyte **mapOut, GLint *rowStrideOut)
-               struct swrast_renderbuffer *srb = swrast_renderbuffer(rb);
-               const GLuint bpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(rb->Format);
-               GLint rowStride = rb->Width * bpp; // in Bytes
-               y = rb->Height - y - 1;
-               *rowStrideOut = -rowStride;
-               *mapOut = (GLubyte *) srb->Buffer + y * rowStride + x * bpp;
-       } else {
-               _swrast_map_soft_renderbuffer(ctx, rb, x, y, w, h, mode,
-                       mapOut, rowStrideOut);
-       }
-MesaSoftwareRast::_RenderBufferDelete(struct gl_context *ctx,
-       struct gl_renderbuffer* rb)
-       CALLED();
-       if (rb != NULL) {
-               struct swrast_renderbuffer *swRenderBuffer
-                       = swrast_renderbuffer(rb);
-               if (swRenderBuffer != NULL)
-                       free(swRenderBuffer->Buffer);
-       }
-       free(rb);
-       BAutolock lock(fInfoLocker);
-       // check the bitmap size still matches the size
-       if (fInfo->window_bounds.bottom - fInfo->
-               != fBitmap->Bounds().IntegerHeight()
-               || fInfo->window_bounds.right - fInfo->window_bounds.left
-                       != fBitmap->Bounds().IntegerWidth())
-               return;
-       uint8 bytesPerPixel = fInfo->bits_per_pixel / 8;
-       uint32 bytesPerRow = fBitmap->BytesPerRow();
-       for (uint32 i = 0; i < fInfo->clip_list_count; i++) {
-               clipping_rect *clip = &fInfo->clip_list[i];
-               int32 height = clip->bottom - clip->top + 1;
-               int32 bytesWidth
-                       = (clip->right - clip->left + 1) * bytesPerPixel;
-               uint8* p = (uint8*)fInfo->bits + clip->top
-                       * fInfo->bytes_per_row + clip->left * bytesPerPixel;
-               uint8* b = (uint8*)fBitmap->Bits()
-                       + (clip->top - fInfo-> * bytesPerRow
-                       + (clip->left - fInfo->window_bounds.left)
-                               * bytesPerPixel;
-               for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
-                       memcpy(p, b, bytesWidth);
-                       p += fInfo->bytes_per_row;
-                       b += bytesPerRow;
-               }
-       }
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.h 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f0f018..0000000
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2006-2012, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- *
- * Authors:
- *             Jérôme Duval,
- *             Philippe Houdoin,
- *             Artur Wyszynski,
- */
-#include "GLRenderer.h"
-extern "C" {
-#include "context.h"
-#include "main/version.h"
-#include "swrast/s_chan.h"
-#include "swrast/s_context.h"
-class MesaSoftwareRast : public BGLRenderer, public gl_context {
MesaSoftwareRast(BGLView* view,
-                                                               ulong 
-                                                               BGLDispatcher* 
-       virtual                                 ~MesaSoftwareRast();
-       virtual void                    LockGL();
-       virtual void                    UnlockGL();
-       virtual void                    SwapBuffers(bool VSync = false);
-       virtual void                    Draw(BRect updateRect);
-       virtual status_t                CopyPixelsOut(BPoint source, BBitmap* 
-       virtual status_t                CopyPixelsIn(BBitmap* source, BPoint 
-       virtual void                    FrameResized(float width, float height);
-       virtual void                    EnableDirectMode(bool enabled);
-       virtual void                    DirectConnected(direct_buffer_info* 
-       static  const GLubyte*  _GetString(gl_context* ctx, GLenum name);
-                       void                    _CheckResize(GLuint newWidth, 
GLuint newHeight);
-       static  void                    _UpdateState(gl_context* ctx, GLuint 
-       static  void                    _Flush(gl_context *ctx);
-       struct  swrast_renderbuffer* _NewRenderBuffer(bool front);
-                       status_t                _SetupRenderBuffer(struct 
gl_renderbuffer* rb,
-                                                               color_space 
-/* Mesa callbacks */
-       static  void                    _RenderBufferDelete(struct gl_context 
-                                                               struct 
gl_renderbuffer* rb);
-       static  GLboolean               _RenderBufferStorage(gl_context* ctx,
-                                                               struct 
gl_renderbuffer* render,
-                                                               GLenum 
-                                                               GLuint width, 
GLuint height);
-       static  GLboolean               _RenderBufferStorageMalloc(gl_context* 
-                                                               struct 
gl_renderbuffer* render,
-                                                               GLenum 
-                                                               GLuint width, 
GLuint height);
-       static  void                    _RenderBufferMap(gl_context *ctx,
-                                                               struct 
gl_renderbuffer *rb,
-                                                               GLuint x, 
GLuint y, GLuint w, GLuint h,
-                                                               GLbitfield 
mode, GLubyte **mapOut,
-                                                               GLint 
-                       void                    _AllocateBitmap();
-                       void                    _CopyToDirect();
-                       BBitmap*                fBitmap;
-                       bool                    fDirectModeEnabled;
-                       direct_buffer_info* fInfo;
-                       BLocker                 fInfoLocker;
-                       ulong                   fOptions;
-                       gl_config*              fVisual;
-                       struct gl_framebuffer* fFrameBuffer;
-                       struct swrast_renderbuffer* fFrontRenderBuffer;
-                       struct swrast_renderbuffer* fBackRenderBuffer;
-                       GLuint                  fWidth;
-                       GLuint                  fHeight;
-                       color_space             fColorSpace;
-                       void*                   fRowAddr[SWRAST_MAX_HEIGHT];
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.rdef 
deleted file mode 100644
index cb60332..0000000
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/haiku/swrast/SoftwareRast.rdef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2012, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
- */
-resource app_signature "application/x-vnd.Haiku-swrast";
-resource app_version {
-    major  = 9,
-    middle = 0,
-    minor  = 0,
-    variety = 0,
-    internal = 0,
-    short_info = "Software Rasterizer",
-    long_info = "Haiku Mesa Software GL Rasterizer"
-resource vector_icon {
-       $"6E6369660A0200140294A9FF18020014028DFFFF97058C0500020006023B10B7"
-       $"37F036BA1A993D466848C719BEBE2000919292FFD5D5D5020016023900000000"
-       $"000000003EE0004AE00048E0005EF884C702000203392E8D383001BAD97F3C12"
-       $"8B4786BD48B8AD0D97BBFFFF7B4168DBE9FF4168DB97020002023A0C1238D099"
-       $"BE44203F4BD14B38844678240DF56A7D9FE1EA064CC704016B0500090A044024"
-       $"2438404C5C380A044028243C40505C3C0A042438243B5C3C5C380608BFBE4D59"
-       $"4D59515957575659585560406044603C5E3A5C3CCB4FBFBA5E3ECA9DC11F564B"
-       $"584A544C504C0606AF0F2F3D2F3D393D4034BF593542324130432F42364432C0"
-       $"3FBC5A2F48354A2F480608AE9A22303EB5BD3AB42542B755422E412F3C29322D"
-       $"32223C0204263726372538263F253E263F304430443143303C313D303C02043D"
-       $"423D423C433D4A3C493D4A495049504A4F49474A484947060DAEAAAE014E445A"
-       $"3456365E325E3D5D3F5A3A5542544E4D573A4E364439463342324A2242310A0A"
-       $"0002020102403CA00C88888C8CC1401673C40D6544F2950A01010002403CA000"
-       $"0000000000401673C40D65446CF80A08020304023EC16A0000000000003EC16A"
-       $"45DD1844C6550A030105123EC16A0000000000003EC16A45DD1844C655011784"
-       $"22040A040105023EC16A0000000000003EC16A45DD1844C6550A030108123EC1"
-       $"6A0000000000003EC16A45DD1844C65501178422040A0503080706023EC16A00"
-       $"00000000003EC16A45DD1844C6550A030206071A3EC16A0000000000003EC16A"
-       $"45DD1844C65510FF0215810004178222040A060106023EC16A0000000000003E"
-       $"C16A45DD1844C6550A070107023EC16A0000000000003EC16A45DD1844C655"

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