On 17/03/15 22:50, Bruno Jimenez wrote:

Last year, I participated in GSoC, (yeah, I still read the mailing list
every day :) ) so I will give my 2 cents to the topic.

My background isn't at all related to graphics or computer science, I am
a physicist, although my main interest is in simulation. So that took me
to OpenCL, which in turn took me to clover and finally landed in Mesa. I
started looking at the code to see how things worked in the backstage
(you know, we physicists usually like to know how things work :) ), and
I spotted a couple of things that I thought could be done better. At
first, I was mostly afraid of doing anything, mostly because I am not a
programmer (I still don't think of myself as one) and I didn't know if
what I was doing and how I was doing it was ok. But I ended sending some
patches to the mailing list, and one thing followed another and I ended
doing a GSoC.

And here I am still, mostly without free time to try to continue where I
left everything, but mostly willing to help again with whatever I can.

My points would be more or less two: First, not to just think about
graphics and cs people as possible help, it is true that they may be the
best for the job, but other backgrounds may also help. And second, be
welcoming to new people, for some of us, the step of sending something
to the list, specially the first time, may be very stressfull, and
receiving an answer with a plain 'do this' may be a bit discouraging.

As said, just my 2 cents.

Thanks, your feedback is really appreciated! Good luck trying to find
some time to keep on doing what you like :)
mesa-dev mailing list

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