> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Romanick [mailto:i...@freedesktop.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 8:27 PM
> To: Predut, Marius; mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: Re: [Mesa-dev] [PATCH] i965/aa: fixing anti-aliasing bug for thinnest
> width lines - GEN6
> On 03/17/2015 11:29 AM, Marius Predut wrote:
> > On SNB and IVB hw, for 1 pixel line thickness or less, the general anti-
> aliasing algorithm give up - garbage line is generated.
> > Setting a Line Width of 0.0 specifies the rasterization of the “thinnest”
> (one-pixel-wide), non-antialiased lines.
> > Lines rendered with zero Line Width are rasterized using Grid Intersection
> Quantization rules as specified by bspec section Zero-Width
> (Cosmetic) Line Rasterization.
> You'll need to re-word wrap the commit message.  You'll get the commit message
> right one of these days. :)

Yes right, also Brian Paul notice it.

> Also... when you send out new versions of a patch, please change the patch
> subject to be something like "[PATCH v3] ...".  This makes it easier for
> people to know which is the latest version to review.
> You should also add notes to the commit message that explain what changed from
> version to version.  For example, this commit message should have something
> like:
> v3: Fix = used instead of == in an if-statement.  Noticed by Daniel Stone.
> This is helps people know that their review comments have been applied.
>  It is also important to do this when the review changes are applied and the
> patch committed without re-sending to the list.  Maintaining history like this
> in commit messages helps us understand code in the future.

Yes indeed.

> > Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28832
> There are a number of bugs that have been closed as duplicates of this bug.
> Two of these, bug #27007 and bug #60797, have test cases.  Does this fix also
> fix those?

Yes , was fixed.

Ok I try put all defects here.

> I also have a more general question:  How are you testing this?  Daniel
> noticed a bug in an earlier version of the patch that piglit should have
> caught.  If you're doing a full piglit run and that didn't catch the previous
> assignment-instead-of-comparison bug, it would be helpful if you could craft a
> test that would detect that bug.  That may be difficult, so don't spend a huge
> amount of time on it.

I used the piglit test /bin/line-aa-width -auto
Also I don’t observer pilgit test regressions when I run /piglit-run.py 
I used this https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=33930  test case and 
checked visually.
(an interrupted line rendered)
I used this https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=8675  test case and 
checked visually.
( a triangle for witch a line is missing)

I don't know more about assignment-instead-of-comparison and Daniel noticed.

> > Signed-off-by: Marius Predut <marius.pre...@intel.com>
> > ---
> >  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_sf_state.c |   12 +++++++++---
> >  1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> >
> > diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_sf_state.c
> > b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_sf_state.c
> > index f9d8d27..1bed444 100644
> > --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_sf_state.c
> > +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/gen6_sf_state.c
> > @@ -367,9 +367,15 @@ upload_sf_state(struct brw_context *brw)
> >        float line_width =
> >           roundf(CLAMP(ctx->Line.Width, 0.0, ctx->Const.MaxLineWidth));
> >        uint32_t line_width_u3_7 = U_FIXED(line_width, 7);
> > -      /* TODO: line width of 0 is not allowed when MSAA enabled */
> > -      if (line_width_u3_7 == 0)
> > -         line_width_u3_7 = 1;
> > +
> > +      if (!(multisampled_fbo && ctx->Multisample.Enabled)) {
> In Mesa there are often Enabled and _Enabled fields.  The Enabled field is the
> setting made by the application via the OpenGL API.  The _Enabled field means
> that feature in question is actually enabled, and this may depend on other
> state.
> In this case, the application may enable multisampling, but multisampling may
> not occur of there is not a multisample buffer.  This means
> gl_multisample_attrib::Enabled would be set but
> gl_multisample_attrib::_Enabled would not.  Instead of open-coding that check,
> just check gl_multisample_attrib::_Enabled directly:
>       if (!ctx->Multisample._Enabled) {
> I actually think it's more clear if you leave the original comment and
> implement this as:
>       /* Line width of 0 is not allowed when MSAA enabled */
>       if (ctx->Multisample._Enabled) {
>          if (line_width_u3_7 == 0)
>              line_width_u3_7 = 1;
>       } else if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag && ctx->Line.Width <= 1.0) {
>          /* For lines less than 1 pixel thick, the general
>           * anti-aliasing algorithm gives up, and a garbage line is
>           * generated.  Setting a Line Width of 0.0 specifies the
>           * rasterization of the "thinnest" (one-pixel-wide),
>           * non-antialiased lines.
>           *
>           * Lines rendered with zero Line Width are rasterized using
>           * Grid Intersection Quantization rules as specified by
>           * bspec section Zero-Width (Cosmetic) Line
>           * Rasterization.
>           */
>          line_width_u3_7 = 0;
>       }
> I reworded the comment a bit (from the commit message), and I changed the
> Line.Width comparison to compare with 1.0.

I can use your version.

> One final question.  Does it produce better results to use 0 or 1.0?  It
> sounds like using 1.0 would still enable line antialiasing, and the resulting
> line shouldn't be appreciably thicker.
> > +        if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag && ctx->Line.Width <=1)
> > +              line_width_u3_7 = 0;
> > +      } else {
> > +            if (line_width_u3_7 == 0)
> > +                line_width_u3_7 = 1;
> > +      }
> > +
> >        dw3 |= line_width_u3_7 << GEN6_SF_LINE_WIDTH_SHIFT;
> >     }
> >     if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag) {

Using 1.0 or 1 line width ,the anti-aliasing give -up, or may be is not clear 
for me your question
Can be a test case for line width between 1 and 1.5(not 1 or 1.5) ? in this 
case the better value instead
1.0 can be 1.499 .

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