On 03/04/2015 10:28 AM, Chad Versace wrote:
> On 03/04/2015 09:52 AM, Chris Wilson wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 09:41:56AM -0800, Chad Versace wrote:
>>> On 02/26/2015 05:24 AM, Chris Wilson wrote:
>>>> When rendering to an fbo, even though it may be acting as a winsys
>>>> frontbuffer or just generally, we never throttle. However, when rendering
>>>> to an fbo, there is no natural frame boundary. Conventionally we use
>>>> SwapBuffers and glFinish, but potential callers avoid often glFinish for
>>>> being too heavy handed (waiting on all outstanding rendering to complete).
>>>> The kernel provides a soft-throttling option for this case that waits for
>>>> rendering older than 20ms to be complete (that's a little too lax to be
>>>> used for swapbuffers, but is here a useful safety net). The remaining
>>>> choice is then either never to throttle, throttle after every draw call,
>>>> or at an intermediate user defined point such as glFlush and thus all the
>>>> implied flushes. This patch opts for the latter.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <ch...@chris-wilson.co.uk>
>>>> Cc: Daniel Vetter <daniel.vet...@ffwll.ch>
>>>> Cc: Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org>
>>>> Cc: Ben Widawsky <b...@bwidawsk.net>
>>>> Cc: Kristian Høgsberg <k...@bitplanet.net>
>>>> ---
>>>>  src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c | 3 +++
>>>>  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
>>>> diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c 
>>>> b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c
>>>> index c844888..f190df1 100644
>>>> --- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c
>>>> +++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_context.c
>>>> @@ -229,11 +229,14 @@ static void
>>>>  intel_glFlush(struct gl_context *ctx)
>>>>  {
>>>>     struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
>>>> +   __DRIscreen *psp = brw->intelScreen->driScrnPriv;
>>>>     intel_batchbuffer_flush(brw);
>>>>     intel_flush_front(ctx);
>>>>     if (brw_is_front_buffer_drawing(ctx->DrawBuffer))
>>>>        brw->need_throttle = true;
>>>> +
>>>> +   drmCommandNone(psp->fd, DRM_I915_GEM_THROTTLE);
>>>>  }
>>>>  static void
>>> glFlush should not wait for previous rendering to complete. It's not 
>>> supposed
>>> to be a blocking operation.
>> The manpage for glFlush says
>> "glFlush can return at any time.  It does not wait until the execution of 
>> *all*
>> previously issued GL commands is complete."
>> Emphasis mine. In double buffered, and normal frontbuffered (non-fbo),
>> rendering the throttle is a no-op as there will not be any old rendering
>> to wait upon.
> That text does not appear in the GL spec. When I read the manpage alongside
> the GL spec, to get a more complete context, I think the manpage contains
> that phrase simply to contrast with glFinish. In my reading, it does not 
> imply that
> glFlush may wait for *some* previously issued GL commands to complete.

glFlush was invented to support indirect rendering (especially to the
front buffer):  it flushes the buffer in libGL to the xserver.  If
you're making any other assumptions about what it does or does not do...
continue at your own peril.

> As usual, the GL spec is too terse and too vague. So I quote Apple's GL 
> documentation [1].
> I believe it correctly explains the behavior of glFlush.
>     Q:  What's the difference between glFlush() and glFinish()?
>     A: [...] glFlush() causes all OpenGL commands currently queued to be 
> submitted to
>        the hardware for execution. This function returns immediately after 
> having
>        transferred the pending OpenGL command queue to the hardware (or 
> software)
>        renderer. These commands are queued for execution in some finite 
> amount of time,
>        but glFlush() does not block waiting for command completion.
> [1] https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/qa/qa1158/_index.html
> And I don't agree that the throttle is a no-op in double-buffered rendering. 
> Consider
> the following calls:
>   0 // Setup the draw.
>   1 glDraw();
>   2 eglSwapBuffers(); --> internally calls glFlush
>   3 // Setup the draw
>   4 glDraw();
>   5 eglSwapBuffers(); --> internally calls glFlush
>   6 // Setup the draw
>   7 glDraw();
>   8 eglSwapBuffers(); --> internally calls glFlush
> Before your patch, call 5 returns immediately, even if draw 1 has not
> completed, allowing the app to proceed to the CPU actions in line 6.
> If the app calls eglSwapBuffers too frequently, then call 8 will block
> as needed (assuming EGL_SWAP_INTERVAL != 0 and double-buffering).
> After your patch, call 5 may block, throttling on batches that may have been
> submitted during the setup in lines 3 and 4. (The glDraw at 4 may submit 
> batches for
> resolve operations, for example). That prevents the app from proceeding
> to whatever CPU actions are planned for line 6. Double-buffered 
> eglSwapBuffers now
> sometimes blocks, behaving like an almost-glFinish, even when the back buffer 
> is
> free for rendering.
>>> Why this patch? What are you trying to fix?
>> http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/43432/
> A valid bug. But I'm not convinced this Mesa patch is correct.
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