 src/mesa/main/fbobject.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/fbobject.c b/src/mesa/main/fbobject.c
index 3895328..5062033 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/fbobject.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/fbobject.c
@@ -2565,34 +2565,35 @@ framebuffer_texture(struct gl_context *ctx, const char 
*caller, GLenum target,
           _mesa_tex_target_to_face(textarget) ==
           fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].CubeMapFace &&
           zoffset == fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Zoffset) {
-        /* The texture object is already attached to the stencil attachment
-         * point. Don't create a new renderbuffer; just reuse the stencil
-         * attachment's. This is required to prevent a GL error in
-         * glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL).
-         */
-        reuse_framebuffer_texture_attachment(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH,
-                                             BUFFER_STENCIL);
+         /* The texture object is already attached to the stencil attachment
+          * point. Don't create a new renderbuffer; just reuse the stencil
+          * attachment's. This is required to prevent a GL error in
+          * glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL).
+          */
+         reuse_framebuffer_texture_attachment(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH,
+                                              BUFFER_STENCIL);
       } else if (attachment == GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT &&
-                texObj == fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Texture &&
+                 texObj == fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Texture &&
                  level == fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].TextureLevel &&
                  _mesa_tex_target_to_face(textarget) ==
                  fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].CubeMapFace &&
                  zoffset == fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Zoffset) {
-        /* As above, but with depth and stencil transposed. */
-        reuse_framebuffer_texture_attachment(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL,
-                                             BUFFER_DEPTH);
+         /* As above, but with depth and stencil transposed. */
+         reuse_framebuffer_texture_attachment(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL,
+                                              BUFFER_DEPTH);
       } else {
-        set_texture_attachment(ctx, fb, att, texObj, textarget,
-                                     level, zoffset, layered);
-        if (attachment == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
-           /* Above we created a new renderbuffer and attached it to the
-            * depth attachment point. Now attach it to the stencil attachment
-            * point too.
-            */
-           assert(att == &fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]);
-           reuse_framebuffer_texture_attachment(fb,BUFFER_STENCIL,
-                                                BUFFER_DEPTH);
-        }
+         set_texture_attachment(ctx, fb, att, texObj, textarget,
+                                level, zoffset, layered);
+         if (attachment == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
+            /* Above we created a new renderbuffer and attached it to the
+             * depth attachment point. Now attach it to the stencil attachment
+             * point too.
+             */
+            assert(att == &fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]);
+            reuse_framebuffer_texture_attachment(fb,BUFFER_STENCIL,
+                                        BUFFER_DEPTH);
+         }
       /* Set the render-to-texture flag.  We'll check this flag in
@@ -2608,8 +2609,8 @@ framebuffer_texture(struct gl_context *ctx, const char 
*caller, GLenum target,
    else {
       remove_attachment(ctx, att);
       if (attachment == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
-        assert(att == &fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]);
-        remove_attachment(ctx, &fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL]);
+         assert(att == &fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH]);
+         remove_attachment(ctx, &fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL]);

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