Dead since

   commit 284ce20901b0c2cfab1d952cc129b8f3cd068f12
   Author: Eric Anholt <>
   Date:   Fri Aug 20 10:52:14 2010 -0700

       Remove remnants of the old glsl compiler.
 src/mesa/program/programopt.c | 91 -------------------------------------------
 src/mesa/program/programopt.h |  6 ---
 2 files changed, 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/program/programopt.c b/src/mesa/program/programopt.c
index b654b1d..fdaa4a4 100644
--- a/src/mesa/program/programopt.c
+++ b/src/mesa/program/programopt.c
@@ -589,94 +589,3 @@ _mesa_remove_output_reads(struct gl_program *prog, 
gl_register_file type)
- * Make the given fragment program into a "no-op" shader.
- * Actually, just copy the incoming fragment color (or texcoord)
- * to the output color.
- * This is for debug/test purposes.
- */
-_mesa_nop_fragment_program(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_fragment_program 
-   struct prog_instruction *inst;
-   GLuint inputAttr;
-   inst = _mesa_alloc_instructions(2);
-   if (!inst) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "_mesa_nop_fragment_program");
-      return;
-   }
-   _mesa_init_instructions(inst, 2);
-   inst[0].Opcode = OPCODE_MOV;
-   inst[0].DstReg.File = PROGRAM_OUTPUT;
-   inst[0].DstReg.Index = FRAG_RESULT_COLOR;
-   inst[0].SrcReg[0].File = PROGRAM_INPUT;
-   if (prog->Base.InputsRead & VARYING_BIT_COL0)
-      inputAttr = VARYING_SLOT_COL0;
-   else
-      inputAttr = VARYING_SLOT_TEX0;
-   inst[0].SrcReg[0].Index = inputAttr;
-   inst[1].Opcode = OPCODE_END;
-   _mesa_free_instructions(prog->Base.Instructions,
-                           prog->Base.NumInstructions);
-   prog->Base.Instructions = inst;
-   prog->Base.NumInstructions = 2;
-   prog->Base.InputsRead = BITFIELD64_BIT(inputAttr);
-   prog->Base.OutputsWritten = BITFIELD64_BIT(FRAG_RESULT_COLOR);
- * \sa _mesa_nop_fragment_program
- * Replace the given vertex program with a "no-op" program that just
- * transforms vertex position and emits color.
- */
-_mesa_nop_vertex_program(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_vertex_program 
-   struct prog_instruction *inst;
-   GLuint inputAttr;
-   /*
-    * Start with a simple vertex program that emits color.
-    */
-   inst = _mesa_alloc_instructions(2);
-   if (!inst) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "_mesa_nop_vertex_program");
-      return;
-   }
-   _mesa_init_instructions(inst, 2);
-   inst[0].Opcode = OPCODE_MOV;
-   inst[0].DstReg.File = PROGRAM_OUTPUT;
-   inst[0].DstReg.Index = VARYING_SLOT_COL0;
-   inst[0].SrcReg[0].File = PROGRAM_INPUT;
-   if (prog->Base.InputsRead & VERT_BIT_COLOR0)
-      inputAttr = VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0;
-   else
-      inputAttr = VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-   inst[0].SrcReg[0].Index = inputAttr;
-   inst[1].Opcode = OPCODE_END;
-   _mesa_free_instructions(prog->Base.Instructions,
-                           prog->Base.NumInstructions);
-   prog->Base.Instructions = inst;
-   prog->Base.NumInstructions = 2;
-   prog->Base.InputsRead = BITFIELD64_BIT(inputAttr);
-   prog->Base.OutputsWritten = BITFIELD64_BIT(VARYING_SLOT_COL0);
-   /*
-    * Now insert code to do standard modelview/projection transformation.
-    */
-   _mesa_insert_mvp_code(ctx, prog);
diff --git a/src/mesa/program/programopt.h b/src/mesa/program/programopt.h
index 93c00f7..757421e 100644
--- a/src/mesa/program/programopt.h
+++ b/src/mesa/program/programopt.h
@@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ _mesa_count_texture_instructions(struct gl_program *prog);
 extern void
 _mesa_remove_output_reads(struct gl_program *prog, gl_register_file type);
-extern void
-_mesa_nop_fragment_program(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_fragment_program 
-extern void
-_mesa_nop_vertex_program(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_vertex_program 
 #ifdef __cplusplus

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