On 20.01.2015 00:07, Marek Olšák wrote:
> 3) Since the CP runs in parallel with the graphics engine, shaders can
> be busy while WRITE_DATA is changing their code. (no good can come out
> of that) Therefore, the partial flushes (= partial "WAIT_UNTIL") must
> be emitted before the WRITE_DATA packet. The other thing is that the
> code is missing checking if there is enough space in the CS for the
> WRITE_DATA packets. In order to simplify everything, I recommend this
> solution:
> - Forget about partial flushes, forget about WRITE_DATA.
> - If the shader relocs need updating, copy the current shader bo to a
> new shader bo using the CPU (map the current shader bo with
> read+unsynchronized flags).
> - Update the relocs using the CPU in the new shader bo.
> - Then replace the current shader bo with the new one and mark the
> whole shader state as dirty.

Doing this with the CPU has some drawbacks though: Accessing a BO in
VRAM with the CPU forces it into the first 256MB of VRAM, which could
stall the graphics pipeline if the BO wasn't there before.

I think basically the same scheme of allocating new BOs for reloc
patching should be doable with CPDMA, which should remove the need to
worry about flushing things in particular orders.

It's probably fine to do it with the CPU first and with CPDMA (also for
the initial shader code write) as an optimization later.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer
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