Hello, Mesa fails the following dEQP GLES 3 test:
dEQP-GLES3.functional.fbo.api.attachment_query_default_fbo This test calls glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv() to get FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE information from COLOR_ATTACHMENT0. with the default framebuffer bound to target. Then, this call fails following the spec (section 6.1.13 "Framebuffer Object Queries" of OpenGL ES 3.0 spec): "If the default framebuffer is bound to target, then attachment must be BACK, identifying the color buffer; DEPTH, identifying the depth buffer; or STENCIL, identifying the stencil buffer." However, the spec doesn't say what kind of error should be returned when attachment is not BACK, DEPTH or STENCIL and the default framebuffer is bound to target. Mesa returns GL_INVALID_OPERATION but the test expects GL_INVALID_ENUM. What do you think it is the correct one? Should we file a bug against the spec? Sam _______________________________________________ mesa-dev mailing list mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/mesa-dev