On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 04:27:30 PM Timothy Arceri wrote:
> Hi all,
> Not sure how many of you have come across the webpage "Major Linux
> Problems on the Desktop 2015 edition" [1]. Accurate or not it seems to
> be getting a bit of attention. Anyway Mesa gets a bit of a bashing in
> there although most of the information the author uses to backup their
> claims are out of date Phoronix articles and this Mesa wiki page [2].
> Anyway getting to my point maybe the wiki page should be removed as it
> seems its no longer useful and is being used to spread misinformation.
> Tim
> [1]
> http://linuxfonts.narod.ru/why.linux.is.not.ready.for.the.desktop.current.html
> [2] http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/MissingFunctionality/

Hooray for fact checking!  I'm all for replacing that page - it hasn't been
useful in years.  How about replacing it with links to other places:

Ilia's glxinfo site - shows accurate information about what specific GPUs
support in actual Mesa releases:

Current feature development status:

which can be helpfully visualized at:


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