On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Matt Turner <matts...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Otherwise, we would have necessarily read the results or eliminated the
> dead SEND. In either case, no work around is necessary.
> Noticed when debugging the problem the previous patch fixed that any
> time we hit a math instruction, we'd walk through subsequent
> instructions, and of course each time discover that its result was in
> fact used.
> ---

I was thinking through the pre-send dependency work around:

 * Implements this workaround for the original 965:
 *     "[DevBW, DevCL] Implementation Restrictions: As the hardware does not
 *      check for post destination dependencies on this instruction, software
 *      must ensure that there is no destination hazard for the case of ‘write
 *      followed by a posted write’ shown in the following example.
 *      1. mov r3 0
 *      2. send r3.xy <rest of send instruction>
 *      3. mov r2 r3
 *      Due to no post-destination dependency check on the ‘send’, the above
 *      code sequence could have two instructions (1 and 2) in flight at the
 *      same time that both consider ‘r3’ as the target of their final writes.

While this is a hardware problem or something, isn't it impossible for
us to hit? If the first MOV's results weren't read, we would have dead
code eliminated it. If they were read (necessarily between it and the
SEND), we would never have both instructions in flight at once.

Is there some case where we could realistically hit this problem?
Maybe with control flow?

I would like to mention that neither of these work arounds are
implemented in the vec4 backend.
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