This is the first of two series that aim to address:

A branch with this series is available here:

Links to previous versions of the series:

Tested on i965, classic swrast and gallium (radeon, nouveau, llvmpipe) without

Patches that need review: 2, 8, 12-15, 17
  - Patches 2 and 12 were originally written by Jason, so I guess we want
    somebody else to review these besides him.
  - Patches 14-15 were also originally written by Jason, but they have gone
    through plenty of changes so maybe it is okay if only Jason reviews them.

Iago Toral Quiroga (3):
  mesa: Fix incorrect assertion in init_teximage_fields_ms
  swrast: Remove unused variable.
  mesa: Let _mesa_get_format_base_format also handle mesa_array_format.

Jason Ekstrand (9):
  mesa: Fix clamping to -1.0 in snorm_to_float
  mesa: Fix packing/unpacking of MESA_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM
  mesa/colormac: Remove an unused macro
  mesa: Fix A1R5G5B5 packing/unpacking
  mesa/format_utils: Prefix and expose the conversion helper functions
  main: Add a concept of an array format
  mesa: Add a _mesa_is_format_color_format helper
  mesa: Autogenerate most of format_pack.c
  mesa: Autogenerate format_unpack.c

Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez (10):
  mesa: Fix get_texbuffer_format().
  mesa: Fix _mesa_swizzle_and_convert integer conversions to clamp
  configure: require python mako module
  mesa: Add _mesa_pack_uint_rgba_row() format conversion function
  mesa/format_pack: Add _mesa_pack_int_rgba_row()
  mesa/formats: add new mesa formats and their pack/unpack functions.
  mesa: use format conversion functions in swrast
  mesa/pack: use autogenerated format_pack functions
  mesa/main/pack_tmp.h: Add float conversion support
  mesa/pack: refactor _mesa_pack_rgba_span_float()                      |    2 +
 docs/install.html                 |    6 +-
 m4/ax_check_python_mako_module.m4 |   61 +
 src/mesa/              |   18 +
 src/mesa/Makefile.sources         |    6 +-
 src/mesa/SConscript               |   14 +
 src/mesa/main/.gitignore          |    2 +
 src/mesa/main/colormac.h          |    3 -
 src/mesa/main/      |   16 +
 src/mesa/main/format_pack.c       | 2994 -------------------------
 src/mesa/main/format_pack.h       |    6 +
 src/mesa/main/      | 1124 ++++++++++
 src/mesa/main/    |   47 +
 src/mesa/main/format_unpack.c     | 4400 -------------------------------------
 src/mesa/main/    |  895 ++++++++
 src/mesa/main/format_utils.c      |  302 +--
 src/mesa/main/format_utils.h      |  165 ++
 src/mesa/main/formats.c           |  271 ++-
 src/mesa/main/formats.csv         |   13 +
 src/mesa/main/formats.h           |  156 +-
 src/mesa/main/pack.c              | 2111 +++---------------
 src/mesa/main/pack_tmp.h          |   76 +-
 src/mesa/main/teximage.c          |    6 +-
 src/mesa/main/texstore.c          |    2 +-
 src/mesa/swrast/s_drawpix.c       |    3 -
 src/mesa/swrast/s_texfetch.c      |   13 +
 src/mesa/swrast/s_texfetch_tmp.h  | 1359 +-----------
 27 files changed, 3443 insertions(+), 10628 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 m4/ax_check_python_mako_module.m4
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/main/format_pack.c
 create mode 100644 src/mesa/main/
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/main/format_unpack.c
 create mode 100644 src/mesa/main/


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