Mario Kleiner <> writes:

> It's just that i need access to both, the old behaviour i described, and 
> the new "drop frame" behaviour, and i need a way to select what i want 
> at runtime via api without the need for easily overwhelmed and confused 
> users to change config files or environment variables. I also always 
> need meaningful and trustworthy feedback, at least for page-flipped 
> presents, about what really happened for a presented frame - was it 
> flipped, copied, exchanged, skipped, or did some error happen?

Present reports precisely what it did with each frame; flipped, copied,
or skipped.

> That's why i'd like to have an extension to INTEL_swap_events to also 
> report some new completion type "skipped" and "error" and that one patch 
> 5/5 of mine for mesa reviewed and included, to make sure the swap_events 
> don't fall apart so easily.

You can use Present events on the target drawable; they're generated to
whoever requests them, so you don't need to rely on the intel swap
events alone.

> As some kind of stop gap measure one could also think about defining a 
> new vblank_mode to enable the new behaviour instead of the old one.

I really don't have a good suggestion here, given that we have such a
limited API available.


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