On 11/28/2014 04:25 AM, Juha-Pekka Heikkila wrote:
Stop context creation if something failed. If something errored
during context creation we'd segfault. Now will clean up and
return error.
Signed-off-by: Juha-Pekka Heikkila <juhapekka.heikk...@gmail.com>
src/mesa/main/shared.c | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mesa/main/shared.c b/src/mesa/main/shared.c
index f74a823..28807c1 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/shared.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/shared.c
@@ -64,9 +64,21 @@ _mesa_alloc_shared_state(struct gl_context *ctx)
mtx_init(&shared->Mutex, mtx_plain);
+ /* Mutex and timestamp for texobj state validation */
+ mtx_init(&shared->TexMutex, mtx_recursive);
+ shared->TextureStateStamp = 0;
shared->DisplayList = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->DisplayList)
+ goto error_out;
shared->TexObjects = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->TexObjects)
+ goto error_out;
shared->Programs = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->Programs)
+ goto error_out;
shared->DefaultVertexProgram =
@@ -76,17 +88,28 @@ _mesa_alloc_shared_state(struct gl_context *ctx)
shared->ATIShaders = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->ATIShaders)
+ goto error_out;
shared->DefaultFragmentShader = _mesa_new_ati_fragment_shader(ctx, 0);
shared->ShaderObjects = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->ShaderObjects)
+ goto error_out;
shared->BufferObjects = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->BufferObjects)
+ goto error_out;
/* GL_ARB_sampler_objects */
shared->SamplerObjects = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->SamplerObjects)
+ goto error_out;
/* Allocate the default buffer object */
shared->NullBufferObj = ctx->Driver.NewBufferObject(ctx, 0);
+ if (!shared->NullBufferObj)
+ goto error_out;
/* Create default texture objects */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEXTURE_TARGETS; i++) {
@@ -112,16 +135,51 @@ _mesa_alloc_shared_state(struct gl_context *ctx)
/* sanity check */
assert(shared->DefaultTex[TEXTURE_1D_INDEX]->RefCount == 1);
- /* Mutex and timestamp for texobj state validation */
- mtx_init(&shared->TexMutex, mtx_recursive);
- shared->TextureStateStamp = 0;
shared->FrameBuffers = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->FrameBuffers)
+ goto error_out;
shared->RenderBuffers = _mesa_NewHashTable();
+ if (!shared->RenderBuffers)
+ goto error_out;
shared->SyncObjects = _mesa_set_create(NULL, _mesa_key_pointer_equal);
+ if (!shared->SyncObjects)
+ goto error_out;
return shared;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEXTURE_TARGETS; i++) {
+ if (shared->DefaultTex[i]) {
+ ctx->Driver.DeleteTexture(ctx, shared->DefaultTex[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (shared->NullBufferObj)
+ _mesa_reference_buffer_object(ctx, &shared->NullBufferObj, NULL);
As before, I don't think the conditionals here are needed.
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->RenderBuffers);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->FrameBuffers);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->SamplerObjects);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->BufferObjects);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->ShaderObjects);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->ATIShaders);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->Programs);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->TexObjects);
+ _mesa_DeleteHashTable(shared->DisplayList);
+ _mesa_reference_vertprog(ctx, &shared->DefaultVertexProgram, NULL);
+ _mesa_reference_geomprog(ctx, &shared->DefaultGeometryProgram, NULL);
+ _mesa_reference_fragprog(ctx, &shared->DefaultFragmentProgram, NULL);
+ mtx_destroy(&shared->Mutex);
+ mtx_destroy(&shared->TexMutex);
+ free(shared);
+ return NULL;
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