On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org> wrote:
> Here are some totally legit line width patches.  I noticed that Cherryview
> was setting line width in DW2 of 3DSTATE_SF, when it actually moved to DW1
> at a different bit location.  While fixing that, I figured I should update
> the clamp value to reflect the new hardware limit...which led me to want
> to use ctx->Const.MaxLineWidth as the clamp value.  (There's actually a
> TODO comment about this in the original Gen4 code.)  This then led me to
> advertise a larger value for line widths.
> No Piglit regressions on Gen4-7.5.  Which sounds comforting, except I think
> we actually fail most of our line rendering tests anyway, so they wouldn't
> have "regressed".  Plus, Piglit doesn't seem to test large line widths
> in the first place.

Did it fix any piglit errors on CHV?  I guess not since the DW2 bits
we were writing before are now just reserved MBZ, so we weren't
overwriting anything.  Test coverage or not, I don't see anything in
these patches that shouldn't be applied, and piglit at least makes
sure they don't regress other things.

For the series,

Reviewed-by: Kristian Høgsberg <k...@bitplanet.net>

> I ran some oglconform tests which at least drew things with larger line
> widths, but I'm not sure how to view the output, and they didn't appear
> to actually probe values and fail the test when wrong.
> Also untested on Broadwell, Cherryview, or Skylake, which is kind of the
> point of the series.  This is high quality stuff, folks!
> Suggestions of "please write Piglit tests" will be tacitly ignored/filed
> away in the "when I get to it (but I'll probably forget first)" file. :)
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