On 20/10/2014 04:32, Michel Dänzer wrote :
On 18.10.2014 20:55, David Heidelberger wrote:
From: Axel Davy <axel.d...@ens.fr>


+#define DRI_CONF_NINE_VSYNC(def) \
+DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(vsync_force,enum,def,"0:2") \
+        DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en,gettext("Force the usage of vsync")) \
+                DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,gettext("Obey application's choice")) \
+ DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,gettext("Never synchronize with vertical refresh")) \ + DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,gettext("Always synchronize with vertical refresh")) \
+        DRI_CONF_DESC_END \

Can't the existing vblank_mode be used for this?

The problem is that d3d9 apps always specifies the mode, which makes vblank_mode not appropriate, since vblank_mode has options to set default when when application doesn't specify anything. So instead of reusing vblank_mode with different definition of the arguments, introducing a new vsync_force seemed a better option.
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