Looks like some mail server ate patches 2,3,4,7. I've resent them.

What you're doing in r600_invalidate_buffer is exactly what I'm trying
to avoid doing. :)

-- Chris

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:06 AM, Marek Olšák <mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Chris Forbes <chr...@ijw.co.nz> wrote:
>> In the drivers, we occasionally want to reallocate the backing
>> store for a buffer object; often to avoid waiting for the GPU
>> to be finished with the previous contents.
>> At the point that happens, we don't have a good way of determining
>> where else the buffer object may be bound, and so no good way of
>> determining which dirty flags need to be raised -- it's fairly
>> expensive to go looking at all the possible binding points.
> I don't think so. We do look at all binding points in radeon drivers.
> See for example r600_invalidate_buffer. It also only flags the binding
> points where the buffer being invalidated is bound and only those
> bindings points are updated.
> Also I don't see a point in adding things to mtypes.h that are only
> used by one driver.
> BTW, I can only see patches 1, 5, 6 on mesa-dev. Where's the rest?
> Marek
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