The lower_vertex_id pass converts uses of the gl_VertexID system value
to the gl_BaseVertex and gl_VertexIDMESA system values.  Since
gl_VertexID is no longer accessed, it would not be considered active.

Of course, it should be, since the shader uses gl_VertexID.

v2: Move the var->name dereference past the var != NULL check.

Signed-off-by: Kenneth Graunke <>
 src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp | 14 +++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

[15:31] <anujp> idr: gles3conform-v5-wip is not doing well. 
getactiveattribute_index_more_than_num_attribs test segfaults in 
src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp:132. You can reproduce it on IVB too.
[15:43] <idr> aw crap.
[15:43] <idr> anujp: I guess Kayden's series needs a bit more work. :(

This fixes that test.  I haven't run other tests on v2 of this, but
I don't really think I need to.  I literally just moved the var_name
declaration down a bit.

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp b/src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp
index 4871d09..766ad29 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/main/shader_query.cpp
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ is_active_attrib(const ir_variable *var)
        * and gl_InstanceID."
       return var->data.location == SYSTEM_VALUE_VERTEX_ID ||
+             var->data.location == SYSTEM_VALUE_VERTEX_ID_ZERO_BASE ||
              var->data.location == SYSTEM_VALUE_INSTANCE_ID;
@@ -133,7 +134,18 @@ _mesa_GetActiveAttrib(GLhandleARB program, GLuint 
       if (current_index == desired_index) {
-        _mesa_copy_string(name, maxLength, length, var->name);
+         const char *var_name = var->name;
+         /* Since gl_VertexID may be lowered to gl_VertexIDMESA, we need to
+          * consider gl_VertexIDMESA as gl_VertexID for purposes of checking
+          * active attributes.
+          */
+         if (var->data.mode == ir_var_system_value &&
+             var->data.location == SYSTEM_VALUE_VERTEX_ID_ZERO_BASE) {
+            var_name = "gl_VertexID";
+         }
+        _mesa_copy_string(name, maxLength, length, var_name);
         if (size)
            *size = (var->type->is_array()) ? var->type->length : 1;

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